Thursday, March 15, 2012

Shoot Many Robots Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3, PC, Xbox 360

Shoot as fast as you can in this veritable feast of shrapnel and tin, which does not have great news well, yes it is quite entertaining. "Pickles" Walter Tugnut, was a peaceful farmer until one day he was surprised by an invasion of strange robotic metal boxes, with no good intentions. Fortunately, Walker is one of those Americans who have guarded a convoy full of weapons and ammunition, ready for a situation. Alone or in company of friends decides it's time to take action on the matter and begin to drain the planet of these oppressive robots. Under this dull argument hides the last side-scrolling arcade in coming to Xbox Live. A genre that is currently very fashionable in the downloadable games, and full of interesting titles like Shank 2, arrived just a couple of weeks. Demiurge Studios, an independent American founded in 2002, and although not well known, has made contributions in some well-known titles like Borderlands, some versions of Rock Band, the multiplayer Medal of Honor: Airborne or Bioshock, or the first PC version of Mass Effect, are responsible for their collaboration with Ubisoft. 'Shoot Many Robots' scheme fits well with this type of game. Progress from left to right side, lots of enemies, platforms, weapons varied and gigantic end bosses area, a lot of phases. Nothing new or surprising for you to know this kind of games.

Before each phase can be customized to Walter in his trailer where both arms can lead a normal and one heavy weapon, and on his helmet and robes, so we have to gather nuts in the games. Inside the armory will find both the most common models of rifle, shotgun or Uzi, and other devastating and original experiments. Meanwhile, in the closet is where developers have free rein to his humor from a backpack to find space to keep a little more time in the air, a hula skirt to distract the robots, a backpack with a baby Or about hard and tough cowboys that allow us to slide longer.

It is assumed that each object has different characteristics in aspects such as strength, the amount of ammo or health improvement provides us take, for what is interesting not be fooled by appearances, and look which is more suited to our way to play. The number of elements in both the gun shop and in the clothing is very high, although many will not be available until we reach a certain level, so that from the beginning, we can get the idea that we are facing a game long enough.

One aspect that has surprised us most of this 'Shoots Many Robots' is in its unique control, and that denies the usual management system with the two sticks to centralize everything in the left stick, with which we move and aim to time. At first, we must recognize that it is a bit complicated and confusing, accustomed to the two controls available, but little by little, get us to this system, thanks also to the left trigger to stop your character can then focus pointing. With one of the buttons use our fists, with another weapon, while the yellow button to change between the two arms, which can lead to time.

The story, well, make no mistake, there is no history but a succession of levels has a very original development. Consists of six levels in normal difficulty, each composed of two, three or four stages, followed by other four levels, different, difficult, and other dementing four in difficulty, so that in this case the duration of the game is remarkable, although some of the phases, stages, and even bosses are repeated several times, though, becoming more difficult, and more enemies. The phases can be of two types, common in that we must go forward from left to right across the stage, and others as well as very common, when you simply have a static display and the aim is to overcome waves. These phases can become infinite, if your ability allows, and that after passing the waves set up as necessary, we will continue to receive additional waves, we will score a lot, or nuts, they managed to survive between both metal pileup.

As usual in the genre, is not an easy game, even at normal levels due to the large number of enemies that can appear on screen. In difficult and insane levels so high that number of enemies that will make up at times hardly see where you have to move, being highly recommended, if not, necessary, enlist the help of a friend to overcome these levels.

The game allows two players locally, and four if it is online, one being the leader of the gang, and may even expel unwanted players, but can only join when starting the game, unable to do in the middle of a phase. As usual, we can go resurrecting our fallen comrades, and the game will not finish until there is no player standing. One way chaotic, but fun, and spectacular, at a time.

The enemies are not varied, there are only a dozen types of them, and generally do not stand out for their intelligence, but, as we have said several times, on the amount that can be comically absurd how high is sometimes, and for his clumsiness. Many of them, the most simple and repetitive, are not armed, and constitute a sort of metallic spider, so that the only way to harm us will try to touch us, so that they become easy targets for our guns and fists. Gradually, we will see new types of these species of spiders, some explosives, and other enemies that we launched a small rocket red, even, we return with our hands, and others launch other rockets larger and we can also, and we will, destroy the air. Special mention posed by giant heads, or end-of-level devices, some of whom are elected by popular vote, and in general are also quite repetitive and not so difficult to remove as in other games, always talking about the normal level.

It's quite replayable, as our progress in each phase will be awarded a star rating from one to five, which largely depend on the number of nuts collected, so you can always go back to repeat each mission. Access to higher levels we also require a certain number of stars, although usually not necessary, having to repeat none, if we are taking one or two stars per phase. These nuts are what allow us to keep improving the level and go to reach into new weapons, helmets, and clothing and can even buy bags of nuts own Xbox Live Marketplace.

The game features a very original graphic style and retro. The distant scenery presented a slightly blurred, as stiff, that will make us believe we are seeing old cartoons, while in the foreground, our protagonist and the enemy robots do have much more detail and color. A curious mix that brings out especially the special effects of continuous gunfire and explosions, resulting in a rather spectacular and enjoyable. The noise level is just right with a few tunes, and a successful guitar touches, as befits a tough guy like Walker, when about action.

If the year started strong in the genre of the side-scrolling arcade with the launch of the second part of Shank, which tested a few weeks ago, 'Shoot Many Robots' is to get even a little more level these games classic style. More weapons, more levels, more customization, and online co-mingle in a fun game that will test the strength of our fingers and controls.

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