Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sniper Elite V2 Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

Step into the shoes of a sniper in World War II in this realistic and deliberate action game. Sniper Elite is a 2005 game released for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC and Wii. Developed by Rebellion Developments Britain, except in its version for the Nintendo console. This was quite successful not so much criticism as the public, with a group of loyal fans even created clans and hooked to the game continued for several years. Now comes the hands of the developers a new Sniper Elite is not really a sequel, but a reimagining, reboot, reboot or whatever you want to call the original, bringing the saga to high definition. And the V2 you see in the title refers not to be a sequel or version 2, but interesting part of the argument, very similar to the 2005 title with only some small changes. Play the role of Karl Fairburne, a secret agent of the OSS-Office of Strategic Services-the intelligence service of the United States of America during World War II. Your mission is to infiltrate Berlin in 1945, during the final days of the war, the city half in ruins and about to fall, in order to recruit scientists from Nazi Germany involved in the V2 rocket program. Developed at the beginning of the war in Germany, was the first ballistic missile long-range fighter in the world and the first known human artifact that made a suborbital flight, the progenitor of all modern rockets including those used by the U.S. space program and the Soviet Union. So imagine their importance, and your mission in this game. A title of third-person action in which we control an American sniper, which will force us to use stealth and patience, making accurate shots I tried to avoid detection. We have seen the first mission and the truth is that in a genre as trite as the action and war, this is a different proposition than usual, much more deliberate, strategic, which we have to study every enemy, think each shot, and know our environment and act accordingly, making it very interesting. A slow pace of play so that of course is not suitable for all players, but surely the most patient and the sniper's role has always drawn, will seem very interesting, as has happened to us.

In this first mission is to stop a Nazi convoy and steal the documents takes a scientist. In the center of Berlin starts the action, with a recreation of the city very realistic, but not exact, because as we said 505 Games, the distributor of the game, Berlin at the time the action takes place at the end of the war, was destroyed, devastated, with almost no tall building standing, and have taken some license for the action more interesting and has plenty of places to hide and lie to shoot. Before you start playing you can choose the difficulty, one set up three more to our liking, choosing whether we want to influence gravity and wind on the trajectory of the bullets, the effect of hold your breath for better pulse, or if we want to indicate the deviation of the shot. Already in the streets of Berlin, the first soldier clueless and giving us back, we ran silently, walking slowly and putting us behind him. We will have to be very careful about the noise we make, as our footsteps echo through the empty streets and easily call the attention of enemy soldiers if we are running. You can take the bodies of the Nazis to hide and not see the fellow, and will be very important for objects cache their bodies, because the inventory is very limited, and bullets, mines and grenades will be vitally important. We carry a sniper rifle, a machine gun to middle distance, and a pistol for close range, in this case the British Welrod, considered one of the first silent rifle -about 73 dB per shot. Before each mission, you can choose which weapon of each type you would carry.

Binoculars are a must, as it will help to explore our surroundings and discover enemies. The game only has on-screen, much less a map or radar to show us rivals, so our first objective to reach a new place will watch it very carefully with our binoculars and "tag" enemies, an action performed by pressing a button and pointing them. By doing this at all times by an arrow we will know where they are, and even tell us which weapon carrying, the distance at which they are and to his attitude, more aggressive, calm and alert. But now comes the big moment, shoot with the sniper rifle. Nazis discovered two together on the horizon, and prepare for the shot. At the time in which we aim, we can release the air to keep the pulse for a few seconds, and we must remember that the zoom of a rifle in World War II was not so powerful as a precision weapon now, so we have to calculate very well the shots and not always have the best vision possible. We take a time when one gets behind the other and shoot, the activation of the Kill Cam, without doubt the best game spectacular. A sort of bullet time, bullet-time in which the camera follows the bullet trajectory and shows in detail as it flows through the body of the enemy. Something that already included the 2005 title but here is enhanced by the so-called X-Ray Kill Cam, as we see the skeleton of the enemy and some internal organs like the heart, lungs or kidneys, watching the bullets impact or cross. In this first shot we saw that the bullet passed through the first soldier in the chest and left his body as a path deviant and become almost shrapnel hitting the second enemy, stunning. Not provided with each shot the camera is activated, only the deserving or more spectacular, held at a distance and with difficulty, but still, it happens often enough. We in the hour-long demo does not get tired of seeing the shots through the Kill Cam, made ​​with little effect achieved in his career, and the impressive results they have, seeing how a bullet can break a bone ankle, spine, or how to burst a lung. Even he left us open-mouthed, shot through the body and can end up hitting a grenade hanging from his belt, the soldier flying through the air, something to consider in future situations.

