Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birds of Steel Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

An air combat simulator very realistic set in the Pacific War during World War II with many content and possibilities for its control. Birds of Steel a care flight simulator that runs mostly during the Pacific War between 1941 and 1942, but also offers other battles of World War II. In 2009 the series for PC flight simulation IL-2 Sturmovik coming to consoles first, with IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, developed by Gaijin Entertainment, which was well received by critics. And now the Russian study stands out from this series by creating their own brand, Birds of Steel, and leaving aside this time the PC to create a unique set of consoles, at least for now, to be published by Konami. A title full of content and very carefully, which aims both to convince those who seek an experience not too complicated although realistic in its approach, and those who want something more brainy and complex, offering various methods of control. Three types of control or difficulty: simplified, realistic simulator. In the first aerodynamics is simplified and ammunition are renewed over time. In realistic aerodynamics is more like real life and if we are not careful enough the aircraft can drop sharply and engine failure due to overheating, but the machine gun ammunition and guns are being renewed with the passage of time. In simulator mode is added the momentum of the propeller and other physical phenomena, making the virtual flight feel much more real. All indicators are off HUD and we can operate the flaps and landing gear separately and use the elevator trim. Therefore, this is a game that allows, from an experience very simple and almost arcade to realistic.

The significant differences are between playing in one way or another, but the good thing is that if we change the type of control, we offer more than a tutorial in which we explain it properly. One of those titles that should not ignore or skip the explanations as it is very complex maneuvers such as landing or launching a missile from a ship learning require a bomber, having to put ourselves at a precise altitude and speed, surprising for choose their demand even simplified control system. In the Hangar can see all aircraft of the Axis and the Allies that are available, see your load and read a detailed description, and if we have enough points that we are achieving in all game modes, unlock them. 30 German planes-CR.42 Falco, MC202, He 111 H-3-, 17 of the USSR-Po-2, IL-2, Yak-7B-22, British-Swordfish Mk I, Mk I Spitfire, Mosquito FB Mk VI-21, American-F2A-3, PBY-5 Catalina, F6F-3-and 13-N A6M2 Japanese Zero, D3A1, Ki-64-la-Hei-which total more than 100 aircraft, you see a very considerable figure. In the showroom we can see their range, speed and maximum altitude, transit time, rate of climb, range and distance to take off, get their weapons, a detailed 3D model that can be seen moving the camera and zooming, and a tab about their history very interesting and well documented. We can also customize them with different images and logos on all sides, including those erotic drawings of women who put some drivers in the Allied side in their planes.

In the single player modes have four: Campaign, Single Missions, Dynamic campaign and Mission editor. The historic campaign includes a series of interconnected historical missions and allowed to participate in mythical battles like Pearl Harbor, Midway, Guadalcanal and Wake, new aircraft and weapons qualifying themselves as overcome the missions. We have three campaigns, the first U.S. prewar period, 1941, four small missions that serve as a training and tutorial where they explain the basics to start playing: takeoff, basic flight, aerial combat, landing, takeoff of aircraft carriers, torpedo, dive bombing and landing on aircraft carriers. But the real war begins with the two campaigns, one for side-USA and Japan-based Pacific War, 1941-1942, a total of 20 missions, still very interesting that the Japanese side to participate, something unusual in the entertainment world, and the guys at Gaijin Entertainment have dared to tackle. In addition to explain the most famous historical conflict as the attack on Pearl Harbor or the Battle of Midway show us a real picture documentaries worked with a considerable length. How individual missions are missions with various objectives such as escort, air combat against fighters and bombers, exploration, several scenarios that occur along the Pacific and Europe, having four distinct Mediterranean, Western Front, Eastern Front and Pacific Ocean. For example in the Mediterranean scenario missions are related to the Siege of Malta, on the Western Front in the Battle of the Ruhr, on the Eastern Front Battle of Kuban, and Pacific battles we saw in the historical campaign mode but lived from another point of view, as Pearl Harbor, or new ones as the Battle of Port Moresby or Okinawa, making a total of 27 such missions.

The Dynamic Campaign mode is "alternative history", the locations of the real battles of the Second World War become the place of new events, and the result of a campaign depends directly on the player's actions. We chose the years between 1940 and 1945, the Allies or Axis-team-some kind of advantage if we want, that defines which faction controls most sectors of the region, the number of wins you need to complete the campaign, the level of difficulty, and if you play online or offline. You see your enemy compared to the number battles won, sectors and bombers, fighters, infantry, tanks, artillery and ships. And then when you choose to play the type of mission, making thus a customized campaign that prolongs the life of the game to infinity, or until you drop. And finally in the single player modes have the mission editor, where you can select a variety of initial conditions, very useful to learn to fly or improve your skills with your favorite aircraft. After each mission in any battle or can we save replays, and watch them whenever you want, or spend time in one of the extras, Encyclopedia, where you can learn about the various maneuvers, flying barrel, inside loop, split, spin, Immelmann, tactics and even history, with an information sheet of the various battles. No doubt it shows the care and detail that is recreated all their creators are passionate about aviation history. Multiplayer modes have not been able to try them, but reading about them. The main combat mode, where after setting options starting as a place of battle, many players-to 16 difficulty, aircraft available and even the weather or it is day or night, players are divided into two opposing teams. There are three game types, air superiority, the goal of each team is to capture and hold certain areas of air-superiority like battle lines as above but can eliminate points of enemies appear, and superiority in capturing and retaining aerodromes important land areas.

There are co-op, since many of the individual missions of the campaign dynamic or created with the Editor of quests can be completed cooperatively with other players, to a maximum of four per game. There will be tournaments that regularly appear in the corresponding mode, and last several days, and events, cooperative missions will be presented on special occasions such as during holidays, and will be accessible for a limited time. Both tournaments to enter events as the player must meet certain requirements such as having achieved the required level, bought a plane determined, and so on. Definitely a game full of modes and options, which its creators want to give a lot of life after release. Technically it is a wonder, and more at this stage of the generation that we have seen real monsters both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, although it is clear that the aim of the developers create a game was not spectacular or stunning graphically and does a good simulator, working hard physics and behavior of aircraft in the air, very realistic. Perhaps what we like least is the feeling of aircraft size, difficult to explain but it hits, as in the first tutorial missions taking off in a giant toy seem esplanade, a sensation that disappears later as fighting in the Air. And possibly his greatest sin is that sometimes does not move all that fluid should run a little rough, at least in this beta. When passing in the Pacific, we will see large green ground, beautiful blue skies and seas, and although not a technical reference, it is not ugly, and has some details meritorious as certain light effects, recreating the clouds or trail of smoke from the bullets in the air. Besides classical music in the menus is very elegant and looks good, has surprised us, since we are not accustomed to hear in a videogame. Lovers of flight simulation and the Second World War, in this case during the Pacific War, are in luck before a game that offers everything from a simulation with a simple control to a more realistic, with more than 100 aircraft and a generous amount of game modes, both individual and multiplayer for up to 16 players. Done with care and affection, well documented and letting you experience the conflict from the American or Japanese side, with a section graph meets. Come this March for PlayStation and Xbox 360, and points very well mannered.

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