Wednesday, February 15, 2012

UFC Undisputed 3 Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

THQ shows us the harshness of a contact sport in an excellent new installment of its popular series. It is increasingly rare enjoy risky bets in the world of video games. So when THQ decided to take care of this saga based on the championship circuit and the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), many people wondered greatly, vaticinĂ¡ndose even a resounding failure because of limited and little known sport outside specialized circles . And nothing is further from reality. With the launch of the first two installments of the series, THQ confirmed in their own coffers as the pull of a contact sport was more than evident, selling over four million copies and going to a prominent place in its lineup of releases by counting with an annual review. Now, after a break of nearly two years after the last delivery (corresponding to 2010 and at the time we thought of distinction), UFC Undisputed 3 comes to offering a more in depth in many of the aspects that made his previous large sequels and giving us a large number of new options and settings that will delight fans of this type of fighting based on mixed martial arts. THQ has achieved something very difficult given the short time it takes in our consoles this saga: impart character and personality. Year after year, the franchise in the world of video games adapting the UFC fights, has been flirting with mechanical control systems and sought to offer a playable and realistic direct exchange of blows, keys and movements in the ring. The 2010 edition already achieved a markedly improved throughout the core playable, taking an important step towards the simulation. And this time, although the speed of the game seems to have increased, has taken another step in the same direction, making this UFC Undisputed 3 a title even more realistic if anything.

First, we want to emphasize that UFC Undisputed 3, not just a fighting game or combat. Here we have no button combinations impossible, destructive movements or light and easy fights. On the contrary: UFC Undisputed Title 3 is a complex, closer to the genre of sports simulation that the fight over arcade or direct. Even more than in previous installments. That's something we can see from the very beginning of the title. THQ, knowing this, has decided to include two distinct types of controls in order to reach a global audience. Thus, we have a control system and another Amateur Pro. The differences between them, are notorious. The Pro is a direct evolution of control seen in the two previous UFC, but increasing it and nurturing of the improvements offered by the third (on the grappling and submissions). In this system, the heir of the previous games, we will conduct a series of complex movements and turns left controller stick, making diagonal crescents and accurately. The success of our submissions, takedown and shock depend on the accuracy of these starters with analog, to be executed in an almost perfect. In addition to the sticks and the main buttons, the triggers will serve to make each fighter's special attacks or to defend the bottom or the top of our fighter. Master it requires patience, many hours of play and some previous experience. The Amateur, of course, is a simplification of the system, which clearly seems to us more ideal for newcomers to the series. The new control Amateur greatly serves its purpose, using the analog sticks in a less complex (mainly for pan and zoom the fighter and match some moves) and more direct. So, with just a basic (given by the tutorial assisted and integrated into the game's main menu), and after a few hours, we can begin to move and fight on the canvas in an almost professional. UFC Undisputed 3 still offers a complex set of movements, strategies and submissions really overwhelming for anyone who wants a fuller experience. In this combo, enter the fighters, who have won in number, range, weight range (up to seven different ranks, ranging from featherweight or bantamweight to heavyweight through welterweight) and arts disciplines or martial, reaching the 150 different fighters.

One of the most noticeable changes for the veteran players of the series, is the reference to submissions. UFC Undisputed 3 advocates a system of transitions and submissions faster, fluid and realistic, embodied with energy bars if we are performing well symbolize the movement or should we wait a little longer for our opponent is most weakened by our hits (we three areas to punish, leg, neck and arm). UFC Undisputed 3 is much improved in this respect, it ceases to be a bit rough, getting to take our opponent on the mat is more fun and challenging than previously. Of course, something we noticed as handicap is the difficulty of winning by submission or demolition, the majority of the time our opponent KO eliminated all (which itself is more common). Another critical parameter is the presence of fatigue, impact and coverage of the regeneration of our fighter between rounds. Whether we, as our opponents, must be weary pause fighting our momentum for the duration of the meeting, dosing necessary. What's more, we take into account the bumps and bruises received, because as our fighter is going to deteriorate, the more difficult it is to recover properly. With respect to intermediate between rounds or rounds, now we can listen to the advice of our trainer, who will give us ideas and feedback on how we cope or deal with the fight or how we have to hit. Although it may seem absurd, the guidelines put forward by the task force that helps us be quite useful in some cases, as we discover some weaknesses of our opponent and how to knock them on the basis of our style of fighting. We help polish mistakes, and that, thanks. Enormously well, considering how demanding of a game like sing UFC Undisputed 3.

