Wednesday, February 8, 2012

NeverDead Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

If you followed the latest announcements and fairs, you'll surely have attracted the attention NeverDead, an action game with such radical ideas as to present an immortal protagonist is able to break up until the point of being like a rolling head in search of their limbs . The idea that the new part of Konami's Rebellion and interesting enough to make the game stand out in the competitive genre of third person shooting and that, at least, deserves our attention. If you also know who is in charge of production and design Shinta Nojiri, whose name appears on several Policenauts and Metal Gear Solid, the release is even more appetizing. All part of a curse of Astaroth, the demon king, after the confrontation with his lackey Demon Hunter Bryce bleeding, the Duke of demons, a type that looks nothing terrifying at the same time quite repellent. This happened 500 years ago, since which time Bryce has gone through several times to modern times. Bryce King became immortal and also killed his beloved, and has spent decades and centuries to carry out its work although with much reluctance and with weapons like pistols, shotguns or rifles, in addition to his trusty sword. Bryce is a type pimp, rude, alcoholic and a little reckless, but if you think we're talking about a clone of Dante of Devil May Cry series, the truth is that you're wrong. Bryce has another very strong and charismatic personality, is more similar to Logan in the X-Men, an old dog tired of your job because you know better than their enemies, but that the final boring always the same, at last After all, he will not die. Slips what is happening in the world, if still fighting demons is because it is their job.

The counterpoint to the story puts Arcadia, a researcher in charge of eliminating the demons that have invaded the city because of Astaroth. She is mortal and therefore more responsible than our hero, so with his professionalism will be spurred to Bryce to continue their work, as well as lead to spark dialogue in the game. As expected, Arcadia itself is vulnerable, so we can not lose sight of your situation and let three children begin to prey on it, because our game is over. If you are injured, just reach out and touch of a button similar to the help of a partner in some multiplayer games. Fortunately, the development does not rely excessively on their mortality, so we need not resort to babysitting except in specific cases. In general we will roll away with our enemies as quickly as possible. Find more minor characters in the adventure as a singer named Nikki and a demon hunter named Alex, but certainly the best thing is the chemistry between the two principals. There's humor, perhaps not so marked as to consider a hero Bryce to Spiderman, but with his shots and sound bites. A shame that the comments are not considered to have no history texts. Of course, we would have liked more variety of jokes, are just repeating over. NeverDead is officially an action game, but with several good ideas that do not become yet another shooting game with coverage, or is a pure hack & slash, but the end result is not perfect and does not shine in any of its features. It has a mix of everything, because there are shots and many, the protagonist is able to bear arms with each arm independent we can manage in real time with the directional button, ¿left hand and right hand basic gun rifle? It's possible. In addition, the current trend away because it lacks the protection movement, the shootings are face to face, nor is there auto button, each pad trigger fires the gun in question. This makes the shootings are less accurate than in other games, there is more waste of bullets and can not be run headshots or anything, and certainly you have to throw a hail of bullets to kill a beast. Good or bad? Well if you're used precision, you can get to despair because at first it seems like you use a gun show this can be refined as you progress.

The second ace up the sleeve of Bryce is his sword. As mentioned, NeverDead is not a game to the Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden where you press a button and start giving fluids combos. Here if you need to take a position previously performed with one of the triggers, and then with the right stick perform the cut, which sounds a bit similar to the idea that Konami did with Metal Gear Rising, at least, before the change radical Platinum Games has done. The direction of the pit and quickly playback in animation, and such quick cuts are less harmful than a stronger one. In any case, we will not reach the frenzy of those Capcom games or Team Ninja because it is impossible to go that fast with the lever. These knife attacks we have noticed very effective, even more than the shootings, and are perfect for short distances where sectioned enemies with a few punches. The combat system crashes during the first few minutes, but you can get used to, can not be said to be the most intuitive we've seen. A few inaccurate shooting adds a mechanical move the stick for every shot, do not speak of the final movement as in No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise if you choose to use instead of Move pad, this is in every one of the blows. After several hours and hundreds of enemy hordes and not think about it, but it sure is a control that causes controversy. Moreover, it is possible combos and weapons sets from swords, because the transition between some weapons and other hard for a moment. To a certain extent is the criticism that many of us do to the current Resident Evil: if you bet on the action, do it with all its consequences, remain half is a will and power that hardly anyone happy.

Focusing on the immortality of Bryce, the main thing is your ability to lose arms, torso and legs to stay in an almost defenseless head say almost because you can still give head butts. This happens when we receive a lot of damage, there are explosions or to some blows, and really do not lose a leg main concern is to go hopping and therefore lose mobility. The same goes for an arm, you still have the other with his weapon to the enemies to rock! Although the offensive power is naturally reduced. If the damage is so severe that you lost all your body, then you should go back to rolling to train you, or wait a few seconds until the indicator on the screen allows you to reheal, there are also some healing items that will accelerate this process. Therefore, reunite your body takes a few decisive moments if you're surrounded by enemies. If you are immortal and your partner does not die easily, you ask where is the difficulty and grace NeverDead. Here is a brief explanation of the trick used by its creators for the game is not as boring as you might imagine: you really should not reach the state of decapitated head. There are some creatures that are less aggressive than usual and you can brush the easily into your full, but have the habit of opening his mouth and if you're just a soft spot lost. If you swallow, it will activate a small minigame where you have to press a button just as two indicators coincide moving along a bar, if you hit, you will be banned and nothing has happened here, but if you fail... The story goes that either you kills, but of course, stay in the stomach of the beast for eternity, and that's not good, ie end of the game. It is something that will happen often because bosses and other powerful enemies are accompanied by these creatures as Swallow. In short, when you are broken, keep moving and avoid becoming food, because it will return to the last restart point. If these monsters eat one of your limbs, evil is not so serious: go after them and kill them.

