Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ridge Racer Preview, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS Vita

The event is the launch of a new console is virtually linked to the event which involves the launch of a new Ridge Racer. The saga of Bandai Namco driving regularly points to the launch of each new machine. He has done all of Sony, Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS. Of course the launch of Vita one would expect. The strange thing is that the series of late deliveries not usually offer more than the one presented at the launch. This might suggest a couple of things that the game does not work and since the company Nippon no lesson, or the most logical, clever marketing plan presented to them regularly as the only driving game for the first few weeks and also with a reputation earned over the years. However, while this plan may be fruitful for the company, sometimes not for a good part of the players and critics.

Ridge Racer PS Vita has been harshly criticized for its low content. From Namco Bandai said that it was all a new experimental method was to offer some material for a low price and then adding more content to go through the DLC dear. Of course, the voices raised against this method did not wait. In addition, the price is about 35 euros was not at all cheap if you look at other titles like Dark Quest was offered less than 25 euros offering infinitely wider content. However, shortly after Hideo Teramoto said he only had 8 months to develop the title Vita PS, so surely the rush to have it on launch day were the real reasons which had the title could well be the nickname of incompleteness.

At a time when players couldnt powerful Forza and Gran Turismo 5 or simulators are modeled more realistically as F1, another large part of the keen driver to enjoy more direct and simple entertainment offered by the Ridge Racer arcade model. Nothing new suspension and tires semi soft strip of nitro and do not touch the brake. In paragraph playable there is little to note, especially a continuous line with the titles of PSP and 3DS, especially the latter note the import of some scenic elements, systems and use nitros reflexes and some menus. However, although the track does not change things much, if they do outside.

The general scheme of the game is completely different. At the beginning of it we have to choose between a team of four available, and indicate our current location (Argentina, Japan, etc...) Once a menu that we will begin to create us a lot of confusion. Almost 50% of the main menu options makes references to social or data (trophies, ranking, statistics and videos of the races). Even find new options such as Hero Interview which is simply a phrase that says our corridor. We also have a garage with five models of cars, just the five available throughout the game and whose difference is the design, since they all have the same characteristics of power and maneuverability. As you win races, climb level, our car will move up in class and we will take a loan to buy a number of improvements to the car. Among these improvements situated as a skill tree, find some that are just text as in the council race.

During all these options, menus and options are presented clearly and not too confusing. For example, the option of racing a player comes in a particularly small icon, which makes us think that the title, preferred to emphasize the multiplayer side, perhaps due to its more than confirmed shortcomings. Both on the side of the game solo or online, you only have three different circuits (normal and reverse). As we said at the beginning of the article, probably caused by excessive haste to display the title at the time of release of the console. Is expected in the coming weeks including more material to go by way of downloadable content, an option not like too much. With only three circuits, two hours will be able to know each millimeter, plus we will have achieved some credits, improved our car and therefore we strive without always being on top in single player mode. Is an arcade game, and as such did not request a realistic driving, but with the shortage of circuits and is extremely easy, makes the single player aspect is particularly boring. So the title seems to highlight its online features, which manage to mitigate the low content, but also contains other flaws inherent in multiplayer.

First, when we started the multiplayer mode, get into a race with other players on our level is difficult. We assume that once the game is sold worldwide this factor will be less problematic. On the other hand, if we start a quick race, surely we will find other players with more cars range, and therefore impossible to overcome, resigned to a penultimate position in the best. We also have the option to compete solo in Ghost Mode, and even by applying our best we can upload Near times for other players can download and compete through the phantom. In summary, we can say that the title poses a very limited content, with only 5 cars (similar) and three circuits. The player experience is virtually nonexistent, and for the online mode is, for the moment, extremely unequal. We found many new and good intentions, but it all just so confusing and raised strange, not having clear and the goal of the game, or some new options. So just enjoy a race after another, something that due to the shortage of circuits may get bored after a few hours.

In the graphic can also be perceived in the rush that we've talked for the whole article. The cars models are clearly imported from previous releases, perhaps more like 3DS, but once shown in a higher resolution look better finishes. But once we are in the race we realize that many mistakes are being committed as usual in the series. Reflections on the moons of cars coming to the fore more reliable, square pixels showing almost clear, just as happened in the DS. The scenarios seem poor in detail and texture, but they look good, it shows they have not received a thorough job. Overall the graphics is not remarkable in PS Vita, but could be called a PSP or 3DS game that feels good resolution of the new laptop. The similarities between deliveries graphics make reaching this conclusion after the first few minutes and makes clear that the work could have been much better.

This is the main problem that leads to the delivery of Vita Ridge Racer. We have only five vehicles and, above all, only three circuits, makes the experience both single player and multi is rather limited. Especially single player mode appears hidden from the main menu, with a development that does not pass the independent careers and ability to master after 20 minutes due to its low difficulty. On the other hand, new social and development functions are especially confusing, the branch of improvement of each car is extremely simple, but difficult to understand at first, and some new options included have no reason to be. But online gaming is still frantic and fun, maybe more when we have more players and more through a circuit to DLC. At the moment the title is insufficient sample, but from Namco Bandai want us to see there is a new model based on downloadable content. With PS4 and Xbox 720 on the way, perhaps the company should rethink Nippon series from scratch, come as a surprise as did the first titles in the famous franchise and in conclusion regenerate arcade racing genre with new ideas and a more ambitious.

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