Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Am Alive Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/PC/Xbox 360

I Am Alive cross a world devastated by a tragedy that will soon be available in digital distribution. It's no secret that I Am Alive has developed which has been at least a sharp change of direction and approach in its design, which has given rise to have been a long time without much news on it. They even believed had happened to the limbo of forgotten developments... but Ubisoft was convinced that there were good ideas in this title and now we are very close to see the final version. So far, we have been playing with a draft and we anticipate that good feeling has passed. The game takes us to a fictional town located in the U.S. has been shattered after what is known simply as "the event" a catastrophe that has devastated the world. A disaster on a global scale seems to have destroyed all traces of civilization beyond the ruins where you can barely survive and something much more disturbing: an atmosphere taken over by toxic substances that have covered everything. The Earth is now a barely habitable planet, and its surface-the ground beneath our feet, is potentially fatal. The post-apocalyptic environment is strange because we dystopian vision of Western civilization has been the subject recurrent in literature, film and games, but here we will find an atmosphere inspired heavily in the postnuclear panic (which is perhaps the most recurring subplot) but something completely different. With civilization relegated to a thing of the past, I Am Alive we put ourselves in the shoes of a man with a simple goal that will take you to the limits of survival: to find his wife and daughter, if they really are alive.

In some ways it also pursues the strange perspective. The protagonist, who has no known name, and thus becomes more of a puzzle game, caught a flight just before the catastrophic event that we do not know anything really. It's been a whole year to return to your city with the distant hope of finding his family. The title is entirely environmental, as far as we have seen, in the fictional town of Haventon, allowing creators to provide an atmosphere that reminds us somewhat to a still life that has been ravaged urbanity, combining civil architecture we reminiscent of any city (though with a preference for buildings of many plants) with the ruinous aspect of a human population that one is not sure if it was destroyed by a bombing or an uncontrolled mob. The setting conveys an oppressive feeling accomplished is remarkable when you consider that, in fact, the big city, spacious, and does not take us far from indoors. There are even some disturbing beauty in contrasts and made ​​us think that it has invested much effort in building a devastated world that is believable to the player. That gaunt appearance of recent disaster in a world almost dead may recall much more to the urban environment of movies like 28 Days as other references.

On the other hand, it is true that the atmosphere can fall prey to his own trap, because if the game does not open their field to offer more varied environments is possible that the small aesthetic line of little variety. However, we should expect the final version thoroughly to play the game, see how far, because if the game is consistent and unified really would not have reason to reproach him these alleged defects. Given his approach believe that the uniformity is assured, but it is also true that we can assume that there is still work to do in the aesthetic field for greater variety in the environments within their common line. The game is presented as a very physical adventure to its protagonist, a character that has adapted to this new world we move warily. The heights will be the order of the day (although not a game "mountebank" in any case), and our character is handled with ease, but always have to bear in mind the resistance meter that determines how much effort can do. This is important because dust is deadly and you need or masks or put yourself above the pollution layer to survive. Every movement, every time you dodge an obstacle, we jump, we hooked to a projection... that meter is reduced. When it reaches zero pulse can crush the trigger and get that extra bit of adrenaline that might save us. But be careful. The game progresses in difficulty and seems to have worked very hard to measure the risk to bear the player.

Despite the devastated city, there are others that we will find survivors. It is not necessarily enemies, but also there will be. These secondary characters seem designed specifically to provide additional challenges, but they may give us aid in the form of items, for example. Some seem to be designed to provide for situations, without more, to give internal coherence to the world in which we immersed the game. Of course, some are enemies, nothing more. Nothing to see us, will go for us and we will fight to the death. To do this we fitted with a large knife, but also can shoot... but we should not think of this as an action game. Violence seems reserved for specific situations, limit, and will not be easy, for example, to find bullets to load our gun. But beware: this game design is being taken into account. So it is possible that a character you point your gun and have to run away like that you can use yours to intimidate another, without, necessarily, to shoot. It is a well-posed behavior which seems to have worked hard to develop a consistent behavior in the characters. Some are mad about the situation in which they find themselves and their behavior is erratic and unpredictable, others, however, but behave in a logical manner according to their intentions. All this must be taken into account when interacting with people we meet. The sensations that transmitted the game, in short, has been very positive. In the version we tested is still work to do in terms of smoothness and fluidity of control, but has problems at any time, so that although we believe there is room for improvement gives us high hopes in a game that looks set to show some great production values, especially when you consider to be distributed digitally.

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