But not all be negative dismemberment. Rebellion has also integrated small puzzles and exploration, without forgetting that it is essentially an action title in which our hero can not overcome the physical situations. We can separate our arms to launch and continue shooting at a distance, but more often will tear his head to send her away like a sack of potatoes and reach inaccessible places, or perhaps slip through air ducts and reach the other side of a door blocked. NeverDead has a moderate exploration, even closed rooms are generally spacious, with many options to circumvent or evade the enemy, sometimes with several floors between which we can rise and fall, and the different locations visited in the story are varied . Just make an example that is not a game that pressing down on the pad addresses the camera signal our next goal to advance, because after a fight and not know where we come from or where we go. It's a linear story, but the battle arenas are many possibilities. One feature that has attracted much attention is the destruction of the stage. It has long promoted the hero and dismemberment, but has spent much of tiptoe through the interaction with the environment, and is one of the strengths of NeverDead. Virtually any object can be destroyed or cut, not just furniture, also structures such as columns or parts of the walls and statues and decorated in open areas. Practical effects, because cutting a mainstay of a living roof fall, and if it falls on the damage enemies, but careful, Arcadia and will feel the effects yourself if debris falls on the characters. Of course, there are the usual explosive capable of blowing scenery and enemies. A great job by the Rebellion to create spectacular and consequences to our shooting and cuts with the sword, but neither could finish talking to a wall and open the way for where we want, are prefixed damage, yes, but very abundant and playable consequences . Another form of interaction is to use electrical panels or elements that propagate fire, electrocution or fire let us and remember, do not die, something that will add elemental damage to our attacks.

The development of the games is often chaotic, going with the philosophy of the game. They start coming in waves of creatures and shoot, take out the sword, and then the screen is a festival of broken objects and beasts attacking in all directions without any compunction. The outputs of the place are sealed until we end up with all kinds of demonic creatures, perhaps not too varied in appearance but with some strategies or weaknesses that are more strategy. Its design is twisted and unclear, such as lumps of meat a little amorphous, but with more elegance than seen in Splatterhouse or Twisted The 3rd Birthday. The artificial intelligence of these beasts is almost nonexistent, save one who occasionally defends himself, 'will be released to you without thinking twice, but beware, that does not mean the game is easy, you are constantly surrounded and without any of your dear arms very often. One thing which is sure to pose a problem are the "nests" of the monsters that emerge, a kind of mouth-breathing demons insistently. These portals between the demon world and ours should be your first goal is always to go into combat, because otherwise lengthen the shootings were in excess. The point is to destroy these nests will take a few seconds that are almost eternal, and static position will be an easy target. What's more, NeverDead includes a touch of personalization skills or improvements. Scattered around the stage there are objects that provide points that we can spend in a store-menu always accessible, no need to go to a specific place to exchange our savings-like increase the damage of our fire or sword, aiming to improve more walking speed and stuff. As we go on missions, they appear new, and then another menu, choose Settings from the features purchased. There is a limited space we can bring the skills together and occupy a certain number of slots, some only one, others. It is a good way to guide and manage our way of playing more guns or swords as our first choice, but you constantly use both techniques.

Another thing to improve is found in animation, a little stiff especially in the jumps. In Real Time Kinematic also see that the motion capture and facial gestures are below the current level, but not those generated by computer are fabulous or prerecorded console that are more carefully and in which all traces of disappearing tearing. Many of the failures compensates with good atmosphere, variety of indoor, interaction and design artists. Rebellion had it easy to create a title hyper much tripe and instead NeverDead has style, does not hurt the sensitivity. Even the blood is pale blue devils to avoid stepping on puddles scarlet. It is a game for adults, but no gore. Moreover, it is a competent title, which explores the physical destruction and the destruction like few games. In fact, to the weapons that we would have to add the debris of roofs and pillars, and there are skills to increase the damage caused in this way. Sometimes you can save a lot of problems and meetings attention to the environment, hard to see that an enemy is under a roof held up by columns to eliminate much of your health. If you repeat a fight two or three times probably do something different and think "ah, but could pull those pipes from the ceiling? I thought it was decorated!" so the difficulty of combat also varies widely by your behavior.

In music we find Megadeath, the popular heavy metal band even plays the theme promptly called Never Dead. During the games and particularly during the action, find the cane strummery incessant pimp complete all the character-in a good way, that follows the game. However, we would have liked more variety score for contrast-to-few quiet moments, but the aim of tension and epic is more than achieved, and if you neglect has released the pad to start playing a solo with your electric guitar invisible. The English voices and the incessant sound of gunfire and breaking all walls eventually be chaos at the level of visual noise. NeverDead is a bittersweet surprise in what is left for innovation in the genre. It has been half way to its promises, on paper it works well and is a curious mixture of ideas inspired in large series that expands the catalog of Konami may be bringing a new action series. But in practice, he stumbles on one side with the other technical and gameplay durilla something. We hope that in a hypothetical sequel limen weak points, because it would be a highly recommended game. What we have now is a good title, with its successes and shortcomings, and that feeling of what might have been a little more time or budget. Hopefully Bryce gets a second chance to prove that NeverDead is not dead after this game.

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