Sunday, April 1, 2012

Where to Buy Silent Hill Downpour

Silent Hill Downpour Review for PS3 and Xbox 360. The Silent Hill series is like an old luxury car. Konami can not get rid of it because always invites its glorious past to think that becoming a new installment in which to regain the fame and prestige to new generations. But it is easy to maintain and not just any product associated with the name. Even good chapters, notables, were harshly criticized for failing to meet expectations to live up to the legend, if Shattered Dreams and even Silent Hill 4: The Room and Silent Hill 3 had a demanding public. For Konami also adds a heavy burden: the creative team of the trilogy is dispersed, Keiichiro Toyama on Sony, Akira Yamaoka in Grasshopper and others freely, something that has caused several shots in the dark trying to find a developer Climax established in twice, Double Helix and now Vatra Games.

Silent Hill Downpour Features:
- Explore the ever-changing game world
- Experience the spine-tingling chills and psychological terror
- Uncover the deep and dark storyline of the latest Silent Hill thriller
- Immerse yourself in the desolate town of Silent Hill with intense visuals

+ Story is intriguing. I'm already wondering where this is gonna go.
+ Puzzles! These are actually fun and tricky.
+ Traditional SH sounds when you pick up items (brings back memories).
+ Music is good! It's no Akira Yamaoka but it works well and actually makes Silent Hill feel refreshed.
+ You can block when in battle (I don't remember having this option in the other games but i find it working well here)
+ Some good scares so far and some heart pounding sections that work very well.
+ Improved map/ inventory system but still feels traditional
+ No hand holding. They are not afraid to just let you look around and figure out what to do on your own.
+ Options on what action to take in conversations with ppl. I think this leads to different endings.
+ It really manages to FEEL like you are going into Silent Hill, like how it did in SH1-3.

- Screen tearing and freezing (for like a second every now and then the game will freeze and then I'll hear a door slam, then it will continue. Needs a patch cause it's a bit annoying but nothing that ruins that game.)
- No notification on what type of item is there for you to pick up. Ie. It will just say "pick up" but you don't know if it's a note or a weapon or what type of weapon. Sure you can just rotate the camera to see what it is or you can pick it up and discard it if you don't want it. But it would have been easier if they just put "pick up chair" or "pick up medkit" or "pick up knife" etc.
- Monsters are creepy, but they seem a bit generic. Not as original as past monsters but at least it isn't repetitive using nurses (at least not yet).

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