Thursday, February 9, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360/PC/PS Vita

With the fighting genre fitter than ever, living a second youth that seems not to give high quality proposals for the past three years, and the fight in two dimensions on the rise especially in Capcom and Namco had the brilliant idea to bring together his two great sagas. Street Fighter For one thing, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, and on the other Tekken, 18 years giving war in three-dimensional environments. Now the saga of struggle in two dimensions most popular and most successful in three dimensions, are united under a single title, developed by Capcom and the arduous task of moving the Tekken fighters used to move 3D gameplay environments 2D. Later, still no definite date as it has not even begun its development, Namco will offer their vision of this crossover, and you will have to Ryu Ken Chun-Li and three-dimensional stage company, which has already tried in the past Capcom itself without much luck. With a launch planned for March 9 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, and soon in PS Vita, we already have in our possession a very late beta version of Street Fighter X Tekken, and before beginning to spell everything included , we say that we love and those who had doubts about his unique and somewhat eccentric visuals, or whether the Tekken fighters would adapt well to the gameplay Street Fighter, should be calm, because Capcom has nailed . We're still early in 2012, and other great fighting games will come, but exactly what will have to do to beat the excellent gameplay and charm of this.

A fighting game in two dimensions in fighting two against two, with a staff of characters that is already very generous, and that is still in beta are not all to be in the final version. Default Capcom has matched all the characters, which we can not prevent our own ways duets. Grace is that if couples choose predefined in Arcade mode, we see a personalized history with its introduction, with special presentations before the fighting, and some funny dialogue at the end of these. If we choose to either unrelated characters such as Ryu and Kazuya for example, simply show a generic story for all fighters. In this version we have 34 fighters, although there are many more rumored and almost confirmed due to various leaks, and that they will possibly via downloadable content. I list it for couples: by the side of Capcom Chun-Li, Cammy, Zangief, Rufus, Ryu, Ken, Balrog, Vega, Guile, Abel, Juri-yet-unpaired, Dhalsim, Sagat, Rolento-Ibuki, Poison-Hugo, and the part of Namco King-Marduk, Kazuya, Nina, Bob, Julia, Asuka, Lili, Hwoarang, Steve, Paul, Law, Yoshimitsu, Raven, Heihachi, Kuma, and Xiaoyu, unpaired for now. Jin, Ogre, M. Bison and Akuma are practically confirmed, due to a recent leak, and Alisa and Lei Wulong ring out, this time by the American ESRB, and Guy and Cody it is possible to arrive in downloadable format. To these are added the characters exclusive versions of Sony: Cole, Toro, Kuro, Mega Man and Pac-Man. The argument tells us that a strange object from outer space has landed in Antarctica: a bucket of uncertain called Pandora, which hides a tremendous power in the wrong hands can be very dangerous. All the stories revolve around the same, travel there and retrieve the mysterious artifact, each pair for different reasons. Using a small insertion sequence-based illustrations with some animation, and the dialogues at the end of combat, is told a little story, which is appreciated, but this beta version is not yet the end. Something we missed in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and that here has been included correctly.

Control is a classic Street Fighter six-button, three types of punch and three kick: weak, medium, strong. The other buttons, including pressing the analog sticks, the can configure to your liking to perform the more combinations are convenient. As you know the fans of the Tekken series, this is characterized by having a four-button control, so it must have been hard to keep the characters in the saga of the Universe Street Fighter Namco, which was carried out with much hit. Keeping their most popular hits and even the unique fighting stances, such as Hwoarang and Xiaoyu's ability to fight back. Fighting as we have said is 2 vs 2, with the peculiarity that if one of the fighters run out of vital equipment, the duo lost the round, unlike Marvel vs. eg. Capcom in which we must finish the entire team of three. This will force us to be vigilant and switch characters properly, and also in the health bar is a space tells us that if we send the character to the reserve, this piece can be recovered over time. Besides the change of character, which is done by pressing fist and kick both ways-we can stop selling, especially when it comes, so you have to make the change at the right time, and if possible with strong kick and fist at once, releasing hit our opponent in the air and gives access to the partner and may continue the combo. In this beta we Arcade mode, which serves as the story mode, with the ability to play as a team with a friend, and applications enabled for challenges to battle online. In Versus mode up to four players can participate - in this beta is not yet available Scramble mode, allowing four players fighting at once, you have to be very funny and crazy, we have the training to practice, and the interesting ways in Challenge. Test mode to train or improve the techniques of attack, combos and other skills, ideal to learn to make the most of each fighter, and that force us to realize their list of hits. In Mission is to defeat a rival controlled by the AI to certain conditions, for example in 60 seconds just using normal attacks, using only special, or do a combo x15 by changing a series of missions that will sting even the most expert. Finally the Tutorial mode, a success that should be essential in any fighting game but is reversed, and the difficulty is finding it. Required to bring new players into a saga of struggle in concrete or gender in general, sometimes giving no consideration developer is a genre that complicated to learn from scratch with many experienced players in the online modes.

