Monday, March 19, 2012

Kid Icarus Uprising Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Nintendo 3DS

Kid Icarus back in style, with excellent action game full of content that exudes sympathy for all sides. One of the earliest and most promising games announced for Nintendo 3DS is here after be known along with the console at E3 2010. It has become a bit of begging, first appeared it would be a launch title, then that would in the first Christmas of the notebook, and has finally come when it meets its first year on the market. With a catalog of launching a little loose, we had to wait several months for his first great game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Then at Christmas came two of those titles that are able to sell themselves a console, Super Mario Land and Mario Kart 3D 7, and in January we had an excellent year beginning with the brilliant Resident Evil Revelations. Now and only two days before Nintendo 3DS is a year in Europe, comes the highly anticipated Kid Icarus: Uprising, a terrific action game that brings back a time series of the 8-bit Nintendo to today, and that seen the result is a trip which might have happened before. Part of the blame lies with its developers, Project Sora, with Masahiro Sakurai to head, head of the Super Smash Bros. and Kirby creator of the series. Those who have enjoyed one of their earlier games you already know what we mean, but it's amazing the care with which it works Sakurai, here translated into a title brimming with content, with even the smallest details very carefully.

The game structure is simple yet full of many surprises. The adventure is divided into chapters-phase-which in turn consist of three parts. First phase of flight that lasts five minutes, which move to Pit and the sight of fire, but whose movement through the air occurs on rails, unable to decide where we go, a genus also known as a rail shooter, with titles as good as Panzer Dragoon, Sin and Punishment Star Fox or exceeded once went down to the foot of earth Pit driving along the ground, adventurers levels long, usually very linear, but with some alternative ways and secrets to find, and as in the phases of flight, with tons of action thanks to the huge variety of enemies that come their way.

And finally we have a spectacular showdown with a boss with an excellent artistic design, wasting charisma, and dynamics that are never repeated. As we give a good account of all enemies, thanks to the vast array of features that Pit, succeed relentlessly hilarious dialogues about, what we liked most of the game. Without taking too seriously no time, these conversations in 90% of cases are humorous, they are really well written, and get us out more than a smile. Making references to the NES title and the years that have past, current affairs, the characters are aware of being in a game, all very crazy and fun. But it is a shame that many times we will not follow that they can be successful, as though they are with English voices and subtitles in Castilian, the pace of the action is so intense that problems reading subtitles while shooting, despite the letters can be placed on the top or bottom screen.

The story is not of great complexity, simply the goddess of darkness Medusa is back to destroy humanity, and the angel Pit Palutena and will be trying to stop them, but the cast of characters, both allies and enemies, overflowing charisma, with very careful design, in a tone of 80's anime irresistible, to which also helps the superb soundtrack. Its duration is not to say the exact number of hours, as this would be a spoiler or gut itself, something we can not explain to annoying not surprise. Just say it is surprisingly long, especially for being a shooter, and even if we include in the genre of action adventure. Both for the duration of its history, and for those who want to unlock everything in it, which is huge, shooting hours of play.

The most contentious issue, and seeing it in perspective what we least like about a title section by section is impeccable, is his control. Pit Move the slider left, shoot with the L trigger, and the stylus on the touch screen move the peephole and aim. To give you an idea, a control that is very similar to mouse and keyboard on PC, and that flight phases gives no problem in fact is excellent. It's going down to the ground when the complications start, having to move in three-dimensional environments. We have to move the camera to stylus taps on the touch screen, making horizontal lines, and the movement of Pit is a bit peculiar. By default in a position of running, and when we press a direction and let the stick down then running. Curiously, in a game plagued details-we can play with a first-person perspective, like a conventional shooter.

It plays fairly well, does not offer too many problems once we got used, but certainly more adventurous moments, even platform, or in rooms full of enemies that require us to turn and look upon ourselves several times, is when the control reveals its shortcomings and inaccuracies. Some players say or have any problem, others will not like anything directly, and we are convinced, but despite the long hours we played, we never got to feel 100% comfortable. A shame, because the other sections of the game is outstanding. We are not allowed to use as many will be thinking the slider Pro, the peripheral that came with Resident Evil Revelations and gave one second stick to the console. He could have used the left stick to move Pit, and the right to aim, but that option is not included, and we can only use the peripheral in the event we are lefties.

