Monday, March 5, 2012

Binary Domain Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3, Xbox 360

SEGA gives us an interesting way of third-person action that combines Eastern and Western elements quite hit upon. Dreaming Yakuza creator of Electric Sheep? When we learned that Toshihiro Nagoshi, creator of franchises and franchise Yakuza consolidated as I mentioned Super Monkey Ball shooter planned to hold a third-person action with SEGA, we could not fit in our joy. Nagoshi has brought new gameplay mechanics and details of certain genres crammed with copies and imitations, and the result has always been interesting to watch, play and enjoy. With these premises, Binary Domain, the result of the combination of them, it was an attractive game ever since its first announcement. The action genre in the third person has enjoyed in recent years, a flurry of games, titles, franchises and remakes that have tried to hop, often with more pain than glory, and fashionable wave determined and promulgated by influential Western securities. Today, and reliable results, it is logical to think that this is a pretty hackneyed genre without any hint of originality on the horizon. No matter the argument or the artistic style of dress that makes the title in question: if we begin to mentally review the various proposals seen since the launch of a "game changer" as Gears of War in 2006, all in varying degrees they have something of it. That is logical, yet, uninspiring for the player, you do not see any incentive in the alternatives shown by other studies. In the past, some developers like Nippon Shinji Mikami (with the notable Vanquish, wanted to bring his unique vision) had already dabbled in the field, giving us a new vision of the genre, which advocated a more unbridled, a more artistic delusions line with the eastern taste and with streamlined controls and entertaining to the common denominator of gamers.

With this background, Binary Domain is presented as a new approach to the third-person action, which sponsored the creative power of a figure as important as Toshihiro Nagoshi, proposes to travel to a uncertain future full of robots, androids and futuristic cities. Will live up to expectations?

Binary Domain starts strong from the very beginning. SEGA game presents us with an interesting futuristic story, full of references to some of the most impressive and influential works of science fiction in recent times (both in literary and film) as Blade Runner (film adaptation of the novel Philip K Dick, "Do Androids Dream of electric Sheep?"), Robot (Isaac Asimov). Thus, and gathering details and influences of both Binary Domain presents a future where robots and humans are living together since the early twenty-first century. After years of economic drift, and sponsored by an unprecedented environmental crisis, the robots were developed as a cheap labor, safely and efficiently to the various problems of a Western world that seemed doomed to extinction.

To avoid any abuse, and to reaffirm the superiority of man over machine, it was agreed to create a new Geneva Convention by enacting a new treaty which was collected and any third party fabricase robots with human-like or similar behavior would punished. As in Blade Runner, began to appear a number of androids, called "Sons of Ether" who question the standards set by the international community, and begin to cause panic in countries like the United States. Who skipped the convention? Where do these robots? How long have you with us? Are they aware that they are machines and not human beings of flesh and blood? In an attempt to end this political and social dilemma, the U.S. and other countries, like France, China and the United Kingdom, create oxide units, specialized groups to end such problems effectively, and using, as of course, strength. Controlled and organized by the International Association of Technology and Robotics, these groups are responsible for putting an end to violations of the new treaty in Geneva.

As an active part of one of these elite groups, take the role the role of Dan Marshall, an American sergeant, who together with other characters and old friends (like your brother in arms, the huge Big Bo) must infiltrate the remains of a Japan isolated from the international community and battered by climate change in the search for the beloved leader of the corporation, actually responsible for the international crisis. Binary Domain anger and constant showing interesting scenes videos where recapitulate parts of the plot, inviting us to discover little by little the pieces of a huge puzzle where nothing seems so at first glance suggests. Toshihiro Nagoshi double play with the moral perspective and the inherent problems of each character, and with his own ethics in a world where human presence seems a relic of the past.

Binary Domain does not hide its influences playable. Very beginning of the title, we will see how the system from the perspective of cameras to cover the map or weapon selection menu, follow the Epic Games, Gears of War. This will facilitate a lot of things, since just a few minutes after you get on board with the controls of the game, we assimilated many of the essential concepts for the rest of the adventure, controlling from as covering, to how to select any of the four we can carry weapons at all times. With this well assimilated (player anyone expected a concept different playable yet seen it should be clear), Binary Domain is revealed as an interesting mortar of good ideas and gameplay mechanics, although little or no original work as a whole .

