Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kirby Mass Attack Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Nintendo DS

The Story of Kirby Mass Attack is relatively simple. The evil Necrodeus, leader of the Skull Gang, has cursed our pink bubble car one day, after which Kirby has turned into ten small Kirby. The little Kirby now follow a star that will help them defeat the evil villain, again to a thick spherical beings. By stylus and touch screen, you now control their ten little Kirby through the levels and must solve numerous puzzles and defeat enemies.

Pros: Although the name might not be immediately suspect: Kirby Mass Attack is a cute game and wanted it fits well that the presentation comes along once again with sugar-sweet animations. Not infrequently they caught themselves in how the sight of one of ten mini-Kirbys that climb high into a rock twee movement, a quiet escape "och as sweet."

The different levels ranging from caves on mountains to jungle-levels and offer an extensive and varied-designed game world. The total control is managed well and allows even beginners, get the bustling Kirby pile too quickly under control. The whole thing is accompanied by a suitable soundtrack that adapts depending on the scene.

From the gameplay, the game kept her relatively easy, and the players are no challenges too great. But to give ambitious players an incentive to come in Kirby Mass Attack, for example collectable medals or at the end of each level, a gold star if none of the ten Kirby was injured. Once you reach a certain number of medals to unlock mini-games, music players and other things.

Cons: Unfortunately, the medals and stars do not hide the fact that Kirby Mass Attack is altogether too simple and offers no real challenges. Besides that, the fights are anything but nerve-with the bosses, and so represent only a tired accessories in the game. From time to time to emerge and camera problems, but they are not serious. Although the soundtrack is overall successful, there is but one or the other piece that negatively because of his annoying sound strumming strikes.

Overall: Kirby Mass Attack development of the magical yarn that target its sugary cute animations and the pile of ten small Kirby primarily to children. So it fits that the game overall is not particularly challenging and the puzzles as well as the opponent can be solved relatively quickly or eliminated. For younger fans of the pink ball is Kirby Mass Attack thus a strong buy recommendation and a good tip for all parents for Christmas.

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