The development is of tremendous intensity, forces us to point to a blistering pace, and this is what Nintendo claims to provide this control scheme, it is true that the more rapid and precise and it is pointing with the stylus on the touch screen. But the argument for not including support for the two sticks is contradicted somewhat if we dive into the options, because if you offer other control schemes, even more rare. For example pointing the digital cross, or the ABXY buttons, and configure the attack buttons, camera focus and gifts as we want. We believe the best way to play is the default one, but at least we should have left to try to play with Button Slider Pro, and thus form an independent opinion.

Insist so much on this because the combination left most slider touchscreen brings with it other problems, not just that the way to move dirt on the screens is somewhat vague. For example one of them is that to be holding the console alone with his left hand or right-this after a while we get tired of playing, or even physical discomfort in the finger and shooting, as happened in our first impressions. And at not having caught firmly with both hands, is easier than with any slight movement or vibration, in a frantic gameplay, cause us to lose the 3D effect, otherwise excellent, as discussed below. For this Nintendo has had a peculiar idea, with the game include a stand or stand so that we support the console and not have to have it picked up with one hand.

This idea at first is normal that may cause a bit of rejection, it appears that force us to be playing with a laptop on a flat surface like a table, something clearly contradictory, but then in our play sessions we found that neither is. For the shape and size of the peripheral-a simple piece of plastic that opens-this can be placed safely supported on one leg, thigh, either in a sitting or semi-lying, you do not necessarily play on a flat surface. And you'll see, but the difference of playing with or without support is tremendous, and has proven to be a pretty nifty solution, but insist a little weird.

The enemies we face are tremendously varied, in fact until the end of the game at every stage, and many, no longer appear new, they require different strategies to overcome them, with melt is not always worth a shot. For example find them back, give them back their own missiles, or attack them when in a certain state. To do this we must avail ourselves of the simple shooting, the charged-conducted without firing a few seconds while making the largest sight-and physical attacks or melee, which weigh heavily in the gameplay, also depending on how you want to play. This is due to the large amount of weapons available: staves, bows, clubs, orbital, swords, claws, palm trees, canyons and armbands. Better or worse long-distance walking, physical contact, have different weight-tire racing-we can and will be up to us what we want to equip, with about 100 or more available.

Get them in chests hidden throughout the levels, or in the armory, buying them with hearts, play money, which is obtained by defeating enemies. We can buy new weapons, which we convert hearts, or even merge, obtaining new ones. Each weapon has a power statistics, beat, shot, and then a series of specific parameters, in general, a section is incredibly complex and very important, which is worth investing time to get the best results playing. Besides equipping a weapon, we have to choose the gifts. These are a set of skills or perks that we have to introduce a board, like Tetris chip will be discussed.

Super jump, jump high without taking momentum-cazatrofeos-transformed into trophies to enemies with low energy-focused beam, shoots a devastating beam of energy-mine-mine placed invisibly in the ground firmly, reflector-creates a barrier shots-repellent, you regain health-recovery-and a long list, which can also level up and improve. These skills are executed at the bottom touching the touch screen, or digital-spreader, and the truth is that the way to choose and use does not seem at all comfortable, each having a number of uses per game, giving it a greater depth to the gameplay.

The difficulty system rather than in other games simply serves to choose between easy, normal or hard, here's a new twist, the so-called evil cauldron. Before starting a chapter we have to choose the level of intensity this difficulty, and for this we have to pour hearts into the cauldron, we remember are the currency of the game. The higher the intensity, the more difficult it will be overcome phases, but in return get more hearts and better loot. More enemies, more difficult, and causing further damage, and if we fail in our attempt to lose the hearts discharges and will punish us by forcing us to play at a lower intensity level. On a scale of 1 to 10, with decimals, we may choose up to 100 levels of difficulty.

