Monday, January 23, 2012

King of Fighters XIII Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Xbox 360/PS3

After the huge disappointment of King of Fighters XII SNK Playmore it plays with this thirteenth installment in the saga. There is no margin for error and if the thing does not work out many of us thought it might be the end of the company or at least things would be very difficult to move forward.

The King of Fighters is not only one of the most important franchises in gaming, is a banner of the past, represents the understanding of the former video game company in Osaka. For a long time rivalry between SNK and Capcom gave rise to some of the best fighting games of all time, but those times are over. SNK despite the revival broke through Playmore lost much in the way. In the first place and so that readers can breathe easier say yes in capital letters. This is a King of Fighters, as stipulated in royalties. This is a fighting game as it should be so complex and deep as required and sufficient KOF game modes such as not to bore to the first hurdle.

Graphics: Graphically there is little to criticize this game. The sprites look so good and so well animated that we think you can not blame anything to work. The character animations are very good and graphic effects that accompany special shocks and are also very accomplished. We know that in a game of this nature the graphic is not the most important but appreciates the careful work that has been done with both the characters and animations with special effects. We can criticize that caught animations are the same or missing animations between characters at the start of a round but in general we have a section marked both the animation and in the art. There are characters whose design may like more or less but it is undeniable that the design has been done is worked to the fullest.

The scenarios have been done with great detail and motion are not exempt and are not sparing in quantity, but more depth lacking in them. It gives the feeling that we are fighting on a stage rather than substance, but have placed a plane back there and we're stuck in front. Generally does not detract from the game but it hits some of that lack of depth in the scenarios.

Sound: In terms of sound there is nothing remarkable in general. They keep the original voices of the game for the attacks and strokes. The story mode scenes have no voices and the truth is that they are a bit dull. Music in general is good, not too much but not out of tune notes in the whole game in general. As a note to point out that the game allows you to select other tunes among which are taken from the KOF 2001. The special effects and voices have been careful to throw the special moves are clearly identified and synchronized with them. In some shops you can find the soundtrack to gift the game, four CDs that accompany an edition of the game that has been very carefully compared with most games that come to market.

Game Modes: Nothing more to start the game and finish the introduction, initial and skips the menu as we were pleasantly filled options. The number of fighters has grown to more than 30 characters recovering inexplicably disappeared from KOF XII Mai and K 'and characters that were neutered again have their shots as always. We find a game in which the user has carefully with lots of options with which to delight and spend hours to master our "fighters" favorites. Fighters say because this way the game has been translated into our language. We appreciate the translation, but note that it is a bit sloppy.

In the story mode is where most of the thing sings translated phrases that make no sense whatsoever. Continuing the story mode (not reveal anything of the history of the game in the analysis) that those who do not know the series will find it confusing, it is more you will feel totally lost, however, and despite being a succession of static images and text will satisfy fans of the story revolves around the KOF tournament and see how this saga ends KOF XIII Ash Crimson from three points of view. This mode is fairly short, do not expect a story like Blazblue so far, but it is interesting and is an addition to the count that is appreciated and well-needed burst in the previous delivery. Over a few fights go forward and seeing the scenes, we can choose from several options to follow and although, as we do not over take us a while to unlock all the scenes of the mode. The final boss is doped to the maximum, how could it be otherwise, and we will go very badly to kill it, especially at first.

Traditional modes of training (highly configurable) and arcade mode in which we will progress in a series of battles to reach the final are still present. There is nothing remarkable in this arcade mode to get out of the keynote, however say that although the AI ​​is not no big deal, yes it has improved over the previous release. When we are playing in arcade and history we see a series of challenges to meet as the online version of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. These challenges are the type of jump 3 times, make a special, and so on.

