Sunday, January 22, 2012

8 Realms Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Online Game

Before going into detail, it is important to note that at the time these lines are written, 8 Realms is limited to VIP players and can therefore be considered in closed beta phase. The game is likely to evolve in the future, especially as updates are provided regularly. That said, we can get into the game (available in English or German) to meet us at the controls of a burning city with much to do. A rather well put together tutorial presents the interface that will be very clear and easy to handle. Note that the humor is ubiquitous, which makes it even better. With that, we propose a number of missions that we can choose to or not and that will allow us to set up a network of farms, quarries and logging camps in order to sustain our city by providing the necessary resources. Each task is completed will earn you bonuses of wood, stone or food but also of gold. The latter can also be obtained through taxes and will look like the real sinews of war by opening the doors of the buildings, the recruitment of troops or research.

Your city will grow so slowly and each successful mission will likely grant you a small bonus culture. This will fill a gauge that, when complete, will allow you to jump in time. Indeed, 8 Realms will cover eight different periods: ancient, classical, the feudal period, the Renaissance, the Industrial and Imperial Age, Modern and finally Future. Every age will be accompanied by a search tree that will give you specific access to new buildings, troops, technologies and resources. Wood and stone will soon be replaced by coal, oil or aluminum and the Lancers by aircraft or tanks. Note that you will need to evolve to build a wonder of the seven proposed by age, from the Colosseum to the fusion reactor through the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower. However, you must choose carefully since each of these buildings will likely grant you a bonus for your style of play and it will be an increase in the morale of your troops as an improvement in the speed of construction buildings and this will finally a big influence on the course of your game.

As as you progress through the game, you unlock the ability to create new cities. The title will make a strategic dimension, since each of these cities have only a limited number of sites for construction. You will need to specialize each town as needed. Indeed, whatever the chosen, you will build a plethora of buildings that all have a predefined role. For example, if you want to train many troops you need to build among other things, a training ground, a barracks, a blacksmith, an armory, stables and later an airport or factory. You will therefore understand, the buildings are many and it will be necessary to think carefully before choosing the function of a city, otherwise you will quickly run out of place in a city can not produce anything. Here one can regret that the layout of the buildings has absolutely no importance since the distance is not taken into account.

We will now discuss the military part of the game. You will have already understood, you will build all-and make a lot of research to get the units you want. Once formed, they consume the gold, food and possibly oil for vehicles, and it will carefully monitor your balances otherwise morale will be affected. This is-you can tackle your first village of barbarians. You will then realize that your only task is to select the units to be sent on the battlefield, the rest takes place automatically. Depending on the outcome, you can pacify the area and recover the resources on which camp your enemies or increase the tension and expose you to retaliation. Note here that you can not take you as barbaric and it is simply impossible to attack human players. Interactions will therefore be limited to trade and the struggles for some locations and strategic resources. Probably the most bloodthirsty cry foul when those wishing to expand their empire quietly breathe a sigh of relief. The title is nevertheless strategically and not as simple as it sounds. Indeed, a fierce battle will be set up to integrate the top of the most powerful players which can itself be a big challenge.

Finally, how can we forget the economic system of 8 Realms. Indeed, the game adopts a freemium mode and is available free of charge. However, a shop you can buy an alternative currency, the Gem, against real money. This can then be used to accelerate the construction of some buildings to increase the size of queues research or construction, to get your troops to their destination faster or to give them a morale bonus. Players wishing to join the best will probably have to spend at the checkout and we must admit that the prices seem rather excessive. However, the player lambda quietly seeking to develop his empire may do so freely, especially since many missions relate directly Gems. In the end, it is entirely possible to play for free and have fun, especially since it does not have to worry about an attack on a premium player. The title seems therefore already more balanced and truly complete, knowing that it tends to improve with many upgrades available. Regrettably, perhaps a certain lack of originality and poor interaction between players, but 8 Realms is definitely a good pick coupled with very promising game.

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