Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Asura's Wrath Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

A spectacular interactive anime very intense and a bit short but a must for any lover of Japanese animation. I'm Sure that you like anime you had already cast an eye on since the announcement at the Tokyo Game Show 2010, with a spectacular trailer that seemed more suited to a Japanese animated film a video game. In recent months we have been able to test several times, making a more or less rough than it would be this particular title, and already finished the game with what appeared to be fulfilled as it is, and CyberConnect 2 has achieved its purpose. An interactive anime rather than a video game with a touch of anime, which spend more time watching video scenes that controlling the main character, something we do not say as a criticism, but as it is, after all what they wanted to its creators, an experience quite different from what we're used to seeing in a video game. Meanwhile video, we'll have to fight in close combat, pressing buttons or moving the analog stick at the right time, with the so-called quick time, and there are many moments of shooting, in which like a rail shooter is We have tried to destroy enemies while numbers dodged his thrusts. If one word defines this game is spectacular, helping make it visually impeccable, being a great interactive anime curiously does not use cel shading-known technique that ensures that the graphics look like cartoons-having their own style and personality, and also creating a rich and original mythology, that reminds us too to any series, manga or video game we've seen. Using Asian iconography and mythology mixed with science fiction but arguably it could be a Greek tragedy, and while his story is not dazzling or particularly surprising, it is interesting enough to keep playing you feel like, and especially looking - and do not want to drop the charge.

Without wanting to gut too the argument, the argument is very simple premise. Asura is a demigod who is part of the Eight Guardians Trastrium Shinkoku General, who are in permanent war against Gohma, a race of strange creatures who try again and again to destroy the planet. After his decisive battles, Asura is betrayed by his men, killed, accused of the death of Emperor Strada and his wife dead and his daughter kidnapped. Launched at the Earth as a wreck, 12000 years later returns to life with his anger as the only weapon. A story of revenge and retaliation but also of salvation, and terribly spectacular epic where we will fight battles and incredible planetary scale. Since fighting giants Gohma as gorilla, elephant, turtle or rhinoceros, individual struggles against those who betrayed us, on the surface of the moon in outer space where we can see how an enemy is bigger than the Earth itself and attempts to crush a finger mileage to see how a huge sword through the globe from side to side. For his great filmmaking, so varied, exotic and is visually attractive, spectacular fights, care sound section, and the story simple but very epic, and deserves to be played, especially those who like anime. But for those simply looking for a good action game, and video scenes not interest them much, or indeed they seem at times a hindrance, and not especially sympathetic to the Japanese aesthetic and his way of showing and telling stories, Asura's Wrath not his game. It lasts for about six hours, and may seem exaggerated, but about 65% or 70% of the time we are not playing, and maybe we fall short. The story is divided into episodes -18 plus a surprise, and when we finished we can actually see how long we've been playing, do not obscure it curious that their creators, as to rate our performance taking into account the time that it took get over it. And see how many times to finish an episode we played three or five minutes, seven or eight at most, and on rare occasions. That does not mean we can leave the top on the table and be eating popcorn in the meantime, since at any time and without notice we may ask you to press a button, make a motion with the sticks, either with a single finger or synchronously.

Since the legendary Shenmue for Sega back in 2000, baptized and became fashionable these sequences-not-invented, known as the QTE-Quick-Time Events have been seen in many games in different ways, as did a time when it was hard not to meet in a title any action or adventure. Used with varying success, including making an art of it as Heavy Rain, and many times introduced a forced and unnecessary, in Asura's Wrath is not made them the best use we've ever seen because it really does not affect development of events. No matter if you miss one another, the story and the sequence will continue and will be penalized in the final score of the chapter, or in a fight that you take a hit over and see your life reduced, but nothing decisive or crucial. We are not allowed to make decisions, or change one iota a story driven, but at some particular time we shut our partner ahead of time... Its gameplay, referring to the times in which we control directly Asura is very simple, with a combat system that will understand quickly and is quite entertaining and well controlled, corrected some problems from previous versions that we tested as a control a bit rough or problems with the camera. Two attack buttons, simple and strong, a jump, a button to dodge, another to fix the enemy-no need-and a fire button. The combos are simple, and there is the peculiarity that when we use the strong attack our hero is stifled, and we must wait a few seconds to recover to return to this type of attack. When we got down an enemy, if we have available we can make a strong attack special blow, leaving the normal attack we made a rush down, and this in the air becomes a downward spiral.