We have a tutorial that while not explain all the possibilities of the game really is a good approximation to what the title has to offer. Here we explain the basic moves, special cancels, the types of jump, dash and other movements. Following the game modes have a wide range for the solo player and want to explore the possibilities of the wrestlers. On one side is against the mode in which we beat up opponents in the shortest survival time and the way in which we survive the endless wave of enemies. Also included is a test mode for each fighter. In total, each character will have 10 tests to be performed difficulty rising exponentially. At first the tests are relatively simple, but from the fourth normal things change in general and there should be nothing short of a magician's stick to execute the combinations that we are asked. The combos are long and demanding in almost all the characters. Require execution of cancellations and synchronize difficult shots.

Luckily we have the help of the script permanently printed above, that just as in Street Fighter IV indicating what hit us we will run, and secondly we have the sequence in a video recorded and we can see for helps us and know and timing used and from what position the combo. This mode will keep you entertained for a long time and gives us an idea of the possibilities the game and how hard it is to handle. These options have to add the art gallery we unlocked as you advance in the game and editing configurable colors to the extreme and very intuitive and interesting to explore. On the issue of characters we will also unlock content as you advance in the game.

Gameplay: As we said at the beginning this is a King of Fighters with all that entails. The first thing that attracts attention is that it is a very offensive game. He has recovered the spirit of the series attack and guard bar confirms this. Now one can not indiscriminately cover because the game does not. If too many consecutive hits cover will be a Guard Crush and we will be helpless for a while (similar to Street Fighter Alpha 3). On the other hand, we can escape from the pressure playing a power bar to flee or hit the opponent and give us a break. We have the classic 4-button, two fists and two kick. Pressing the two smaller we will run or will dash, depends on the character animation. The grips are made by pressing hard fist or kick hard. Pressing both made ​​strong attacks on the classic character of the saga blow that pulls us down. There are four types of jump: normal jump, short jump, short jump and long jump quickly. To master the game is necessary to master all the techniques of self, which will take many hours.

There are two different bars. One is a bar that serves Hyper Drive to cancel special moves into other combos to lengthen and the damage they do or how to enter Hyperdrive, which over time can make all cancellations we want. On the other hand is typical power bar that will allow us to make the super classic special attacks unique to each character devastating called Neo Max. Bumps have been introduced enhanced versions EX are normal movements and allow us to make longer and more damaging combos in exchange for spending power bar (as in Street Fighter III and IV). When the bar spend Hyper Drive (HD) can enter this mode to make the long and damaging combos in the game where we can cancel all the movements again and again not to drop the opponent, and even if we have enough bar power can make a Neo Max to finish the combo and finish with almost rival options. This sounds easy but doing well explained in the stress of combat is very complicated. Note that the commands are strict and can not find shortcuts like in other games, this means that you must execute the right things to get out and gives less room for randomness.

In summary, we have a deep game system, which requires hours of practice to get the best of our characters and learn to defend others and exploit their weaknesses. Does not invent anything new but if it does everything so well that we can not but congratulate SNK Playmore for their work. As you may be put buts still missing and some characters do not have all their shots or are depleted. But the game is very good and that's undeniable.

Apart from all this is the controversy of the DLC. Without leaving the game for sale already know there will be soon downloadable characters for it. The user is left with the feeling that you are selling an incomplete product and that if not more characters have joined has not been for lack of time. On the other hand point out that the game hits the market below the usual price and the issue that comes to us, called "Deluxe Edition" brings a bonus Art CD and a poster with all the movements of the characters, in addition to balancing characters after passing through the arcades.

Overall: We're in luck. We must confess that after the disappointment of KOF XII were totally skeptical of this title and we gave much credit to SNK Playmore. But now we can say only take command of the stick we saw that things looked good and as the hours passed and we felt more comfortable at the controls of Kyo, Kim, Kensou and company. The spectacular combos start flowing and gave way to discover a deep combat system and different from what we can offer other games on the market. The fact that the online check reasonably well and the game is so complex to master a hundred per cent and rewarding to do, not only confirmed the return of the king. The King of Fighters has gone and done it in style and stay. Congratulations SNK Playmore and especially congratulations to the fans that we finally have the King of Fighters we deserve.

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