When you fire from far away, the force of gravity does its job, and the ball is dropped in his path, then the point will tell us where the bullet actually hit, aid can be disabled for those seeking a more realistic experience. The next target is displayed with an indication, your address, but the road to reach it we'll have to look for us, having different routes. Upon entering a building, just with several soldiers in the back with the gun Welrod without attracting the attention of the rest, and already at the top inspect the area, discovering a multitude of enemies. Patiently with binoculars marking must go one by one, to have them located and recorded, so you can make a good attack strategy. In this case consisted of laying mines and bombs cable activation at different entrances to the building, so that when the action began when the Nazis came looking for will take a surprise. With seven or eight enemies, we have no choice but to design a good tactic. The first shot killed the first enemy is simple, even the second too, as a partner falling occur a few seconds of confusion among the enemy side, but after the third shot will no longer so easy. Here the enemy begins to unfold and take different attitudes and positions, shooting from a distance if they have a machine gun, or even a sniper rifle, and sending other students to the origin of the shot, in this case the building where we were. When trying to enter, to his misfortune were encountering with the various "traps" that we had located. These are not stupid, and if a mine explodes, will walk more carefully and observe the environment, but we can camouflage them by placing a body on them, and thus not to see.

We continue to move through the streets trying to cause as little noise, and observing carefully the facades where there might be enemies. There will be curious indicators that somewhere there is activity, like watching dust fall from the ceiling, as being half-ruined buildings that indicates that there are people within walking along the upper floors. Soldiers are taking a quiet coffee and smoked a cigarette, which interrupted his little snack with a few well-aimed shots. This was the place of the convoy, where we had to prepare the ground, placing two major and several explosive charges of dynamite at the sides of the road. We climbed to the top of a building, first clearing it of enemies with the gun, and using the cover system, the now classic action title in any third person. It was activated on the roof kinematics showed that we approached the convoy. Since there were no remote controls, how to activate the explosive charges attached to a vehicle was shooting them, just at the moment when the motorcade passed him. The first vehicle exploded, and the remainder is stopped out crowd of soldiers from the rear, when it became a whole carnage, killing Nazis relentlessly. Among the general chaos, we end up with the scientist who had the documents, the objective of the mission, and I was only able to clean the area and down to pick them up. Had time to reach a tank, a deadly threat that could destroy thanks to a second explosive charge that activate when you passed him, but it seems you can stop them firing at a particular point, the fuel cap, but will not be easy . The mission ended when there was an enemy and took the documents, but we had time to see the beginning of a second, where we were taught the importance of ambient noise, which we use in our favor. In a completely different scenario, on the outskirts of the city and as a camp, had to take the PA notice to make the shots, and we do not hear. We saw here that if we are going to meet the gameplay imagination like an action game in third person with the machine gun and then running, to Rambo, we have nothing to do with two or three shots will fall, so the strategic direction and stealth of this title is clear.

The graphics are not brilliant, but the environments are convincing enough, with a good atmosphere, and the Kill Cam is great, being very successful is how the bullet and the effects that occur when contact with the enemy, through the body, organs, and is a resource you dont get to see. There are other details quite achieved, that directly affect gameplay, such as dust falling warning us of possible activity in a building, or reflections that we can alert a sniper in the distance, usually with a very careful lighting . It will also include a multiplayer mode, but this still does not know the details, although it is clear that there will be a competitive, cooperative and possibly some form, as in the 2005 game, which would be very interesting, especially if we will meet most mission of the campaign in this way. We also found that as way to end our enemies, we receive more or fewer points, which will affect the replayability of the levels, but it remains to discover if it will unlock any extra. We were pleasantly surprised-looking title with a modest but well thought out gameplay, raised and seems well executed. Is sufficiently different from other proposals for action, here with a leisurely approach to the genre, stealth and strategy, having to measure each shot and movement. That pace is slower and less spectacular compared to other shooters not make it less appealing as the Kill Cam because every shot is a pleasure, being impressive to see all the trajectory of the bullet through the body and how the enemy, breaking several bones or organs, recreated in great detail. A different way of war, for those who have always been interested in the silent and discreet role of these conflicts, the sniper, where "thrall" is an art to bother nobody, except the Nazis killed. On May 4 will be available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with distribution of 505 Games, and PC exclusively via digital download through Steam.

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