This is not only decide what we want to complicate things and the rewards you get, also at the alternative paths we walk through a door guarded. With a number 3, 4, 5, if we do not play in at least this difficulty, we can not go through it, so we invite replayed levels more difficult to see those hidden paths. Although the development is very schematic, each stage is full of new surprises, including vehicles will control, and to be specific times adventure with puzzles and platforms. There are plenty of extras, from an exaggerated statistics of everything we have done, the treasures, a huge square where we see another image through overcoming challenges of all kinds, as some internal achievements or trophies, but way the launches trophies, a container and then threw eggs for trophies, music gallery, mosaic divine offerings, etc., would be many more pages to explain it all.

To round off a perfect product with a huge single player experience, we also have multiplayer, both locally and online, and even with bots, if we have to play with. Two different game modes, and Survival Lights and Shadows, the first is a tag team match and the second one against all, in battles with up to six players. The multiplayer is connected to the single player experience, multiple weapons, gifts and hearts, served in both modes. Very fun and for those who wish to extend the life of the game to infinity, which already is long with no multiplayer.

It also includes options StreetPass and SpotPass, the first gems to swap weapons with other players, and the second downloadable content we do not know, but surely ahead bring us more of a surprise. In a box set comes with six cards on Augmented Reality, not yet know how many will be-although it seems to be hundreds, and not even know how to distribute in Spain. They may be enemies, characters, weapons, and we read them in the console displays a 3D model on screen and get the trophy for and can read even three at once.

On the technical side, although the catches do not totally do him justice, and certainly does not have the best textures we've seen or modeled in 3DS, however supplies all these shortcomings with the talent of its artists, as the result screen is fantastic. Thanks to the dramatic movement in the air phase, the fabulous work in the artistic, meticulous to the end-up menus, and the generous use of color and explosive, making that we are facing one of the most beautiful games the console, and moves with total fluency. Each new chapter is radically different from above, both in design and color, and the various enemies that we will find some very original.

We have a huge amount of enemies and all very careful, many recovered from 8-bit games, a time to honor that continues to constantly, either with references containing dialogue, graphic or sound that will delight the most nostalgic. And some very nice pictures on the touch screen while the characters speak, but in the middle of the action is difficult to pay attention. On the 3D effect, saying that in the phases of flight are to the best we've seen on the console, with a dizzying sense of depth and very accomplished. Although to enjoy this effect is to place the console in the stand, because if we catch with one hand will move irrevocably, and lose the 3D.

The sound section is superb, and the soundtrack just perfect. Already in our first contacts us a lot of attention, falling for his main theme, and now with our power play in preparing his analysis does not stop hallucinating with the quality and variety of melodies. It was only recently when we discovered why this music so carefully. Five great composers have participated in the soundtrack: Motoi Sakuraba - Tales of Phantasia, Baten Kaitos, Super Smash Bros. saga - Yuzo Koshiro - ActRaiser, Streets of Rage-saga, Masafumi Takada - Super Smash Bros, Vanquish-Noriyuki Iwadare - Grandia, Ace Attorney - and Yasunori Mitsuda - Chrono Trigger, Xenogears. Come as you can see all a dream team of Japanese music for video games, and I warn you that delight the ears with all kinds of tunes, from orchestral to the more unique with a Spanish guitar. The English voices are also excellent, very well acted, extremely nice.

Although only a delivery for NES in 1987 and one for Game Boy 1991, saga sound strange to talk about, given the overwhelming charisma and energy to account Kid Icarus: Uprising, who would say we have been so many years without a Pit adventure. If you wanted to revive this series, bringing it to today, and why not make it fashionable to launch new games in the future, who knows if in the home console from Nintendo, they have succeeded in spades. A great game, watch until the end, which is seen in every detail the affection with which it is made, filled with hours of fun.

Sympathetic even humorous, colorful, spectacular when he plays, with artwork and music that will delight the senses, to the top of content, the work done by Masahiro Sakurai and his team have been tremendous, and turns from now around a standard Nintendo 3DS. Its only defect is the problem and control phases on foot, relying on an original scheme and risky, ending worked, but it is still debatable, and we are sure that many players do not end up convincing. Too bad we do not know how they could have solved, since it is the only really fault that we can put that on the other hand is not trivial. A title of those who played with a smile on the face, the more profitable you can find in the catalog of the console, and that any user of 3DS be missed.

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