Here since the coup simplest to the most complex 20-step through the sympathetic Dan Hibiki we will explain all the features of the game, and even recommend taking a look at the more experienced, to learn some of the peculiarities of this crossover. The Boost Combos are chaining normal attacks, having to be increasingly powerful as weak, medium, strong or weak and then strong, and if we end this by calling our partner, becomes a Cross Rush, the best way to change fighter, since as we said earlier simply leaves us and we sold a little fodder for our opponents. EX special attacks are done filling the meter Cross, which is filled attacking or being beaten, and is divided into three segments. These special attacks are performed by pressing two punch or kick buttons at once, for example in the case of Ryu and Ken with the classic crescent with the stick, consuming an area meter Cross. The Super Art consume two segments of the bar and kicks are performed by pressing three or fists at a time, two combinations one by default assigned to the buttons on the top left of the command. The Super Charge is to accumulate power to make a special attack an EX or Super Art, leaving behind the button and then pressing repeatedly do. And of course in a game with team matches had to include special moves that join these couples, for example the Cross Arts. This is a Super Art together with your partner, consuming three measured segments of the Cross, for example making a half moon and then kick and cuff means at the same time, the same combination to switch between characters, a combined blow always spectacular. And even allow us to fight while your partner through the Cross Assault, making a half moon back and kick and cuff means at a time, consuming three meter segments Cross. A great time with the characters of SF, and the mythical sounding melody of the introduction of Street Fighter II.

The Cross is done by pressing Cancel kick fist and strong canceling your block, making a pitch later, a movement which consumes Cross meter segment, a powerful counterattack. And finally we have the new power Pandora, with the name of that peculiar nature that stars in the story mode. If your life is less than 25% by double fist and kick down more means, to activate this special character is removed from the round, but the wrestler is get enormous power for a limited time, filling the meter also Cross. After exhausting the last time that Pandora, the character will be KO, so if used will be to finish the fight, or lose. A power in a very strategic use and will serve to turn around and give a battle that almost lost. But the most striking novelty and controversy also believe that this fighting game is Gem, which produce all kinds of effects during the fighting. Each fighter can take three rooms, and there are several default settings made​​, such as attack, defense, speed, although we can customize to our liking. For example the configuration attack with gems 001, 009 and 019, all of immense power. The first is that if you make five normal attacks successfully activates a 10% increase in the damage. The second is activated if you make three special attacks successfully, with another 10% damage, and 019 starts if your partner makes a successful launch, adding 10% damage. The configuration is such defensive gem Defensive Shield-042 with four normal attacks is activated by providing a 10% reduction of injury-or-Fortaleza 093 should receive special EX attack, cutting the damage on +100-. The Speed increase our speed, and all call for a requirement for activation, and also the fighter changes color indicating that it is currently active gem, and what type depending on the color-attack, defense, speed, vitality, alter the Cross meter or assistance.

But there are many and varied, as many as 245, although many will be made with them through the box of pay downloadable content. More examples. Healing 181, if you get two special attacks instantly restores 60 health points, or 220 internal force, which is activated if you make a Reversal, filling the Cross measured 20% faster. All these are the Boost Gem, calling for a requirement to activate, but then we also have the Assist Gem, which operate without any requirement. Simple Commands 002 command reduces special attacks, making them much easier, in exchange for losing 10% of attack throughout the fight. 017 Lockout makes our fighter lock the keys automatically, but this happens every time the meter will decrease Cross half segment, and no other automatic lock-022, which does the same but with the attacks. As you can see this gives a point of enormous complexity to the game, and even strategic gamer, because we can only bring three gems equipped, and we must think long and which are best suited to our style of fighting or character, can make different settings for each fighter. Also while a large and curious addition, we know that many players will like, and think that unbalance the fighting or returning the game too complex, when they want to just fight. We still can not access online, but we hope to include an option to fight without this gem system, or the fans are angry and rightly so. In Edit mode you can change also sets Gem, quick combos and our battle-profile titles, message; nationality, have the option to change the color to the characters. His skin tone, hair, clothing and various accessories, this version from just four colors, and do not know if the final version will include more, we imagine so. In the options as usual Capcom and rightly allow us to choose the voices of each character, whether in English or Japanese, and configure the various visual cues on screen.

At the moment we have nine stages, three with two levels, down to the floor in the second round. Scenarios very colorful and very lively, full of details of both sagas. And the graphics in general, both for its color, animation and character design seem excellent, moving at full speed without blinking, and it has softened and toned down a little more strident tone early version we played, little by little being less exaggerated and colorful, reaching an intermediate good. They are great introductions to some couples, in a tone generally very relaxed and friendly, and gives the feeling of being a pure fan service title, with references, homages and curiosities of two series so important in the struggle and video games general. The lack of music to listen more carefully, we finished love, generic electronic melodies without much grace, and it seems that Capcom is a little lost lately in the music section of their fighting games. With nearly 40 characters, an arcade mode/story that seems to have worked, at least more recent titles that Capcom itself, enough game modes, including the interesting Mission and Tutorial, the ability to play four players, and how not to , charisma and personality that wasted two mythical sagas so how are you. Its fast pace, at times frenzied, attractive visuals, and the wisdom with which he has taken the characters from Tekken to two dimensions, we love, and only see a little risky Gems system, which we are curious know how the players receive. For others, we have no doubt that we are facing one of the fighting games of the year, and clear candidate to be possibly the best. On March 9 we will leave doubts.

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