Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Xbox 360/PS3/PC

There are franchises and brands, and platforms that move consoles, becoming true legends in the history of the game. If we look back and we take stock of how many years you can accumulate some deliveries and sagas, we are confident that Worms would be one of them. It is, obviously, a popular icon among gamers of half the world. Worms has been taking the most various titles and sequel during their almost eighteen years behind. Through different, though subtle changes gameplay and mechanics, the Worms series has adapted and renewed continually to offer what he has always claimed: fun games, simple, direct and full of humor. At least, by far. And is that Team 17 (study Worms series developer), driven by trends become more varied and cool characters and worlds in three dimensions, has been tempted more than once in these irreverent invertebrates adapt to these technological benefits. Unfortunately, the end result has never been liked by all, and although this Worms: Ultimate Mayhem seems to address some bugs, it seems that does not end quite jell.

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem for Xbox Live Arcade is a compilation that brings about the last two installments of weight in the series, Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem, by combining them under a new adaptation in digital format. Worms 3D is perhaps the first turning point in the series, and today is known as one of the most risky. However, it was the game that became a strong aesthetic and 2D gameplay into something adaptable to three dimensions, with all that means. Graphically it is true that was not bad, and provided much of the taste for destruction and treasured previous action games. In practice, the result was nothing short of disastrous for many fans (even enjoyed good sales), which looked like simple and fun game they loved, was a confusing leap to 3D because of a mechanical control uninspired. Worms 4: Mayhem, polished many of these defects, added more game modes and incorporated the idea of fortresses and castles to the campaign mode, where players and the worms had to defend or attack their positions. This installment, fun and full day is one of the most remembered by the players in the saga, and in a way, is the best of this collection that joins the two for the first time on Xbox 360.

If you ever played any installment of Worms, you know roughly how it works, or at least will have a general idea of ​​what you can expect from a common starting (almost all of the available modes) to the game. Worms: Ultimate Mayhem will give us the control of a small group of worms (up to a maximum of four), which will have a basic obligation, to destroy the group of worms rival. These antagonists teams shall be divided by the stage, and will be equipped with the most colorful and powerful weapons. Limited by time, each worm attack or move around the stage and level looking for targets to shoot down and destroy. Each game will last a lot, because though there is a maximum time limit for each scenario, the fact is that being a game turns, each player (or machine) can take a few seconds (marked by the interface at all times) to plan your strategy or your next attack. The game ends when one of the two teams of seasoned rival worms to remove completely (wiping out each and every one of the members). During a normal game of Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, not too different to that shown by other games in the series, waging war with worms back in their step. That is, in its most basic, and primary and primary objectives of each game, this release (or rather, remake) is very accurate.

The problem, and the biggest drag on the game lies in its adaptation to the mechanical characteristic of 3D gameplay. Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, at the very beginning, invites us to go through a tutorial (or rather, we require), in which we learn the routines playable and controls designed for the occasion. The system is virtually identical to the previous sequels, but adapted to control the Xbox 360. But if unset by that time, neither does now. A feeling that we just pick up the controller, was that of absolute ignorance. It seems to us too complex tutorial distribution and controls, giving us plenty of information at the beginning of the training missions, and soon after checking as much of it is not entirely accurate or necessary. Once we finish the tutorial, and started playing formally to any of the modes of play (of which we'll talk a little later), we notice that the control and its possibilities, but decent, pales by mismatching playable system in three dimensions.

Most of our time or our turn to play, we will be fighting over the camera, which behaves in a somewhat strange and erratic, giving unfavorable angles, especially when we have to use a rocket or grenade. Once we moved the worm level, and we managed to handle the camera with ease (figuratively speaking), we notice that the distribution of controls and buttons is not quite ideal. The result? Well, simple actions that occurred in the 2D game, like shooting or pointing, have become real challenges this time (beyond the known wind direction or strength), which greatly hampers the sense of the frenetic pace of a series like this.

