Monday, February 20, 2012

The Last Story Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Wii

From the creator of the Final Fantasy series comes a Japanese RPG playable and innovative original but with a story, setting and characters of the best years of the genre. For a fan of Japanese RPG Hironobu Sakaguchi name needs no introduction, creator of the Final Fantasy series and involved in work of director, producer or supervisor of some of the best titles from the golden 90 of Squaresoft, with games like Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Front Mission 3, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics and much more. After producing Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts and the MMO Final Fantasy XI, Sakaguchi left the company before it merged with its erstwhile direct rival Enix. He leaves to start his own studio, Mistwalker, a video game company rather peculiar, since the programming and development of games is offered to external studies, taking charge them exclusively with the design, the script and story, art direction and music. After signing an exclusive contract with Microsoft, to giving Xbox 360 two titles Nippon attractive to the market, this console inaccessible to Western Blue Dragon arrives in 2007, with designs by Akira Toriyama and his faithful collaborator and legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu , architect of many of the best tunes we've heard playing. A year after Lost Odyssey arrives, the second Xbox 360 exclusive, for many a great RPG, but could not meet its target to take off the console sales in Japan. After several Nintendo DS titles, including sequels to Blue Dragon, Nintendo aims to nurture a good dose of your Wii role, and produces three RPGs that have ended up giving a lot of talk: Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora's Tower and The Last Story. The first came to us last summer, a huge and outstanding RPG created by Monolith Soft, the second we arrive on April 13th and the last is the game that today we speak in this text. And in the absence of playing the trio's later, kudos to Nintendo for their commitment, and that has come round, have gotten Wii is practically essential for a Japanese RPG lover, with two jewels as Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story.

The first and we talked at length, to which we attach almost perfect score, and we know many players are still enjoying. And the new work of Hironobu Sakaguchi, although we noticed from his first sketches, first impressions playable with the Japanese version, now that we have already done, we can say that we have delighted. With a battle system, gameplay and very original ideas and innovative within the genre, completely surprising the first time you play. But then in turn a development, characters, a setting and story reminiscent of the best years of gender, when Squaresoft was in top form and with each new job carrying you dream worlds where you lived exciting and epic adventures of tens hours. The Last Story, developed by AQ Interactive in collaboration with Mistwalker, is the return to the direction of Hironobu Sakaguchi after nearly 20 years, a task that had been abandoned by the production and monitoring. His hand, his talent and inspiration, how to build characters and a world, one can see a lot, and by the attractive artwork embodied in a graphical section of the best we've seen on Wii, the teacher Uematsu delights us with beautiful melodies that make us transport ourselves to other times. Gender has been accused of being dead, not to innovate or not to know any, but this title is shown that Japanese RPGs still have much to say, and can be as entertaining and absorbing as we remembered. Sakaguchi himself has accused the Japanese RPGs have fallen behind, not having been able to adapt to changing times. And as if The Last Story will try to give a lesson in how things change, innovation, leaving the classic battle system shifts to a completely different bet in real time, which even takes elements from other genres such as hedges or third-person shooter. But in its wrapping, in the atmosphere, aesthetics, music, history and characters, all reminiscent of his best works from many years ago, so there is a compelling mix of modern and innovative gameplay with a classic scent of the role Japanese.

The protagonist of the story and the character you will control in most of its development, Zael, a young man after losing his entire family during the war is forced to make a living as a mercenary wandering the battlefields of bleak land. Together with his faithful friend Dagran, with whom he founded this particular group, other characters will join us for the adventure as the silent and elusive Yurick, the friendly and a little "borrachilla" Syrenne, the spunky and flirty Lowell, and the enigmatic Mirania. Each one with a very well defined and built, the finish you encariñando thanks to successful dialogues that occur even during the fighting, and with a background and a vital goal, being the main character and his friend Dagran become a day in men, and devoted to the art of battle in a legal and noble. The adventure starts in one of his typical missions, in a cave near a new place for our group of mercenaries: Lázulis Island. During this work, Zael is "blessed" by a strange and mighty power, the Wanderer, which will change your life and your group of friends forever. Back in the big city-the only one who will visit throughout the game, we'll meet a young woman somewhat peculiar, with which we live a fun night of adventure. This figure hides a big secret, which together with the power of the Wanderer, the looming war between Lázulis Island and Gurak, and a mysterious and fatal process that is causing the earth to lose its vitality dying little by little, make up an adventure that takes its time to start, but gradually becoming more intense coming to have an almost frantic pace, making it difficult to stop playing so addictive it is.

With a fractured narrative into chapters, with all kinds of narrative as simple dialogues, sequences with the graphics engine, very curious indeed that can be passed quickly, accelerated by pressing a button-others previously generated by computer, and various flashback timing jitter, and all sorts of dramatic elements, which have a place of political intrigue and war, friendship, love, loyalty and even humor. A well-written story, interesting, easy to follow, at times exciting and epic, that we found simply round, unable to put any but. No plot twists that you can come as a surprise, especially if you've played many of these games, but get to keep the interest at all times and never decays, with a fantastic rate. It also counts as an attractive cherry pie with a multiplayer mode, both competitive and cooperative. With leaderboards and friends, we have two modes: Combat and cooperative. The first is a battle for up to six players, which preserves the appearance of the equipment and weapons equipped, and we loaded the game in the history before entering the multiplayer, but not the levels and states. In cooperative team six players battle against formidable enemies, and here are some of the most formidable bosses in the game. We could just try it because we do not find players, but is a great compliment, and it is possible that there will be an overwhelming number of people, but surely that is what we are taken seriously and have fun. On the visuals, plus the excellent art direction, and the expressiveness of the characters achieved, this is one of the best games that squeeze the Wii hardware in every way. A crisp, clean, big stages, many items on display, well modeled, and only weakens the frame rate, sometimes paste a remarkable lows, yet understandable. In certain circumstances, between enemies and allies, we may have more than fifteen characters on screen, making his shots and magic, with different effects, so it is normal for affecting performance. In any case, we should criticize their creators have sinned ambitious, but as the end of the gameplay with these massive battles is so funny, we just forgive his faults, without forgetting of course they are there.

Regarding the music, although in our impressions a month ago we said that we thought the best we had heard Nobuo Uematsu, finally the music we liked each other. It may not be the best soundtrack of his career, and is among the top five, but has three or four memorable songs, beautiful, you feel the game like a glove. Comes with English voices-a shame not to include the Japanese-dubbing. Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu, and only these two names with any lifelong fan of RPGs Nippon expected to win, and after what we had seen the Japanese version, despite your warm welcome for those lands, painted phenomenal. What a great satisfaction to see that expectations are met and exceeded by far, one of the best Japanese RPG of the last ten years. Innova from the smallest details to the most important, with gameplay with a great personality, overwhelming, that works and is fun. This is joined by an epic story, characters well built and with which it is easy to sympathize, and a great classic scent, thanks to its director, Sakaguchi. A must for fans of the genre and highly recommended for those who someday you liked these games but recently I got tired, their lack of innovation and repetition of a well-worn formula. It has made us remember those long winter evenings glued to the console with one of the Final Fantasy of the first PlayStation, and simply re-live that feeling is priceless. Hopefully not Final Fantasy or Sakaguchi's latest story to tell, and we are yours to enjoy many games.

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