Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS Vita/PS3/Xbox 360

A great adaptation of a superb start the fighting genre on PlayStation Vita. Fighting games are enjoying a new golden age in recent years and seeing the result of the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for PS Vita, console users can rub your hands together thinking of the adjustments that sooner or later come to the brand new laptop. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 PSVITA is a version of the game released for PS3 and Xbox 360 last November, a "definitive" version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 launched in February of that year by Capcom. The company to throw a final version of their game just a few months after the original version did little grace to users, and luckily it is this final version which has come to premiere PSVita. Like the domestic versions, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a fighting game where teams of three fighters face of Marvel and Capcom universe where there is fighting to beat the opponent's three characters. Fighter can change at any time to rest and recover our warriors some energy, even making combos in the process. We may also ask the help of our other teammates by pressing L and R top of the console, and even perform spectacular "crossover combos" in which the three members of our team perform both a super attack. The repertoire of characters in this Ultimate version reaches fifty. We have to Wesker, Tron, Zero, Super-Skrull, MODOK, Dormammu, Chris, Crimson Viper, Chun-Li, Thor, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Trish, Dante, Ryu, Captain America, Spiderman, Storm, Amaterasu, Spencer, Viewtiful Joe, Wolverine, Deadpool, Magneto, Arthur, Morrigan, Felicia, X-23, Hulk, She-Hulk, Haggar, Phoenix, Akuma, Taskmaster, Hsien-Ko and Sentinel, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and as new Ultimate in this version are added the new Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Nova and Rocket Raccoon by Marvel and Firebrand, Frank West, Nemesis T-Type, Phoenix Wright, Strider Hiryu and Vergil by Capcom plus the two downloads: Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath.

The repertoire is impressive, as you can see, with legendary heroes and villains of Marvel and some of the most beloved characters from Capcom, though, as always, every fan will miss some characters, especially in the case of Marvel, where the cast of characters is almost incomprehensible adaptable, and has chosen to take a selection of heroes and villains quite representative, even so, fans of Marvel's mutant collections will miss a lot of characters (Gambit, Cable, colossus, Cyclops) and fans will also notice the absence non mutant (Nick Fury, Punisher, Fantastic Four, etc ...). In short, this adaptation is a great portable version of the game that we enjoyed on PS3 and Xbox 360 just weeks ago. It has a better balance achieved between characters, settings and playable on the original version. It has become less potent the "X Factor", a skill that we use when we put the fight uphill, it will give us a much stronger fighter to have more possibilities to overcome. Changes are added air character, giving us more possibilities to link combos, and add the option to press buttons on the hyper combos to inflict more damage. There is a new "mode Galactus" unlockable in which we can control the devourer of worlds as a character, which continues to be an amusing curiosity, and improved online mode, including a spectator mode. It makes use of NEAR, the social application of PSVita, allowing us to configure who share our progress (friends, friends of friends, everyone or no one). Being a game identical in content to the title released a few months, this adaptation is interesting to see how far remains the original graphic quality, and how Capcom has tried to capitalize on the new touch features.

A graphic level the game looks almost like their counterparts in high-definition consoles, as will happen to many in their first games with PS Vita, surprised by the extraordinary visual quality we have, never better, in our hands. The 3D graphics are impressive and has done a very good adaptation of the original. Of course, compared in detail, you can quickly get visual differences between the HD versions and this version PSVita, but the conversion is extremely accurate except for some loss of detail in the scenes and slightly less than spectacular on the effects of attacks special. The game moves at 60 frames per second with no slowdown, and that compensates for the loss of detail discussed. It is without doubt one of the most spectacular titles initial catalog of the console, which may not come to surprise as much as others (Wipeout, Uncharted) but at least makes clear that with the console a little shot may be obtained very similar results to that seen in Xbox 360 and PS3 in recent years. The sound is almost the same with a lot of voices before and after the fighting in English (and Japanese), and a soundtrack full of classic Capcom adapted to modern times, together with good sound effects.

As for the touch controls, which are completely optional (there is a separate way, in fact, called Touch Arcade), I must say that Capcom is not too complicated and simply tried to provide a "touch complaint" without undue something useful or change things. We can control the movement of your character using the touch screen and touch panel back, touching and sliding your finger across them, while still running the blows to traditional buttons or touching our enemies on the screen. Even speeding up the change of character to be able to touch its icon. Play with touch controls is curious at first, but soon we realize that in reality only a matter of few minutes, and soon return to the traditional and more reliable joint or joystick control. The problem with this control system is that although we can win battles really "playing" with our opponents, this is automated so that it is a little bland. That is, the pleasure of winning the Hadoken on duty performing, or being able to make that kick + sweep combo never fails us, and that sort of thing that can be enjoyed both in a fighting game, disappears largely doing so, we win, but we do not know exactly why. Unlike in the 3DS version of Super Street Fighter 4, which used the bottom of the console screen for special attacks, how to touch Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 PS Vita only provides an indication that some day, with a lot of work behind, perhaps Touch control can do for this type of games that do not just pretend that there are some buttons on the screen.

Control "traditional", using the crosshead / joystick and buttons, is particularly accomplished, thanks to how well you match the buttons on the console with the game controls. The spider responds extremely well, the top buttons are by default associated with the actions of our two teammates (aid, changes fighter, etc...), and the front buttons are assigned three types of basic attack and special attack by default, we can change the settings in the options menu. Attacks that require pressing several buttons at the same time are very easy to do thanks to the small size of the buttons on the console, and how easy it is press them at the same time with the thumb. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for PSVita is an excellent start of the fighting genre on Sony's portable console, and a great adaptation of the original PS3 that makes us expect great things from the laptop in the future. Visually striking and tight gameplay, touch control mode it is still a story that soon we will put aside for fun with the large cast of characters and online modes. It is, yes, a little short of content for single player, with an arcade mode without a great history and a mission mode that almost works as a tutorial, as the only supplement. But certainly those who seek a fighting game with which his new laptop brand have in this Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 a purchase more than recommended.

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