Saturday, February 4, 2012

Darksiders 2 Preview, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PC/PS3/Xbox 360

Darksiders was released in January 2010, apparently a hack and slash more, and so gave it to understand its downloadable demo, and developed by a rookie studio, Vigil Games, which premiered with the first title. Had creative director Joe Madureira, co-founder of the study, the famous writer and cartoonist, who contributed their talents to design a game with a very powerful artistic and full of personality. But what was the surprise to discover that there was a simple hack and slash, but an adventure with many more items such as platforms and puzzles, and a structure of levels and puzzles to remember and much to the legendary saga The Legend of Zelda. Despite some criticism that he was branded a lack of originality and recycle items seen a thousand times, was generally well received, and gave players a chance to be surprised at the quality of the adventure, both visual and playable narrative, creating a legion of loyal fans who clamored for a sequel. With an open ending, that first part was starring Guerra, one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which gave rise to the imagination and assume that a delivery or continue following the adventures of the same character, or bet on a change of character. And that's what happened, as this sequel will star death, a change more important than first imagined, and what will turn the whole game and some of the biggest differences with the first delivery. We traveled to Rome for a couple of weeks to attend a new show, and before showing us the title in action, THQ had us prepared an interesting presentation. Dane Munro, an expert in the figure of death throughout history and its influence on culture and society, spoke at length about the different representations and relevance of death from the beginning of time.

Death has a personality and a totally different style of fighting the War, and is something that touches on various aspects of the game. His way of expressing both physically and verbally, how to move and almost animal ferocity, his tremendous agility. The oldest of the Riders, as if it were the older brother of the group that everyone respects: cold, calculating, cunning, ruthless, sarcastic, a character you've already conquered, and that what little we have seen the game so far, it seems more charismatic than our beloved War. His main weapon is not the scythe, which may be used in different ways: by separating both ends to handle a two-handed weapon with two separate sheets, as the traditional sickle mower being a single heavy weapon, and even as a sort of hook. But this is not the only weapons available, and we can also pick axes, huge iron fists, claws or guns. As we overcome the enemy, they release various items such as weapons, armor or accessories and we can collect soil before see their features, not to walk by taking all the junk we are. The RPG elements are clearly enhanced, surprising when we started to hit the enemies and see real time damage that we are causing, as if it were an RPG more, or the beloved classic to reminds us, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Something that may not like certain players, and we imagine it can be removed in the options. The character customization menu shows a lot of statistics of a typical RPG, such as resistance to elements like fire, water, light or magic, and we love how we as equipping weapons or pieces of armor, we see reflected in the body of death, checking how they look. There are two skill trees, Herald and necromancer, the first focusing on all kinds of attacks, spells and abilities second. It seems to be enough features to unlock, and even each of the skills can be improved on several levels.

The gamer touch not only be present in personalizing death and statistics, but also in the game world, because as they say its creators, Darksiders 2 is deeper than the first installment, more immersive and more context. This results in a living universe, where things do not stop spending, which coexists people you can talk and we can order side missions, leaving a little aside that sense of the world devastated, empty, as if it was a wilderness, the first Darksiders. Strengths angelic, demonic cities, the City of the Dead, will be very different places we visit in a world four times larger than the first game, and this will give rise to an adventure of more than 20 hours, with many things do. At all levels we were shown the moments of fighting, platforms and the occasional puzzle succeeded, leaving very clear that this is an adventure with different gameplay elements, we'll see how they mix, as in the first issue for our taste was hit full without giving too much weight or importance to one of its parts, being a very dynamic and entertaining game. Here we do not know if the platforms have the same level of prominence, but death is a much more agile and faster than War, with a remarkable climbing skills, and even parkour. He grabs her and jumps at full speed for any kind of projection, is able to run up walls, around corners even doing this, and launched a chain to hold on to certain items such as rings, getting the platforming sections look very dynamic. Something we exemplified with a scene where you had to move quickly before we reached a river of lava.

Something that catches the attention from the outset is its visuals, sensational. Thanks to your care and attractive artwork, and cartoon-style graphics or comic, each scenario regardless of its setting looks great. For example in this class that taught us all went for a dungeon setting with lava, and it's amazing how magma is made, or some particle effects, smoke, heat and dust. In this scenario we found ourselves with a golem inanimate with a sphere instead of legs, which after "introduce" the scythe came alive. As it is, a Horseman, Death is coming up behind him and controlled him, and can throw a huge metal hook on a chain. This allowed him to cross a huge river of lava that was previously inaccessible, and get a key. After returning to the golem, a new section we showed that on the back of this creature could break rocks and minerals that otherwise we could not cross. Between jumps, take the odd key, and ingenuity to advance, fighting one another without rest. Very dynamic battles in which we can use the varied arsenal of Death, and many enemies on screen, about ten we see, without being resented the rate of frames per second at any time. Not only will single enemies or bosses, bosses will also be intermediate or stronger enemies than usual, a variety of rivals that surprised us both by their behavior as for his good looks, thanks to some excellent designs. We saw a couple of clashes with bosses, of which at all times have controlled its vitality with a meter above his head.

Hard fighting in which heads to annoy enemies call a little more if possible, and we observe their attack routines to find out how to hurt them. The first thing we saw such a Ghorn, had an arm-hole, at the other end a sword, and every time he hit the floor was lava sprout. As usual in the series how to overcome these formidable rivals, is brutal, with execution scenes each more spectacular, just great, where death shows why his name. Then we saw a new level, a beautiful landscape of rock and mountain, with some running streams, and radically different from the previous stage, showing some panoramic left you spellbound by its beauty. At this stage left for a moment Death Scythe or the huge hammer, and showed what they were capable of claws, a weapon much faster than the previous two, but less harmful at first. Depending on the type of enemy, we must take the wise decision of which weapon equipped, because we can carry two at a time. We also saw a new magic, in which some coffins emerge from the ground and they come out several skeletons that help us fight. Apparently this magic as the rest, if we improve the level went up, in this case will more coffins and therefore more assistants.

We note in addition to setting graphics, sound, with a successful musical accompaniment, with some tunes that sat like a glove to this enigmatic and exotic scenery. We saw a simple puzzle where you had a symbol on the floor, and we had to climb around the room, shooting a huge plant with seeds of spherical form, and then put one on the mark for it to open the door. An overly simple puzzle and have to wait and see if this aspect has been toned down or there will be challenges high as in the first game, with some puzzles in its final stretch very good and challenging. The demonstration held in another battle against a boss, this time a huge monster with two holes instead of hands. The tactic was to wait to undertake a heavy blow, collect bombs falling from the roof and throw them to stick to your body and explode. Once done, his heart fell from the chest, literally, and it was time for hurt. After a hard fight, which also had to deal with smaller enemies, finally settled the head of a brutal, opening a channel. A large demonstration of several layers that ended here, but we had been delighted to see more of this great game.

This is the second time we see him and our first good impression is secured firmly, has looked great and promises to be one of the best action adventure games of this year, just unrivaled propose something similar. Fighting, jumping puzzles, exploration, touches, a game that plays various clubs to achieve a formula very own personality, which convinced a large number of players with his first delivery, but this sequel seeks to convince new recruits for the cause. From the enormous potential of the fighting, with a varied arsenal, the new protagonist more agile and fast, which promises to provide more dynamic platform sections and fun and great looks, both purely technical and artistic. Besides his new protagonist, Death, exudes charisma, and who questioned him as the substitute for war, we believe they finished giving in, as we find a character just great. It will be in summer when we can enjoy it on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, and a little later for the new Nintendo console, Wii U, and you should not lose sight, as it aims high.

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