Monday, January 30, 2012

Quarrel Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3

One of the most prominent of last year was the dramatic progression that were mobile games. A new market is constantly changing, and very promising future that is causing many developers to put their eyes on him, including both large companies like to study or programmers. Following this launch, we are beginning to see how the most prominent games that succeed in such systems landing sooner or later end up on consoles through the bazaars digital download on Xbox and PSN. This is the case of Quarrel, a nice game that was released last fall for Apple products, iPhone and iPad, excellent reviews and a very good acceptance by the Anglo-Saxon public. Powered by Denki, a Scottish independent studio founded in 2000 by former employees of the then DMA, better known today as Rockstar North, now comes a few months later, for now, exclusive to Xbox Live Marketplace for only 400 points .

The game concept is not very original Quarrel, as on a sort of board split plot by some players, it is attached to conquering territories go our battles by being precisely those particular battles as the game, though are really not that original. Quarrel bet by the intelligence that the war and the battles are translated into simple games to form words with a series of random letters, as many times you have done in the legendary board game, Scrabble. The number of letters you can use to form words depend on the number of troops we have on the plot which perform the attack while the enemy will defend the same way, with as many letters as troops have attacked the plot. The game has a basic component of strategy and can also be redistributing our troops and capturing the enemy prisoners. Of our strategy depends matched encounter clashes with the same number of letters to more decaffeinated between words in two to eight letters, for example.

Another key feature to note is that each letter, as also happens in the original game, has a certain point value, depending on how easy it is supposed to make words with them. Thus, all vowels and some consonants like S, are worth only 1 point, while there are letters like Q or K that be worth 6 points. The sum of the points of the letters in our word will determine if our choice is better or not than our opponent. In the event of a tie the winner will be the least time there used to build the word. If we win the round and the enemy has not used any of his soldiers, they pass to join our troops as prisoners, having also to form words. The maximum number of players in a game is four, but the fighting will always be one on one, in turn, choosing for it if we want to attack any plot or simply reorganize our troops. If we mix these small doses of strategy, moving troops from one side to another, with intelligence and insight to form words when we have an original experiment, and addictive, with one "but" against him.

It's time to mention that Quarrel is completely in English, so that the words have to be must be, logically, in that language. It will be our level of knowledge of the language of Shakespeare that will determine our progress in the game. If our level is basic and we recommend that you approach, as only you can get a small advance and much frustration. If you have a medium level with a wide vocabulary, and you can experience some progress improving and win a game, but even so, as we grow the level of the games, and the number of letters increases the difficulty of finding a word that we of victory is truly remarkable. This is why we have no choice but to recommend only those players Quarrel with excellent English, and a large vocabulary, as they surely are only they who can get to enjoy it. The game does not include any aid to the formation of words, which would have been a great incentive to improve our vocabulary and make the game more affordable for the less skilled in English.

Quarrel offers various ways, although always based on the same playing style as described above, fighting with words, they provide some variety, being always our Xbox avatar that represents us in the game. Domination is the name given to the typical story mode. This is to conquer the 12 islands of the game in games against two, three or four players at once, with the peculiarity that we have a set time to select our word. Showdown is another kind of career mode that proposes a ranking among the 10 players of the game, including us. We'll have to play more games against each one, against all those players, we have to win to climb in the rankings, also having a time limit to be our word. The first players are accessible, but once the battles get pretty complicated.

Challenges is the latter mode, and consists of twelve challenges which require us, starting with the same scheme always playable, complete a certain milestone. Stringing a number of consecutive successful attacks, capture a certain number of prisoners, or overcome a map starting only have a single plot, are some of these difficult challenges, really difficult. Apart from these methods have varied competitive game play options for isolated items can simply configure almost all the same features as the stage, the number and difficulty of the opponents, or if you want a time limit or not. Quarrel also has the multiplayer option but in this case, of course is only focused on online connections. We play games online by selecting the number of players, maximum of four, we want to participate and if they will be valid or not for the ranking of the game. At the moment there are only 250 players in the ranking online, so it can be quite difficult to find a match. Similarly, it is obvious to say that unless we are experts in English, will be in French inferior to the natives.

The technical section is not usually one of the most important games of this type, and following that line Quarrel choose a friendly designs, and colorful, without stress, if fully complied with its simple task. The set is quite correct about scenarios featuring battles, which despite being simple boards have various designs in three dimensions, while the soldiers are some funny situations and innocent dolls. The sound aspect is just as easy, with tunes and a few discrete effects of joy that just stand out within the set. During the game there is no kind of voice, and of course, all texts are in English, among which are the complete tutorial that teaches us how the game.

Controlling the game is also very simple, as just using a few buttons to select the letters, remove, or even shuffle, for if you give us any new ideas to see them changing situations, while with the left stick to select the territory attack, and moving straight up will move our troops. Quarrel is an interesting intelligence game mixing with two types of well known game. On the one hand we have a simple strategy game "conquered territories" for what we have to master the creation of English words, being its only drawback. Although in most cases the language is not usually a basic element in judging a game, this is one case where it is. A fun and addictive, but logically, we can only recommend to those players have an excellent level of Anglo-Saxon language vocabulary.

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