Friday, February 24, 2012

Review for Alan Wake's American Nightmare Xbox 360

Cyclical conception and with a strong focus on action, this nightmare opens his own way after the first Alan Wake. When Alan Wake hit Xbox 360 (and just a few days ago, the PC) did so accompanied by high expectations among fans, fueled no doubt by the many statements had come from the developer, Remedy. This created a strange universe in the field of horror games that drank from various sources, but its protagonist, a writer, and many of the references present in its internal mythology we referred them to the work of Stephen King. It is also true that even that is pretentious. The universe is explored in this game takes a small step side Alan Wake's American Nightmare to reinforce its commitment to action, a move that is very clear from the start. Interestingly, from Remedy has said on occasion that it intended to respond to requests from fans, but we believe that fans would have preferred, for the most part, reinforce the atmosphere, tension and psychological terror.

The movement has been given is at the same time, rare and logical. It is strange, to the extent that fans of the original game (which had modest sales, yes, but not at all negligible), have been often disappointed with the fact that, however, the title and gambled too much about the action, expected something much deeper, environmental and psychological. It makes sense to the extent that the most simple-to our knowledge, to improve sales is to go for a more generic, and the action seems to us like the obvious way. Even if that means the risk of alienating early fans. American Nightmare is at that crossroads. You may now, digital distribution via Xbox Live Arcade, and a much greater focus on action, the game gets more positive overall figures for the study, but we fear that the changes may end up throwing back to the players who supported the germ of the series title.

The important thing is that the gaming experience offered in the title is good, but the narrative is seen somewhat weaker and less hook than the original. The game with English voices but has very weak dialogues, perhaps even forced to a point where it is unclear whether the weak scripting that offers search results from their own aesthetic of crappy television script or simple wrongdoing. Alan Wake's American Nightmare presents a universe of TV fiction, because Wake was writer in this series of low budget in his younger days and now is trapped in this world of small screen fictions. Something similar to what happened to his literary work in the first game, but here with the television program Night Springs ( say transcript of The Twilight Zone) as centers of metafictional universe.

The question is why the other side do not differ too much, when people are supposed to be relatively normal. In any case, this American Nightmare sacrifices everything and mystery, tension and terror in the first game. Dilute and atmosphere that made forced marches loses strength as we move into the light history of the game, something which, we fear, be little appreciated by fans of the first game, as we noted above. The funny thing is that within the limited depth of the story, there is a loosely structured narrative, perhaps under the guise of aesthetics pulp and the most interesting character (Mr. Squeaks) is completely wasted.

Appears at some point, trying to convey to his mind unbalanced, his psychotic delusions, but barely formed as a clown. In fact, the protagonist himself is little or nothing exploded, we know that is looking for his wife, Alice, but it seems as if he had been lobotomized, as if being trapped in a TV show was a situation the most logical and normal, accepting unceremoniously also need to find the typed sheets that allow you to play with reality, born of his literary do. It does not explain anything, because it tacitly assumes that we accept, but these things do not work like this: if it is a direct continuation, the game is not spinning, if it is a spin-off does not work autonomously.

The scheme has barely playable title changed, to the extent that we deal with guys who are born of darkness and must be done in two phases: first enlighten them with the flashlight, weaken them with a flash, and then we beat a few shots. It was assumed that the game would present a much more refined control better fit your action orientation as its focus, but we can not say that we really noticed a palpable improvement. Yes we have included some additional weapons that provide some additional action, such as a nail gun or an assault rifle, two good early examples, but neither can be said to contribute something essentially differential.

As for enemies, it has been given a significant step. Without gutting key aspects, we can say that there are enemies who, for example, are divided into two to be lit, but what we found most relevant is in the field of humanoid enemies. Strictly speaking, there are only two or three surprises, so there is not much more beer than the original in terms of volume, but it is true that contributed in this area is much more relevant than others.

A playable level (and this is where the game plan is linked to the narrative) is something we really did not convinced at all. Regarding the number of hours the story mode the game is not much shorter than the original title (can give about four hours to see the credits), somewhat surprising when you consider that concerns us now is a game discharge (although the original was not very extensive), but this is also achieved based on recycling: we live over and over again the same sequence of events. The aim is to adapt the reality of this world of television chapter written in the pages of script to close the hole that allows passage of the dark. This could be interesting if the title run this cyclical concept of time with good work. We can not say that is the case. In this sense, American Nightmare is revealed as an action adventure with a clear repetitive, tedious and bland: it becomes the aspect that the game definitely deflates.

On the other hand, I must say that the game features an arcade mode (called directly "arcade action") that focuses on a very direct experience lies in the increasingly popular online horde mode. Thus, we are faced with waves of attacks in a survival mode. If we like your action approach, it is clear that this mode is one of the strong play. We started with the scenarios locked except the first, a cemetery, so I have to go play to access them.

Technically, the title looks great and is only comparable with the physical distribution game preceding it. It is very solid modeled characters and environments, although the latter are not very varied and has opted for a desert country setting away from the increasing complexities of the lush forests of the former. Without losing sight of which is a downloadable game (yes, more than 1GB), you must keep in mind that the limitations are there, still present, and the game manages to offer technical quality level game format disk.

Alan Wake's American Nightmare has got to be a good downloadable action game that also lies in the technical and content was very close to its predecessor: a set of physical distribution. That shows that there has been a great effort by its creators, Remedy, to compose a good production can shine through. In fact, the title weakens in some elements such as narrative and development structure that is repeated at the weak implementation of the cyclical view of adventure, but mostly for what he has ceased to be compared to its predecessor. If we forget that, we found a fun action title and reasonably well made, as the successor, we are more inclined to say that not up to scratch, especially since we believe that many players were, precisely, wanting what is not gives this issue: more mystery, more terror and more history.

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