Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Review for Syndicate Xbox 360/PS3/PC

A classic strategy comes as a frantic action game in first person very entertaining but hardly surprising. Bullfrog Productions in 1993, the study of one Peter Molyneux that you sure sound of something so influential creators as Populous, Dungeon Keeper and Theme Park, Syndicate launched a strategy game in real time since its success would multiple platforms, from PC, Mega Drive and Super Nintendo to Amiga, Mac, 3DO, Atari Jaguar and even Mega-CD. It You determined four officers from an isometric perspective, making missions around the world in a cyberpunk future, with some revolutionary concepts for your time and explore big cities with pedestrians, police and cars driving through the streets, being able to improve our characters and the ability to go make money through taxes and to control the world. In 1996 was released for PC and PlayStation Syndicate Wars a sequel called, which met with both critical and audience, despite being a good game, or at least so we remember with great fondness. And already extinct since 2004 Bullfrog Productions and Electronic Arts with the rights of all their intellectual, thought why not bring this classic modern times, and of course, become an instrument of the kind of sweeping fashion that takes several years : first-person action. Can be addressed in many ways this kind of games, from the more direct action, linear and uncomplicated, a more thoughtful proposal with roleros touch, exploration, and even touches strategic infiltration, anything is possible. But here the spirit of the original is lost along the way and give us a frenetic action game, without much time to think about creating tactics or strategies, and preserving the work of 1993 little more than the universe and atmosphere. After the first rumors appear in 2008 known as Project RedLime, of which only became known in the beginning it was the new game from Starbreeze Studios Swedes and the resurgence of an ancient saga, in September last year he finally revealed the surprise . "The biggest project that the studio has worked so far" after the great The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, 2004, a remarkable The Darkness in 2007, a correct The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena 2009, and the cancellation by a new game based on Jason Bourne, to focus its efforts on Syndicate.

A straight shooter with a campaign not too long about six hours, and in its boot gives the impression of being too generic and uninspired, as if it were something that we've seen and played hundreds of times, it which is added a history poor, blurred and not very interesting. But that gradually grows, interest charges, its simplicity does not stop playing against, you know being in what can be changed, especially entertaining, and finally back and shows the skill of Starbreeze in the genre, creating intense and shootings interesting aesthetics through very powerful and attractive. Nevertheless, it leaves a feeling that could have given more of himself, and some recent statements of its leaders, who stood with the band before the injury, may give us clues about it, saying he had wanted a little more development time. More than one you're probably thinking that this is already happening now... but lets not get into thorny issues and we will talk about the game's storyline. The story is set in 2069, in a future dominated by a few mega-corporations known as the Syndicate, which control the various regions that divide the developed world. Eurocorp, Cayman and Global and Aspari have revolutionized the way the consumer interacts with the digital world. The consumer no longer needs a device to access information and control technology, but may do so in the blink of an eye by a neural chip implanted. For this reason, civilians have been flocking to be "chipped" and thus be able to enjoy everything offered by the union of their choice: housing, health care, banking, insurance, education, entertainment and work, a complete package, a complete lifestyle. In return, unions have obtained information and unprecedented control over individuals and their behavior. With little oversight of governments, businesses have become war, and the unions will not stop until reaching the final rule the market.

In the front line are the agents, employees unions with improvements in bioengineering and implanted chips, able to open gaps around the connected world, including his enemies, weapons and the environment around them. We will be Miles Kilo, Eurocorp agent to whom the revolutionary chip implanted DART-6, which will let you perform actions never seen before, like seeing through walls at enemies and break their will pirating their chip and other devices electronics. A story written by Richard Morgan, a renowned English author and screenwriter of science fiction and fantasy, winner of the Philip K. Dick in 2003, which provided an interesting take on the game universe raised in 1993 to create their own history. Somewhat poor and disjointed, too simple and schematic, with little surprises and very predictable, which serves as a pretext to get us from one place to another in this exciting world. Embody the typical silent protagonist who never gives his opinion on everything that is happening and we are already beginning to be a little tired, which we know little, with a little side charismatic and blurred. A pity, because its plot premise is terribly interesting, as you may have noticed any lover of science fiction, and he could have gotten far more match. From the highest places in the skyscrapers of the cities of New York and Los Angeles, home to the elite and the majority of "consumers"-with the word "persons" in disuse-, the suburbs and low areas without People chipped, and going through a giant floating city at sea, Starbreeze proves his mastery to create hypnotic atmospheres and environments, at times, very successful. And also show that they do good shooting games, here with a frantic pace and sometimes very intense, but most had not been on any ingredient in the cocktail, as moments of exploration and puzzles, which come to insinuate or even touch.

The control and gameplay is that of any first person shooter, with a poorly designed system will end up ignore coverages and simply limit ourselves to duck behind objects. The key element and differential relation to other action games are the protagonist's hacking skills, which can interfere with implanted chips from his enemies as well as computer and robotic elements of the environment. We can create an overload on the chip of the enemy to leave you stunned for a moment, hack turrets to shoot for us, folding and unfolding coverage of any kind, or even disable grenades thrown at us. Being among the most amazing skills getting the enemies to commit suicide or to persuade them to fight on our side, turning against their peers. The future that we draw in this game is as usual a little cold or dull white color, with simple designs and schematics. That when we speak of the elite and the upper part of the city, luxury, because when we went down to street level in the suburbs, everything becomes much more murky and complex, more current, with a very accomplished cyberpunk aesthetic. This contrast is in itself attractive, and how fresh it is and how much we liked, it is normal to remember Deus Ex: Human Revolution, although the game has its own Starbreeze personality. In the futuristic places, perfect for the "consumer" and the bourgeoisie, is when the atmosphere is less attractive and more generic, and when what surrounds us, and in the suburbs, it's dirty, childish, and ultimately "human" the game is more beautiful and interesting, something rather curious. Especially when playing with lighting, Starbreeze demonstrates its ability to create atmospheres achieved, something that had already achieved in previous games.

Pointer is not graphically, but it is pleasing to the eye, does not have performance problems on gameplay, and ultimately meets without much fanfare, with his greatest achievements as stated in the artwork. The soundtrack is not saved, only a couple of good topics and other highly debatable, a missed opportunity as a dystopian future, as demonstrated, again, Deus Ex, can lead to very inspired compositions. The sound effects with strong and striking, and the voices are in English, with some famous actors like Rosario Dawson, Brian Cox, but neither is it a game in which you talk too much, all subtitled in Castilian. And on these, you have to do a little criticism for its small size, both during the game and in menus, something inexplicable and what the developers should have realized that not all play about two feet from the screen , becoming at times unbearable to read the many documents we collect and provide details of the argument. Syndicate is a good game, fun, sometimes frenzied, inspired by some firefights and situations, with a successful atmosphere, but also a missed opportunity. His approach was to plot a lot more, and in a story is very vague and poor, too obvious, with no charismatic characters. His commitment to the linear action and unbridled is respectable, although it is too light, and light pieces of puzzles and tactical action suggests that a shooter could have been more original and different, and not just one of many. Nevertheless shows that Starbreeze has caught the extent of gender, and every moment is fun, addictive, and a tad short campaign will complement a remarkable cooperative mode. Could have been better, but what is not bad, and despite its shortcomings is a title highly recommended for fans of action and science fiction, and a fan of shooters should try it.

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