Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blades of Time Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

In the past Gamescom already had the chance to found a curious hack and slash that looked really nice and kept the most differentiating factor in the possibility of doing something, go back in time and that this amount is recorded, being able to repeatedly in order to create multiple clones of the protagonist for different purposes. It was not, or is having, a lot of impact, not catching a scent production of such series B that do not take great notes but I do manage to create a small group of fans who appreciate his proposal. Now with a beta in our possession we could play it in depth and what was our surprise to discover that nothing can be cataloged into the hack and slash genre, being much more than this, but rather an action adventure, platforms, puzzles and at least in their early to know to be very varied and entertaining, and visually pleasing. Developed by Gaijin Entertainment, you will remember X-Blades, a set of 2009 that passed with much more pain than glory. For this is the spiritual successor of that, shared universe, the protagonist, even enemies and some special moves, but little else has to do, as most games seem different generations, with a higher production values Blades of Time, and However, some good ideas that differ from the 2009 game very generic and forgettable. In the introduction, without explaining more, or who is the protagonist, or in what world we are, show us how a magician makes a great call to travel to Dragonland, a mysterious island populated treasures which can only be reached by a magical portal. A place coveted by treasure hunters, as our heroine Ayumi, who with his partner Zero decide to skip any kind of protocol and break into the place of the call to mamporros making out with everyone, slipping through the portal and reaching Dragonland. Here begins the adventure and we like that we do not explain much more, moving rapidly into the material and gradually discovering the quirks, surprises and oddities of an exotic island that will bring many adventures.

Control does not have too much mystery, the two sticks to move the character and camera, a sword attack, a kick, jump-button double-jump from the start, and with the right trigger we glide across the floor -a quick way to dodge attacks. Not only can we make swords, also shoot by pressing the right stick and enter shooting mode with the trigger on the same side shoot, zooming with the left trigger, as in any third person shooter, but the fact that we have to go in and out of this shooting mode, and the low accuracy and roughness when aiming, do not make action at a distance something very satisfying. Almost always end up with the enemies swords, though the game forces us to certain air rivals to use firearms. In some scenarios statues scattered through the energy we absorb from defeated monsters, get upgrades, whether new spells, combos, moves and gameplay becomes more complex gradually. The set of combos is not it just great, combinations of two or three buttons, but we must take into account the usefulness of each, and they consume part of the rage meter. This bar fills slowly when hit, and features two seals and a sign of health over it. If we hit up to the first seal, and we make a type of combo or special blow, if we reach the second, we will have available other shots that require two stamps, and if we fill the entire bar, reward us with a kit, to a maximum three. A vital item-pun intended-because the enemy with two or three shots we can make it very impaired health, and you have to heal constantly, subjected life meter.

The first phase is a kind of long tutorial, and it is playable mechanics are introduced gradually, far more an action adventure, or even a hack and slash.Hay platformer ever, an ability to get hooked to air elements , whether objects or enemies, and we can make cons LB/R1 performances if we are attentive and when we see the video display press the button on time. It is at the moment we offer the possibility to go back in time when everything changes, and the game takes on a new dimension, becoming much more complex, challenging and interesting, with its distinctive trump card over other titles. Leaving L1/R1 tight, go back in time the seconds that we want, and when you release the button, we reproduced the actions previously had done during that timeframe. For example, if five seconds have jumped and hit a number of swords, as if immediately afterwards press the button to go back in time for five seconds, we see a copy of the protagonist, in red as in a ghostly, replicate these movements. If this copy while we act, we perform other actions, and return to step back in time, we will see two clones also control the character at that time. And so on.

It's a bit complicated to explain, and indeed the first time you raise the costs to assimilate, not until you start to use this action with a practical sense when you understand it completely, and you will see many examples as you understand much better . One type of enemy has a shield, and only we can hurt the back. Then we shoot in front of the shield for a while, go back in time, and while the clone replicates this action and the monster is stopping the shots that come from the front, we took advantage and surprised him from behind. Another enemy has a magic barrier, and this alone can destroy if you get several shots at once. As you shoot, go back in time, he continued firing, and back to back, so until you have created four or five clones of Ayumi who are firing at once, eliminating the barrier. These are just two of many examples, as the gallery of creatures and monsters is quite extended and new are appearing constantly, which force us to make new strategies as well as bosses obviously harder than the rest. But the good thing is that back in time not only used in the action, but also puzzles and platforms at times, which is very interesting and make us think a little. From the basics, like a switch that opens a door stepped, but when we removed it it closes, so you have to create a clone to be stepping on to other more complex puzzles with various switches and we believe major headaches.

The game is linear, leaves hardly room for exploration, but he can be very varied and continually introduces new dynamics, without trying to squeeze to its logical conclusion, and is very entertaining and enjoyable. The only element of exploration they put some chests hidden, invisible, we have to find with a compass. Once we are near them, if we throw a ball of order-a kind of magical barrier-appear, with succulent inventory inside. Ayumi can equip with different types of swords, pistols, amulets and rings, each with unique properties, but is an element that does not have too much on the gameplay, and in fact if not looking good these boxes you can get without getting any type of equipment. Although for example the machine gun, unlike the rifle with which you boot the adventure, be extremely useful. There are some journals that we collect adventurers and tell their own story in the dangerous world of Dragonland, and not more than the usual excuse to explore a little, although the scenarios just allow it, nor is that adversely affects the game, as we have said is very entertaining. The control may not be as precise as it should, especially when aiming, and the combat system is very superficial, but the three pillars of the gameplay, combat, platform, puzzle-are combined so well that forgiven many of its flaws. It's difficult at times, with peaks of difficulty perhaps poorly measured, but because it is full of checkpoints does not become desperate.

Besides the story mode, we are called Outbreak. A multiplayer mode both cooperative and competitive online, you can even play individually without being connected to the Internet. In several scenarios, there are two teams and each has four devices, aiming to destroy the opposing team, resulting in massive battles. We can choose character, set up your equipment, weapon, amulet, ring, and there is a progression system and obtaining medals. The truth is it's a multiplayer that have moderately-workers, but did not see much of it, and imagine that will be pretty empty when the game goes on sale, so it is still an extra anecdotal. Technically it is not far pointer, and has some problem with the frame rate per second that we hope will be the fault of the beta and are corrected to a greater or lesser extent in the final version, but instead it is very nice, something not many games can say. An exotic world of fantasy difficult to fit into a particular aesthetic prototype with medieval elements, futuristic, steampunk, and anyone who sees the Japanese title crossed out when it really is Russian. Some scenarios full of detail, color, and radically different phases, which are never repeated.

Regarding the music, without much fanfare accompanies epic touches, but the big problem is it seems to have only made a couple of compositions for the entire game, and hopefully just be a thing of the beta and final version of more varied melodies. Maybe not to expect too much from this game, what looked like a hack and slash more trite genre in this generation, but you can not say that there is little action adventure. They may be his desire to be varied, mix and introduce new elements constantly, friendly and attractive visuals, very nice, and being nothing gets ambitious entertain a great time from the moment we started playing. But we must admit that we have been surprised, really liked, and although obviously it is not a blockbuster, and you see the "seams" with certain deficiencies, both technical and in-control, and certainly will not be acclaimed criticism, much less, we believe that for many players, those who love games of medium quality can be quite a discovery. A charming title, different, that despite its faults you hooked and fun, and see if we win the good feelings it has caused in their first few levels are maintained throughout the adventure, and how long is this. In March, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, we will leave doubts.

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