Binary Domain is designed to carry and use each match, more or less the same strategic approach. Early in the game fight against a number of basic robots, humanoid in appearance, and boundless energy. To get to them and neutralize them properly, we must consider any wall, stone or element of the scenario that we can provide coverage as well as roads or alternative routes that invite us to outflank our robotic enemies. We will pull the trigger constantly monitoring the stay not exposed between the shooting and moving with our line of fire once we think we can outflank them correctly. A priori it seems simple, but there is an element that makes these battles are, mostly, death to life: robots.

By having some artificial enemies with little or no attachment to their existence, should not be cut to come after us in incessant waves, holding our on our positions should not take our chances of attack. Most of Binary Domain we will find a series of robotic troops very basic, but not with these. One of the greatest successes of SEGA game is its interesting difficulty. The machines that we will be facing, be revealed as intelligent creatures and very well prepared, developing their own hedging strategies and following their own patterns and ranges. The enemy AI is very well implemented robotic, sticking to a basic objective (destroy any capacity) and not hesitating even a second to get it. In our artificial opponents given equal losing a leg, part of his armor or even his own arm: continue attacking until your battery is completely extinguished.

There will be times when a robot, completely unarmed and without a limb in your body, try to trap crawling across the battlefield to reach our position. The reference film, if you saw "Terminator" is obvious. Therefore, we must select our targets well, pointing directly to the head or cutting off their arms in case of not having enough time to be precise. The troops of the corporation Amada will level up, difficulty and intelligence, meeting with various types of enemies to be faced in one way or another. The hierarchy between them is distinct, having the above basic troops, from time to time, a top model robot that gives them orders or provides coverage with heavy weaponry. We also find specialized enemies in close combat, small drones to monitor some rooms and some other heavyweight can get in trouble if we do not have the necessary ammunition.

A very interesting aspect of this Binary Domain, is the inclusion of certain enemies that will serve as leaders to chapter or level. Our first encounters and confrontations with them are limited to take all we can, using elements and objects on the Stage (such as cranes or huge iron beams) to eliminate or neutralize them, leading later (once we have enough support from our colleagues and the necessary weapons) in real mammoth battles in the purest tradition Nippon. The robots that we will face will be oversized (special mention to some spider that will see near the beginning of the game), with an arsenal of unique weapons and missiles with which we must be particularly careful, lest we fall injuries or killed during the conflict.

As mentioned above, in these battles and strategic support of our fellow coverage will be vital, and is another of the strengths of Binary Domain, playable in your system is referenced. Binary Domain sticks out slightly from the norm and the canon of such games to have a particular relationship system and with our partners. At times, the game will give us the opportunity to choose our allies, putting together a squad of three soldiers, completely at will. They each have a distinct and different role (we have a specialist in explosives and demolition, a soldier's assault MI6 and even a beautiful sniper), so that a good combination can help to overcome readily some situations or specific battles against enemies . To make matters worse, and like a role playing game it were easy, Binary Domain incorporates a system of upgrades for our characters and weapons based in the credits that we get from our enemies and missions.

Through a series of terminals all over the stage (as seen in Final Fantasy XIII, for example), will access a virtual store where you can purchase different items such as kits, weapons and ammunition. The last will be a small implant in the form of pieces of one to three points, which will be used to improve our capabilities and will be linked to a map of each own unique character to our choice. Arsenal, meanwhile, may also be configured at will. The weapons, ranging from assault rifles to the no less typical common sniper rifles or rocket launchers, to shotguns or pistols unlimited ammo. Investing wisely claims that we will be giving, we can increase the accuracy, completeness or the number of rounds available in our magazine. The system works is very simple to use and forget about complex menus or settings that can subtract or hinder the pace of the game.

In turn, Binary Domain provides an interesting element of trust and communication. Leaving aside the dull and repetitive (and automatic) talks by neighboring competition games, SEGA work allows us to interact with our brothers in arms, choosing the most correct answers or questions setting more suited to the situation . So, to answer any questions properly will help us cement our relationship, allowing us to have more "leeway" in our decisions in the future to have confidence in us. The fact is that this system will allow, if our partners have absolute faith in us, obey our orders in combat without question. It does not matter if we request that they move towards the goal, to be covered, attack or regroup.

