Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tales of the Abyss Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Nintendo 3DS

Series whose Facebook status with Europe could be "it's complicated," Tales of only proved that a few times on our continent, and not necessarily the best ambassadors, Tales of Symphonia in mind. Booked on PlayStation 2 in the United States and Japan, Tales of the Abyss comes back a little justice in this world import disheveled, in a version that gives 3DS sometimes want to replay the original episode. That's when the beast is wounded it gives the best of itself. Why? Response in our test of Tales of the Abyss.

Developed by Team Symphonia Tales Studio, Tales of the Abyss is a kind of evolution of Symphonia Tales of a world with relatively similar, and art direction closest to it very clearly. Attendant again to chara-design, the talented Kosuke Fujishima completes this relationship is different, however, the topics covered. Focused on substantive issues involving serious identity and religion, Tales of the Abyss looks - like Tales of Symphonia - to build a story very much focused on the suffering and sacrifice without really knowing how to handle emotion. Witness a look a little immature at the time, the game of Bandai Namco Games managed to hang efficiently when there is simple and focuses on its many twists and clever. In short, when it says instead of thinking. Built around the character of Luke, the archetype of the young amnesiac hero, the adventure takes place in several distinct parts, each containing lots of people they wish to return - or out - of your group. Balanced, the cast does not have an overabundance of clichés legged type irascible wizard 6 years, or over-excited little adventuress. Anise and Mieu only tend to go partly into this category, although their importance is still packed enough not to create a rapid fatigue. The young Natalia appears surprising in many situations, and characters of Tear and Jade bring a real measure, supported by Guy who manages to get out regularly from the usual hero's accomplice anything to the power of friendship. The problem is here that Luke is very long antipathy between phases of chronic depression and his rebellious attitude of "head slap". Behavior justified by the facts, but too supported a commitment to create sustainable, at least for the big score of the game takes hours to let bloom potential. A force that, as often in the productions of the studio, just the system of play.

For each episode of the series, the combat system is also every time a dive in the depravity of the pronunciation. LMBS named FR-Flex Range Linear Motion Battle System, it can be summarized by the integration of free movement in combat zones, without losing the axis of the target. A mutation in the Multi Line Linear Motion Battle System (ML-LMBS) Tales of Symphonia to freedom of action increased, giving the player more control over the course of the fighting. Being able to move without restriction opens up new perspectives, especially in terms of dodges without the attacks on the back to be advantaged. An addition that now seems a little cheap, but that allows Tales of the Abyss to retain a certain modernity may be suitable for players who have known the series late. Flexibility that fits well to travel via the stick of 3DS, breaking even more stiffness remains firmly attached to the principle of "lines". Especially since the Fields of Fonons (FOF) grow naturally to travel to enjoy their exciting boost. Each attack using a magical element (fire, water, wind, thunder ...) creates a circle surmounted by a small indicator that provides information on its nature. Initially inactive, it starts to shine when several different spells or strokes of the same type were triggered. If one person enters and uses again a similar basic action, it changes shape and increases in a visible damage to the enemy. Saw a very well which gives legitimacy to manage space, and requires both observation and speed. A small spark of an overall strategy focused on button mashing with very few basic strokes per character. The usual ridges are present but subject to the same problem of overuse in Tales of Vesperia. Faced with the lack of simple actions, it is very tempting to use these special moves excessively to diversify gameplay. Fireworks murderer who gleefully pump gauge mana feeble, that we most often go hand in front of the exorbitant cost of magic potions. The rhythm of the fighting and pushing the spectacular Mystic Artes, available after reaching level 30, are clearly in that direction. The boss also remember them well to keep this kind of meeting as they appear opportunistic, up to use our own FOF powerful artes to chain. Relatively few, they fill out their acts as a barrier excluding players not prepared or somewhat intrigued by the Capacity Core or Fon Slot Chambers. Original, the principle of evolution of Tales of the Abyss through the Capacty Core, a variety of profiles that provide improvements in each stats level up in one of the six relevant characteristics (Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Magic Attack. ..). As for the Fon Slot Chambers, they give the opportunity to advance the edges with colored stones that provide access to changes, such as a decrease in MP needed for spell casting or additions to share, such a barrier which also makes the points. Never explained clearly in the adventure, this system is very practical and yet provides a degree of customization.

Out of the lot with its gaming system "best of" finely improved although still subject to some redundancy, Tales of the Abyss also works on the concept of adventure that comes straight from his script rhythm. A call to the discovery that requires the presence of compelling art direction, with many places in very different environments, and some nice 16-bit standard plans that have not aged at all. Powered by an engine that holds up, the game suffers from Bandai Namco Games, however, it passed almost guilty to 3DS. The aliasing remember that it is always ready to arise squatting much scenery, enhanced by a fully 3D disfiguring the title. Thought at any time to use this technology, Tales of the Abyss becomes confusing and difficult to read. Feature a gadget that could have found any justification during the fighting, via a highlighted character's headed, but that just throwing a blur that stings the eyes of the whole. No need for a modern contrast to the lack of renewal of the principle of Skits. These little asides between battle companions range from the simple stories and essential information for proper immersion into the world of Auldrant. A classic series that takes this time as a brake on progress. Springing every five minutes, these exchanges are connected regularly and - unlike the Japanese versions - are not dubbed. Invasive and painful quickly, they are moreover Longuet. Proof of lack of attention shown by this adaptation, Skits advance alongside the police in some tiny interface elements located on the touch screen. Despite this reservation, it proves convenient to easily launch the edges of any character, if indeed you have assigned to the four slots in advance. A little more detail into almost, but shows that the addition of the most convincing Tales of the Abyss, which deserved better.

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