UFC Undisputed 3 is by far the largest and most complete game of the series. The formula to duplicate options, game modes and fighters and worked in the previous installment of the series (UFC Undisputed 2010) and this time, it has been repeated with the same dose of success. If we said that the fighters have increased their number, or that they have doubled the special moves or martial arts, about the same is true of the game modes available. Now in this third installment, we can choose between circuits UFC and Pride, the big addition this year. Pride is a competition Asian (particularly Japanese), where the rules of the games are much more lenient with certain movements, keys or strokes, giving a result heaviest fighting and violent. The rounds are much longer (10 minutes for assault), and far more difficult to face. In this fighting is allowed everything from knees to the stomach, once we are stomping on the floor or high octane kick. There will be no respite, nor too many concessions. The inclusion of Japanese Pride circuit, brings a number of new fighters, experts in more exotic fighting styles and different from the usual in the UFC, which provides an unusual variety to date in an MMA game (or MMA) of these characteristics. The career mode, although it is essentially new, it has received a few tweaks that make it more balanced and fun. Now they have automated much of the training (without this adversely affect the gameplay) and not have to be so aware of the parameters or values ​​of our fighter, being lighter and far less mechanical during a normal game. In turn, in these trainings, we will find a series of mini-games and challenges that will help small enough to avoid the tedious task of preparing our fighter for combat, as weight lifting or sparring with fellow gym and group. The customization options of our fighter will be enormous. Whether creating a fighter with a powerful editor (quite full) or modify it at will from the impressive selection of real boasts fighters UFC Undisputed 3, we will have absolute control over various parameters.

We can choose the type of martial art, the weight at which fight them (although limitations residing here)... I warn you: spend some time in the editor and customization of our fighter and spend CRED correctly points obtained in our progress or select the right equipment, is something we must do if we want to create a true champion SUV. The fights will take place as usual, except the inclusion of Game Plan, strategies that raise your group or team during the battle that will give us access to subsidies comply without question. The title is thus the most direct and we can find arcade and one of the longest running and most durable of all UFC Undisputed 3. During its development, fight, opponent against opponent during a series of rounds. We start from the bottom of the ranking of our weight class, going places and according to our victories. Once we get to be world champions (which will cost us sweat and tears if we use the control mode and choose a category Pro disputed) we validate our title obtained by following some of the challenges that we will raise the game (up to 200 different). THQ has also renewed markedly how to address the classic fights, one of the most beloved game modes for fans to MMA and UFC fights disputed. Now, Ultimate Fights mode during these mythical battles, the game will remember or established standards of fidelity, we can move up or not. Thus, while the fight itself seems more realistic or complete with respect to its counterpart in the flesh. Once overcome and achieve these objectives, we can unlock videos and documentary short about some of the participants or the fighters who fought battles in the past.

UFC Undisputed 3 also allows the same player, is the creator of his own MMA event. Thus we can, if they want, to name a competition or tournament itself, with its unique name, its location, its rules or the number of matches. In turn, we designate the combatants, the key moments of the broadcast or the star bout of the day. Undoubtedly, the way television is a key event in video game format. The multiplayer mode also makes an appearance in this UFC Undisputed 3 of the best. Although the number of games still is not particularly buoyant, the disputed Xbox Live during the analysis of this game, have proved to work quite well. Furthermore, the fact is that your choices are complete and well avenues. For example, we choose to fight in exhibition bouts do individually or in groups with other players or contact our list of friends. The technical section of UFC Undisputed 3 is a real visual and sound spill. The THQ game graphics are undoubtedly its strength, since from the main screen and the introduction (mix of live action with some of the game), makes clear the titanic task of modeling and texturing present in this third installment. This time, the fighters will be much more realistic, with more polygons in their designs, in turn being more "human" (which will be apparent when we see how they are hurting and bleeding as they receive more and more hits over the course of the game) and like their counterparts in the flesh. In turn, the animations have been completely revised and is now more fluid and less robot, which is evident from the first moment when we jumped into the octagonal ring, where we see for the first time in the series, the popular entries and choreography of some of the iconic fighters. And not only that: the stage, stadiums and arenas, will be perfectly recreated.

THQ also has bothered to include all elements that can make the development of even more real fights, such as billboards, banners, cameras (and the angles of the same) or the usual cheerleaders. Everything will relay the feeling of PPV, with intros and transitions, repetitions (which are stored on your hard drive if you want) ... While it is true that much of the work was done in previous games, UFC Undisputed 3 looks a fabulous, being a faithful representation of the sport in which it is based. A sound level to highlight the inclusion of some more than insightful comments by the commentators, who although still repetitive or something short, seem more realistic than in other installments of the saga. The sounds, effects and ambient sounds are very good, but too similar to the ears and heard in previous games (although we have noticed that now the audience reacts to shocks and actions we take on the canvas). Perhaps not too important or notorious as other aspects of the game, but limited its job. And with a vengeance. UFC Undisputed 3, despite being in English offers full translation of texts into Castilian screen. UFC Undisputed 3 has enjoyed a period of gestation and extra preparation has resulted in a new game in the series more polished, detailed and complete. His credentials are obvious: control systems suitable for all audiences, a new cast of game modes (including mode or improved Pride career mode are good additions to obviously) and a graphic section overwhelming. Most fans of mixed martial arts fights in UFC Undisputed 3 find a title complex and demanding, prepared for marathon sessions of struggle and combat, while newcomers to the series, will enjoy the game more accessible thanks to the improvement made Amateur control. THQ has managed to perfect a series that seemed about to reach its zenith with a new chapter that was recorded with force in our retinas. UFC Undisputed 3 is not only a good game for fans of the UFC and MMA is an ode to sports simulation games and combat. And that's the best we can hope for a game of this genre.

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