Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/PC/Xbox 360

A company like Electronic Arts wants to cover all genres, and while it is holding some role as masters of sagas like BioWare with Mass Effect, Dragon Age and the recent Star Wars MMO: The Old Republic, now who enter and compete in the terror of the RPG open world. While many we are still recovering from the hangover left by the last installment of the series The Elder Scrolls, and others still will you keep kicking the cold and snowy roads, and how much envy Skyrim give us, comes a similar proposal in possibilities, in amount of content, but very different in appearance and combat system. A comparison inevitable, only been two months of the launch of Bethesda's masterpiece, and the creator of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning admitted recently that his biggest fear is that people continue playing Skyrim and not pay attention to your game. And although aesthetically they are very different, and the combat system and controlling the work of Big Huge Games is much more arcade, accessible and arguably fun, once you immerse yourself in Amalur, a new universe created for the occasion by RA Salvatore, an American writer of fantasy and science fiction known for his famous novel The Forgotten Realms and Star Wars, you realize that the similarities are many with the saga of Bethesda. This undoubtedly is due to running the project is Ken Rolston, formerly of Bethesda and lead designer of the acclaimed two installments of the series The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and Oblivion. A huge world to explore, dozens of towns, dungeons, secret missions and even a faction system-unions-in which soak a few hours if you decide to park the main story. Alchemy, blacksmithing, instruction, stealth, theft and the possibility of going to jail, repair and improvement items, open chests through a mini-game picks or dissipating his magical barrier, creation system to insert gems into weapons and accessories, buy homes and reform the collection of ingredients to create potions, 75 different skills to acquire and improve on several levels, and a long list, you see nothing lacking as RPG. Even adding things to the saga of Bethesda has lost in his latest installment as the degradation of equipment or incorporating an item as curious as stolen objects we can not sell to any merchant.

But the first thing that strikes us is its combat system, very accessible and simple, with good control, which lets us use a variety of weapons: swords, long swords, daggers, swords-fae-two blades, hammers, bows , chakrams-a-weapon, and scepters and wands to cast spells from a distance. From a third person perspective, we have two botoques of attack, one for the main gun and the other for high school, a button to dodge, and one for sprint-our hero never gets tired, you can be miles running nonstop. With a trigger block attacks, using the shield, and the other spells out the first four can take equipped. The battles are fun, dynamic, but also superficial and strategic, and this, in such a long game, just playing against him. This combat system so direct and accessible in an RPG, you could almost call arcade, works very well in the early hours, and you wonder why not all RPGs are so much fun when fighting. But when you take over 20 hours played the match begins to show its shortcomings and become a bit monotonous and limited. It lacks a complex combo system, and each weapon has three to five special moves-the closest thing to a few combos, but it is more likely that we encounter of a style and we use it to exhaustion, but we recommend to vary . When the character evolve, is a title very flexible, and as soon we can be a good warrior in combat, as soon turn around and want to be an archer or a wizard. In fact, if at any time we repent of how we spent gaining experience points, skills, capabilities, allow us to undo everything done and rebuild the character from scratch.

As in any large open world RPG that boasts, the first thing you have to do is create us our character, choosing from one of the four races available: Almain, Varani, ljosalfar and dakkalfar. Race affects the physical appearance and basic skills of the character, but then we can choose the gender, name, hairstyle, eye color, skin tones, facial features, etc., can also later change thanks to a special mirrors. Of course, any piece of armor is adequately reflected in the appearance of our warrior. Each of these races has its own bonuses, which can be handy to start with, although not decisive. The game starts in a very peculiar and ingenious, we died, we are on a cart, and dwarves that take us want to see how we look under the sheet, when we created the character. We throw a pile of bodies, we rise and the adventure starts here, having to figure out why we have come to life and who we were, and we do not remember anything. This fact, have contradicted the immutable destiny, change everything, a dark future in which it was written that all living creatures suffer a fatal Amalur and unavoidable end, which we will be forced to change. The start is interesting, invited to play, discover and learn more, and the work of RA Salvatore had to be titanic, creating a universe from scratch, full of towns and cities, legends, races, cultures and hundreds of characters and dialogue. But in our view, the script, the story and narrative fail in part, for various reasons.

Soon you start, you're thrown into a huge world with a main plot to cling to, and not expect too much you begin to overflow with names of towns, regions, kingdoms, characters and a huge amount of side quests that you can ignore it, but it is very easy to get distracted from the main plot a little weak. The story is confusing, at times badly told, and what is worse, with little grip and no motive, with characters with an alarming lack of charisma. In a genre where the protagonist is usually silent, salt and pepper the need to put the other characters, here are expressionless and with a poorly defined personalities who nearly differentiate you from each other. There is no room for eccentricity, for a drop of humor, and everything becomes a bit boring and too serious, since it is difficult you care anything about what happens, and you do not care characters. The main storyline can be finished in about 25 hours, but then we can still play dozens of hours with a huge amount of side missions, tasks and five factions, a series of missions similar to The Elder Scrolls guilds that can last from five and ten hours each. In addition the world is full of things to do: improve the weapons, practice alchemy, find treasures, hidden rooms, having even underwater objects. The game makes it easy for us to tell these areas with a little shine for us to approach, and we can unlock abilities to "see the unseen" that facilitate this task. There are a lot of stones of knowledge spread all over the world, a kind collectible that tells little stories from the world of Amalur, and map locations are being discovered and the fast travel option gives us the go.