We can also counter by pressing the button that is displayed at the right time, stopping the stroke or returning eg a projectile, and we have a bar which when filled allows us to enter unlimited mode, during which no Asura tired and can perform many strong attacks as you want. But the bar most important of all, in addition to health, is the rage, a meter fills gradually whenever you hit and which marks the end of each action scene. Once full, pressing the right trigger unleashing the fury of Asura, with a spectacular sequence that ends with few enemies on screen has great they are, although some leaders only marks the end of that particular moment of combat. The shooting sequences are entertaining and well executed, the only character progresses either flying or running and we move to the sides while a sight with which we are targeting, using two types of shots: rapid fire and run. When we turn the grid over these enemies are marked, to Panzer Dragoon, and the drop a projectile aimed shot for each. You have to dodge enemy fire, sometimes skip or avoid certain pitfalls, and appreciated now than melee fighting, well resolved. On the playability of the QTE not much to say, from a button pounding relentlessly, move both analog sticks in one direction, or press Y or triangle in time with a circle, qualifying at times if we have done well, great or excellent, and as you say it is very easy to do perfectly, having failed very few throughout the game. Before starting the game can choose from three difficulties, and the normal is a walk to almost the final enemy. After each episode we value with a letter, A, B, S, etc., and we unlock extras in a gallery, as conceptual art or pieces of the characters, plus special bar. These are health bars and fury with special properties, such as reducing the damage or reduce the recovery time after a strong attack.

Its replay value is low, we can replay any episode and try to get better valuation, in easy, normal or hard, and once completed the six hours, little more remains to be done, there is little incentive, if any try to get achievements or trophies . Luckily replay an episode is not a nuisance, because you can go skipping cutscenes, less obviously where we were to interact. After the year we played a lot of titles that take you about, but then often include other incentives such as multiplayer modes, but this is not the case, and we think a product that falls a bit short on content and it's difficult to recommend purchase cheerfully. It is technically flawless, using the renowned Unreal Engine manages to hide errors intrinsic to this as the textures loading late, and we can not mention just a failure. You will always be smooth, loading times are not excessive, and costs when scenes differentiate himself or video graphics engine, mixing in a way that you do not even own. It has memorable moments that few games have the luxury of showing, both by the spectacle of what happens, the quality with that show, and film directing tastefully done, pure anime, and good. The design of the enemies could be improved, referring to the Gohma that animals do not stop being black and bloody, but the protagonists and villains of the function is great, very charismatic, to say nothing of the imagination that permeates the entire work on stage.

To highlight the excellent taste with which they are made ​​some illustrations at the end of each episode, which provide more details of the story and are drawn by different artists Nipponese. And his presentation in the form of television series by chapter, with credits while you play and even some videos that we forward what will happen in the next chapter, which fortunately you can skip the most sensitive to spoilers. A technical section that does just fine, although we can not explore the scenarios, fought in empty arenas, there are some poor textures and nothing has polygonal excessive burden, but the whole very good at the trick and gets its way. Sound also plays a high note, includes Japanese and English dubbing, but we have preferred to play in the language of Nippon, accustomed to the desire and impetus that put you in your work, we noticed any lip sync problem a little strange. Nothing serious, we still prefer this kind of voices, given that this is a very dramatic play and especially with a lot of screaming, and listen in Japanese accent that feeling of playing an anime. The music has a beautiful main theme, you dont get to hear even use it enough, and the rest of the tunes are very eclectic mix of rock, electronic, or even western classical type-priceless fighting on the moon playing the symphony Dvorak No. 9 "From the New World". A remarkable sound section. If you like anime and video games do not miss it for anything in the world, the ultimate experience that combines both entertainment in a perfect manner, a show that once you start not want to stop to see the outcome. The problem is that the end does not take long to arrive, about six hours, and thereafter will have little incentive, if not almost none, to continue playing. And for those who are just looking for a good action title, the problem is no longer as hard, but in that time we really are partakers of the action is tight, having more video scenes role that the gameplay itself. We do not know if CyberConnect 2 should have tried to be more game and less anime, but what have we really liked, we had a bomb with his crazy stunts, characters and epic operetta excessive and uncontrolled. A very honest in what it offers, round and satisfying, but contradictorily recommend its acquisition costs, but we should enjoy.

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