Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Haunt Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Xbox 360

With the advent of Kinect, Microsoft seems determined to conquer the family games. Haunt is born of their efforts, an adventure of exploration in a haunted house that is handled completely by our movements, developed by the study of Masaya Matsuura (the creator of the beloved and remembered Parappa the Rapper), NanaOn-Sha in collaboration with Zoe Mode. For his graphic style is clear that is designed for all audiences, but that does not prevent us from time to time we take a little scare. Go into the mansion of Benjamin Muldoon and help him overcome evil by passing time. As mentioned in the presentation, Haunt is an adventure game in which we get in a huge mansion owned by an eccentric rich man. Not an ordinary mansion, as well we realize to start the game. Ghosts, traps, secret rooms and some mechanisms that force us to seek and collect pieces to move forward with any evidence of ingenuity. To play Kinect is required, the camera with microphone that allows us to play without the console controls. With this addition, we can play standing in front of the TV, the movements of our feet lifting the soil will be recognized as steps, while with his left hand a torch handle virtual path and interact with different objects stage. Taking the flashlight at one end of the screen, the camera will rotate which in combination always steps forward, allows us to move freely throughout the different corridors, rooms and suites. To play the different objects on the Stage, such as furniture or doors, we will illuminate for a moment to activate, when we have to exercise some kind of movement to interact with them. At times it will be necessary to tilt our back, jump or duck to avoid the dangers that lurk in the mansion, while when we face the various ghosts, we will conduct a series of movements that will harm them always shown on the screen, leaving little room for experimentation which greatly facilitates progress to the smallest of the house but will disappoint those who enjoy discovering the game.

Overall control operation is very demanding, making it quite easy to play. But sometimes the movements are not recognized properly, causing us to take some hits because of it. It is especially annoying when it does not recognize the movements of the feet, but it often happens that we move very slowly and we were hooked into a corner, and when that happens and our movements are in vain, and becomes desperate. Fortunately with a little practice you learn to avoid areas where snags, but the problem that sometimes the movement is slower than it should have found no way to overcome it. Another control problem is that when he wants to recognize the hand holding the flashlight goes awry, causing the flashlight suddenly change position, with the problems that with time leads to the point or rotate the camera. Fortunately the pace of the game makes these faults are not critical, but annoying. Although playing without controls is certainly the selling point, making the game really interesting is its content. When we move into the mansion soon we find Benjamin Muldoon, an eccentric millionaire obsessed with his mansion and that is partly our guide through the adventure. Benjamin is enclosed in the boxes in the house and we will help you to get away from the spell that holds you back. Fortunately, this character can move from picture to picture, so to speak with him will be necessary to inspect those bright pictures.

In fact, all objects that can interact with a brightness that makes them unique, but some decorative objects also act in some way when they illuminate our flashlight. Under the request of Benjamin, crossing their domains in order to recover, usurped by ghosts with which the host does not get anything right, and that we'll have to see the faces countless times (sometimes too .) The game is mainly divided into four sections, the introduction, a part based on mechanical and which require a lot of movement by the user, a part which uses the Kinect microphone, and elsewhere where light does from his. The last three themed parties are quite good, with some good moves and attacks related to technology Kinect, although at no time offered nothing we have not seen on consoles with micro or movement, but it is enough that during the three hours and that can last as little fun. Undoubtedly, the whole is not bad but playable lack spark in the design stage and above all beings. When compared with Luigi's Mansion, whose themes and development are virtually the same, will appreciate the classic Nintendo clearly outperforms Haunt for the design of its ghosts and its mechanical, although of course we must not forget that this is a development available for Xbox Live Arcade for 800 Microsoft Points.

But in general we can say that Haunt is pretty solid, with good technical bill, some nice graphics (a bit repetitive, but well made) and above all, a Benjamin and some other scene that gets us out more than a smile. Finish is remarkable technical, is commendable for a game of this nature have made efforts to make a quality product, and we felt artistically tasteful, suitable for all ages that was clearly aimed at Microsoft. Ghosts, bright colors and transparencies do not inspire any fear, but neither are particularly funny, but rather generic. Their behavior, repetitive and lack of expressiveness makes them a bit bland, but to fulfill the role of enemies in one way or another is enough. The terrifying lace puts the setting of the stage, with very little lighting in general and some very gloomy moments with ghostly details to an adult you out a smile, and a child will love. It is unfortunate that much of the scenario lacks personality and is repeated too much, but it has some really good items and traps that get us to feel like in an episode of Scooby Doo. Incidentally, throughout the game make use of the camera and our avatar to surprise us in a more or less effective and funny, sure you will like.

The worst part is the sound carries, where the lack of a Spanish dub, which for the audience it is aimed is a great lack to fully enjoy the game, and music that goes completely unnoticed with little noticeable effect. Is the fact that we had some problems in the stages where you use the microphone and some sound effects that cause involuntary actions on our part, which was not resolved and after configuring the Kinect. Regarding the lack of Spanish dub, do not worry we can follow the story perfectly thanks to subtitles in Spanish and usually when there is text to read the action is stopped. In Overall, we conclude our analysis Haunt convinced that Xbox 360 is a great game to play a game much less demanding than usual in the platform. Shall walk forward to meet you explore the mansion with hidden surprises or pending to meet you with a puzzle to have a challenge. It is definitely geared to be played for children, but that does not mean that those adult gamers who are able to enjoy these games will not enjoy it, it's not bad to entertain and sure to more than one likes. It is short on content and not especially bright by design, although it is capable of entertaining during the few hours that lasts and is a good excuse to get in front of Kinect to move, which we love above all for its price. No doubt the overall quality is outstanding, the vast paste some problems in the recognition of movements, which may frustrate the user at any given time, and problems with sound recognition (minor). For everything else, we highly recommend it.

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