Sunday, January 22, 2012

Football Up! Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Wii

Football Up! Yet had it all. By choosing to build on two myths that are arcade football Sensible Soccer and to a lesser extent, Kick Off, the game was going to EnjoyUp to a great start. Unfortunately, the gameplay particularly heavy and unbalanced does not allow the model to reach the capital fun and sympathy of his ancestors. Indeed there are countless more gameplay elements that should have been corrected so that the circulation of the ball is more fluid and more open matches. Instead, structures are slow and jerky and unusually rare occasions. A heresy for meetings should be completed on scores of football and in which the firing into the top corner are supposed to be legion. No, in Football Up! , We spend our time to compress the Wiimote frustration, the fault AI incredibly inadequate controls and gender. In fact, despite its low price (500 points, or € 5), this football game was released too wobbly so we manage to get excited about it...

A true hunter in your feet, the ball sticks to those paradoxically AI. This alone is enough to balance what we put Football Up! in the closet as what could be a simple hard-core aspect becomes totally illogical. Thus, losing the ball frequently, if not constant, while the recovery requires an absolutely perfect timing or wait until an opponent's error. Incredibly responsive and able to dribble in small spaces (not going to imitate), AI annoying, forcing you to tackle and almost always, to blame. The dispossessed of the ball, tackling is a waste unless you are a collector of boxes. But then, the command list is more limited, that's about the only way in which to seize the leather... Worse, the obstacles are triggered without you even want the fault to a selection of automatic players horrifying! For example, if you arm a shot and you are snatched the ball, shooting the key kept in memory becomes a violent tackle because the selection has meanwhile switched player... But it is incoherent to many other occasions, the player selected by default is not necessarily the closest to the ball or the most likely to intervene. And of course, the manual selection is not available.

But the list of defects Football Up! does not stop there. Guardians are unable to identify the foot at the sides (except on 6 meters) and relaunch too softly in his hand, keys ridiculous lack of a camera vertical timing incredibly demanding keystrokes, volleys or head... In short, everything to the pleasure turns into torture and even ignoring these difficulties, it never manages to have fun. And content hungry since the game does not help outside of a training mode devoid of pedagogical exercises, repetitive friendly matches and a World Cup mode (only multiplayer games, go figure) that has no originality, there is nothing in the famous Football Up!. Certainly, the rates charged do not suggest endless possibilities but from there to settle for so little...

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