The chosen approach does not provide all things, since most of the time we will be behind the backs of our worm, with all that that implies. Many times, we will depend more on luck and unwise our rivals, our expertise as strategists worms. Whether you try to use first person view to shoot: if the game wants, and gives you a good perspective, successful. Otherwise, better to have your troops cover. In part, this is solved with a "death chamber" that tells us whether we succeeded or fatally damaged our enemy, avoid having to wander around the stage to prove it.

Beyond these problems, which lie more in a bad transition from playable appearance and original approach to the mechanics of technical failures, Worms: Ultimate Mayhem is a game that, despite the redundancy, it is left to play. The games have lost a lot of rhythm, but the end and fun, especially if you're a big fan of the series, is the same: use the most disparate actions and weapons to win the game. The huge variety of game modes available helps a lot to ensure the longevity of the title, which promises hours and hours of endless fights and battles between worms look ridiculous.

At our disposal, beyond the usual quick game (ideal to play without much complicated stage or computer search of worms), we have two modes of previous games campaign called "Campaign" and "History." In both, we will continue a kind of humorous story, which tells the adventures of the protagonists worms in enemy territory. The missions are varied (as we prevent stealing parts and tools that rival worms build up their city and its roads barrels of dynamite detonated in a restaurant or destroying armies), but may become simple not have much experience.

For its part, the way "VS" will be the real engine of the game with a full range of options and game formats, and with the assurance that when playing with other friends and will always be better than doing it solo AI leaves something to be desired. This mode "VS" is classic, very classic. Fight in those scenarios that we want (from theme parks and castles, to Wild West towns, prehistoric ruins, palaces, buildings under construction Arabs), choosing in turn, the conditions of victory or the participating teams. These modes are available to play together much in the same console (ideal and very classic) and through internet through Microsoft game network, Xbox Live. Mode "Challenges" is the most different and special about them, and to reward us if we can meet those specific goals that we scored in every game. These requirements are varied, ranging from worms to kill opponents with poisoned arrows, to survive for a limited time or tools to collect as many boxes as possible. Okay, and provides something of interest to the typical target of destruction or defense prevailing in the entire game.

With respect to the graphic section, Worms: Ultimate Mayhem gives us a lime, and sand. Graphically, we can say that, though well adapted to high definition, does not differ too much beyond some textures, 3D game that appeared a few years ago. The worms are well recreated, are expressive, and on top, highly customizable. In fact, we have a shop and a character editor and worms very complete, where we can choose its appearance, adding hairstyles and accessories, or giving a particular tone of voice. This will lead to real teams have worms theme and unique look ridiculous, and that is thanks enough. Graphic effects, explosions or smoke, are very showy, with a certain aspect shading, which is consistent with all the visuals and does not clash at all. Scenarios, on the other hand, as we mentioned above, are varied. His design work, and are packed with interactive elements that can destroy, demolish or shape at will over the course of the game. Without going any further, if we are skillful, we can destroy it almost completely, and leave the island on which we are playing like a real gruyere cheese.

The game, although translated into Castilian in their texts, in English. The voices of the characters are cute and fun (all brand and a recognized institution in the series), with various allusions to the action that takes place at the time on screen. The music, meanwhile, is not particularly remarkable, although it performs its function of environment and to accompany the moments of action and humor present in this Worms. Team 17 was able to draw an action strategy game fun and accessible so that any player could be for hours enjoying its benefits. Worms managed to combine many aspects that had worked separately in other games, and condensed with a master's undeniable. Worms: Ultimate Mayhem of the same approach, but the truth is that even though it hurts to say, does not stop working. Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, bet again on a vision and a graphic system that does not match the style of play entrenched for years. The three dimensions, although well recreated, do not fit properly in the Worms series, although attempts to maintain their credentials and identity, as the poor shipwrecked worms when they see the water. However, given the enhanced multiplayer aspect, and its wide range of game modes, many fans may see in this title, a good form of entertainment (although the game can be fun if obviate some of their faults). The decision to give (or not) trust is in the hands of the player.

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