Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Puddle Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360/PC

The independent game offering puzzles and constantly growing digital distribution. Among the full range of PC and high definition consoles are nearly all, risky bets, small jewelry, and occasionally wild ideas that are great fun, and usually at a reduced price. In the case of Puddle, the new Neko Entertainment to Xbox 360 and PS3, the creators have done a puzzle game inspired many classics precisely this means, taking ideas from World of Goo, Rolando and LocoRoco, among others, three good reference from which to create a title based on the physics of fluids, even if the end result is far from being as that achieved by those games.

Puddle of an idea of six students who developed the project, which won the festival out of the GDC in 2010-this prototype is freely available for PC-, and the basic idea of ​​the gameplay is as simple as controlling the stage for carrying liquid for different scenarios about its dangers labyrinth without spilling large quantities. The inspiration for those securities is unclear, but fails in several respects Puddle, the most important gameplay. The operation is simple, does not hide any secret and only be concerned to avoid losing large amounts of watery substance on the road and reach the goal with a minimum amount required, or you've lost. Your only way to interact is leaning a few degrees to the side stage for gravity do the rest of the work, calculating behavior as the viscosity and the speed acquired by the surfaces, sticks and pipes, and so will know how strongly the hops. We must constantly pay attention and make corrections on the fly to make your precious fluid is not crashing an unwanted area.

During the early stages, set in subjects such as plumbing, nature or labs find different threats to the fluid, able to reduce our drops, such as fire, lightning or hot surfaces, that within seconds of contact will begin to evaporate the material. Not to mention that in any branch may be divided liquid, losing part of it. The route includes turns and slides in to take inertia, gates and some switches to activate mechanisms, although I must say that with this game so this is a mechanical puzzle-oriented as it appears in fact to overcome the difficulty danger is not so much of our ingenuity, is more a matter of skill and reflexes to direct the liquid between, say, two threatening flames. This may be our biggest disappointment with Puddle, the game focuses on learning the track mentally, know where you've failed and repeat until you get past stage, there is an intellectual effort to catalog it really intense puzzle game, not even the final situations where we need to do something in a short period of time.

This title is simple, short, in which each phase can be completed in minutes. Its duration depends more on the difficulty of some complex issues that we will repeat several times the path, although there is really impossible areas. But what if you're really stuck? There is the option to "mourn" a way for the game tease you to the next level, although only two of these jokers that will be returned if you return to these issues and surpass phases. It's not something I recommend you use as Puddle is not huge, but it is better to leave the game get stuck.

The main interest of both the gameplay is in the scores, overcome our records repeating scenarios in less time and with more liquid into the goal untouched. If you are a friend of the replay, you always get gold emblem at the end of each phase shows you your rank-and get all the trophies/achievements of your console, then you can offer Puddle hours of fun, as you reach the end phase without spilling a drop or evaporate is very complicated. But if your purpose is simply to overcome the challenges, this is something you do not take too much time and find great innovations that have not seen about the original games that Neko has collected ideas, only with less wit and with the disadvantage of not surprising at all. The control uses only two buttons, which are the triggers to choose the angle of inclination. PlayStation 3 At the option of using the Sixaxis control that all controls are built-and that so little has been seized, as well as PlayStation Move, forms of control which will play a more visceral, impulsive, for example, when you see a hot surface and turn the control yourself so that the liquid passing jump over a ramp, but in other situations can also do less precise movement. At least, is the choice of user how to play it.

Something that we would have liked to see, and really would have much more interest to the title, would be an editor of phases and the ability to share creations with others, but unfortunately has been contemplated. The closest thing we found in the laboratory so that if we let liquid jets put different objects and we unlocking phases for testing or experimenting at will, but only in the tiny space that is the screen and the only reward to use the work as a background for the main menu. An expanded version of this creator of scenarios, or some two-player mode, for example, split-screen racing or network, is something that would win many points for this Puddle, and that makes us see the game more like an extended version the initial project, but not slick enough to be sold commercially.

As a result, we have fun but short game and that does not stand out or to the party nor the puzzle platformer. The idea is not completely original games have similar style Liquid 2D and Aqua Panic! and even 3D like HG Mercury, all with more personality Puddle. LocoRoco No doubt, in which the protagonists act as a kind of a liquid mass, wastes a lot more charisma in every way the game at hand, and that's something wrong with this downloadable game, which has a price of 9.99 euros, which seems high for the content and quality care, because low prices are very often a good incentive to try these independent projects against the proposals known. It is easy to find most addictive releases in the distribution of App Store for a few cents, or category Minis PSP and PlayStation 3.

Interestingly, the graphics and sound is not bad despite being a project with few resources. It is technically simple, the simulation of water is more complex than we see in him, and yet we have seen things much better, as represented in the two PixelJunk Shooter, but the style is clean and pleasing to the eye, with very blurred background to differentiate it from the point. The electronic sound is not very loud, attached without protruding too much, except for certain situations in which dynamically changes the accelerating pace and tension, so in this sense, the team has done a good job. Our only criticism is that the visual appearance of the screen scrolling becomes smooth everything we would like, or what should be considering graph showing the load.

Puddle gives the impression of being a game that might be more successful in portable systems, especially those with motion sensors. Behind him lies a good idea to remake gameplay and intentions known with a new look, but has not been developed enough to become a full title to justify the price. There are many alternatives of all kinds, and even downloadable content for games such as maps or expansions of lower prices and higher interest. This is not to say that Puddle is bad or not linger for a while, but competition in digital distribution, even outside of PlayStation and Xbox 360 for example, in IOS-systems is very high, with better games and more affordable . A good start to its developers, but not a recommended purchase unless you are really passionate about this kind of releases that have already tried other options.

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