If we have done our homework and we have given importance to this conversation and trust system, the result on the battlefield will be evident. If, however, we have edges, or have made occasional suicidal maneuver (beware the friendly fire, which can cause problems of confidence in the future), we will pay. As a curiosity, and although the game uses context menus for the talks, noted that SEGA has included a voice recognition system that will allow us, through our own voice, giving orders and answer or talk to our fellow adventurers. The system recognizes more than a hundred responses, which can "burn" at will in one of the game menus. It's a very interesting addition, although the version discussed (PS3) have detected some problems derived from background noise, although configurable, something difficult experience.

The multiplayer mode has also been contemplated in the proposed SEGA, thereby enjoying a good variety of options for the online contest. Binary Domain offers several competitive and cooperative modes rather conventional, emphasizing the usual typical bouts per team or individual, the odd capture mode and position control and the inclusion of a kind of survival mode reminiscent mode "Horde "Gears of War of that. Perhaps an interesting aspect of the multiplayer, although little or nothing original, fulfills its mission, is the use of player classes seen in the main quest, highlighting the soldier expert recognition, assault or demolitions specialist, or professional special forces, each with its own elements and distinctions in terms of gameplay and weapons handling. Highlighting the strange decision not to include SEGA co-op on the same console or via online connection for the improvement of the campaign.

The gaming experience of Binary Domain is generally very strong, full of good details and references known to all. Under this grouping of concepts already assimilated and accepted by the majority of players, hides a good title that you know give variety to its development with the inclusion of interesting situations (there will be times in which the action based on the cease fire and we vehicle control phases, such as jet skis or sequences full of Quick Time Events) and smart enemies, something to be welcomed in a game of its kind.

Binary Domain is a title that enters the eye. Graphically this is a remarkable game, care and polished in almost every detail, and offering personality in their designs, both characters and scenarios. The influences from Western-style films as "I, Robot" (film adaptation of Asimov work starring Will Smith) will be obvious from the first moment when we face the robotic creatures look humanoid, very cold and mostly hostile. In turn, Binary Domain can not hide his nature Nippon, and for that, will give us interesting robot designs colossal and ostentatious with a distinct anime monsters with huge mechanical spider-like (a la "Ghost in the Shell" ), or gorilla-like "mecha". Both sides will merge artistic visuals giving us a tremendously aesthetic and appealing to any audience and fan, which is appreciated.

If we modeled our enemies seem to care and detailed (especially when you consider that we can destroy them piece by piece, and that after its chassis have more layers to be discovered), our main characters are not left behind. The expressions and textures and animations, follow the tradition of the Yakuza Studio and previous installments of the series produced by Toshihiro Nagoshi, with superb close-ups and a repertoire of realistic movements and well implemented in the future of the many sequences video and conversations. The scenarios are not far behind, highlighting an important and well-maintained pulse in art direction, starting the game with scenarios and apocalyptic elements recognizable cities, abandoned and full of rust and dirt and debris, passing the other half of the game with clean and hygienic appearance, showing a clash of contrasts and realities (poverty and slums against wealth and future) very interesting. Binary Domain Tokyo is a city of contrasts and the graphic reflects quite accurately. The graphics engine does well in broad terms (there are times in which we have noticed a slight drop in frames per second on the screen, but nothing serious), with textures and lighting work noteworthy.

The sound is very efficient, highlighting a continued use of multichannel dynamic effects in battle (if you have a 5.1 sound equipment you will feel involved in the race). For their part, say that the soundtrack does not yield the same level, and discounting the odd cut, the music is nothing more than a mere accompaniment misguided electronic touches during some action scenes or videos. The translation quality is very decent, and save the voice and intonation of the odd character, we have nothing to reproach the work location of SEGA.

Binary Domain is an action title under an interesting prism eastern and western flavored. Although references to other games in the genre (especially Gears of War) are obvious and notorious for any fan, the combination of mechanical elements and Nippon own developers are able to give birth to a really interesting result, much more fun than the other competitive proposals. The inclusion of the system of trust between partners (with the addition of voice recognition), customization as well run or plot shown for the game (which we again emphasize as one of the best treated as a whole), are good examples of this. Maybe not the absolute panacea that many hoped the genre, but the fact is that Binary Domain has, after its apparent and obvious Western chassis, a good Japanese positronic brain to his credit. And that combination, with a fairly lacking in quality, it's downright irresistible.

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