It has some good ideas, for example, when we see an enemy color of its name-white, yellow, red indicates the difficulty, and if red should turn around and avoid this confrontation. We collect the equipment, also the color of its name, indicates the level of rarity, even if only one, which is important since we have a limited inventory, not by weight but by number of objects. There are altars with blessings that last time and give us strength or immunities bonus number, and a curious card system called "locations", a kind of tarot cards that give us benefits and we get in certain missions and circumstances. The world of Amalur is enormous, its creators did not lie when compared with the map of Oblivion, and there is a nice day and night cycle, though not in all places. The people sleep, make their daily lives, but the feeling of being in a living world is too unpredictable achieved. And now with one of the most controversial, their definition of open world, somewhat questionable. There are dozens of towns, dungeons, valleys of considerable size, but gives the feeling of being all connected by "corridors", independently, so the full 2D map of roads and some load times between regions reveal. It is impossible to go from one end to another of his world without passing through any burden, being forced to use the "corridors" or roads that have been predefined its creators. This also hampers the feeling of exploration and discovery, giving the feeling of not really in an open world, but just before a big world.

The dungeons are also pure corridors, very linear, with little alternative paths or freedom to explore, as well as being very similar to each other. And this ties in with another problem, the side missions, somewhat repetitive and monotonous, though not very different from the principal. Almost like an MMO is involved, these consist of killing a number of monsters, collecting various objects, and always revolve around the fight, wasting the chance to include puzzles, adventurous moments or force you to use stealth. An action includes but is rarely used throughout the game, being very wasted and giving the feeling that you mention it to, rather than by an interest in including it playable. Their own frames of these side missions are as uninteresting as the story in general, although many spades you to solve, at least in the early hours and when the combat system still remains fresh. There is a clear intention to include a lot of everything, as if they were prepared for comparisons with other major role, but maybe that should be applied "less sometimes can be more", and not have so many side quests but more elaborate and interesting. Something that could be applied to other aspects of the game, very generous in content, but perhaps not everything that should be interesting. A lover of action RPGs of medieval fantasy worlds in which tens of hours immersed, enjoy it very much, but is slightly away from the greats of the genre. Take ideas from all role-playing titles most successful of recent years, does many things, and almost all well, but perhaps lacks some personality and charisma, self-identity, and more like a pastiche of things thousand and sometimes seen, but very well done.

The best word that defines the graphic finish is nice with colorful landscapes that sometimes give us beautiful pictures of bill. A cartoon style artwork that does not look for realism, similar to those seen in games like Fable or World of Warcraft. We have analyzed the Xbox 360, and strongly recommend installing it on your hard drive, almost essential, both to avoid long load times to fix some graphical glitches delayed loading of textures and even characters. Despite the fears produced by the demo, the game is pretty clean of bugs or errors, with a few more graphics, related to the camera, and we have not experienced any crash or failure to complete a mission. On the negative side, the expressiveness of the characters is zero, with very little charisma, and enemies who are just repeating too much and not too imaginative, to highlight three or four bosses. Something strange being behind Todd McFarlane, Spawn creator, writer, designer and manufacturer of toys. Also sometimes there are slowdowns in circumstances with many enemies and effects on screen, something we understand and forgive. The music of composer Grant Kirkhope is precious, common in Rare games like GoldenEye 007, Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark. Here provides compositions that feel to the game like a glove, of fantasy world that remind us a little to the work of composer Danny Elfman, usual Tim Burton films, among many others. His only sin that when squeezed one area to the fullest, just playing the same tune too, and had not been over some variety as well as music for battles with more punch. The voices are in English-subtitled.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is the result of mixing all the components of an RPG-style open world of The Elder Scrolls saga, with the combat system of an action-RPG or even at times of an action game with swords to use or hack and slash. It handles well, is fluid, dynamic, fun, although it suffers from lack of depth or strategic elements, and this eventually, on an adventure with so many hours ahead, just playing against him and loses freshness. Packed with things to do, to be hooked weeks, with an immense world filled with quests and treasures to discover. What we liked least is its story, characters, quite lacking in charisma, and to focus the full weight of the gameplay in the fighting, with dozens of missions to overcome, but all very similar. These last statements we know are very subjective, what may seem to us a confusing story, uninteresting and uncharismatic characters, another player may love, and an approach that after 20 hours we started to tire a bit to another may engage more than 60 hours to the screen. Therefore, any lover of the genre should try it because it is undeniably a very elaborate game with a great combat system and filled with content. A remarkable action-RPG that those who do not end up convincing the limited and slow controls other title role, and looking for something more accessible and arcade, kindest, have here a great discovery. We do not know if it will be the beginning of a saga, but if so, is a good start. Highly Recommended.

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