Friday, February 17, 2012

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for Nintendo 3DS

The Adventures of Snake in the 60's make the leap to the new Nintendo handheld. In 2004 in the full maturity of PlayStation 2, sweeping the market and the problems of the developers determined to make the most of your hardware, reached the third installment in the Metal Gear Solid saga, this time giving an attractive jump to past, specifically to 1964 during the Cold War. Naked Snake, the soldier who later became the legendary Big Boss, goes on a dangerous mission on Soviet soil, with the intention of helping the scientist Sokolov to desert to the west. But their mission takes a shocking turn when his old mentor, The Boss, decides to ally with the Soviet Union betraying the United States. An epic adventure, sensational, by the charisma of its characters, its history, the new playable in the saga, such as survival and hunting animals use camouflage, and its tremendous visuals, for many one of the best delivery of the whole saga, but the most. Until recently exclusive to PlayStation 2, also came a few weeks ago for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in the compilation Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. And before too long, on March 8, will be released in 3D without glasses Nintendo, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. One of the first games shown with the announcement of the console at E3 2010, with a playable demonstration technique which could play all those attending the event, which was used to test the power of the new Nintendo handheld. Within weeks of its launch we have been proving a near final version of what we offer this title, which at the same time that the sale appears to become one of the best action adventure in the catalog of 3DS, and a essential for those who do not ever played.

Among its innovations, the use of both screens provides various factions, leaving the top to see game action and the lower for shortcuts to camouflage options, menu-healing in this Metal Gear have to exercise medical ourselves-food, the codec, and weapons and accessories as well to see the map at all times. If enemies see us, the countdown to their different states, warning, avoidance, caution, is also shown in the lower screen, very attractive. A success, because we always see the game in the 3D display cleanly, without any indication or marker only Snake and its environment. In the long and sometimes interesting conversations codec, and a curious effect we see Snake 3D background, we can move the talks with a rewind button. Another feature of the console to be used is the rotation sensor, for example when we walk by a branch or a suspension bridge, having to balance with the console. Something interesting anecdotal and not take anything along with the 3D effect as you move the console a bit lost, so to play this type of situation would be advisable to disable it. And also makes use of the outer chambers, in a rather clever and original and can take pictures to camouflage Snake. A new feature in this installment of the saga was camouflage because the series always has been characterized by its commitment to secrecy, and in this case to pass the action on location Snake learned to camouflage and to apply different paints face and body, to blend with the environment. Now the menu will camouflage paint camufoto, choosing one of the photos we have stored on the SD card or make a new one, without having to close the game session. After selecting the image, choose the size you want cut, 128x128 to 256x256, then the exact part. It takes about 40 seconds to do this process, and the results are sometimes surprising, and the fact that experience is fun. Depending on the colors of the picture we have done, Snake camouflage worse or better in environments that color.

This time we played with the slider Pro, that second stick that badly needed to the console and hit the market with the launch of Resident Evil Revelations. Unlike previous contacts, in which we played with the console as it was over and we did not convince the control, with this new device and things change a lot, and take the second stick and an extra button make the experience much more enjoyable. There are many configuration options how to share objects, the sensitivity of the camera, etc. but the default one is good enough. With Zl aim, Zr targeted three types of auto shoot, first person or third, and the latter also perform movements or CQC melee. Leaving Zr tight, grab enemies on screen and show you three options: knock down, interrogate or kill them. With L we move through the menu, showing nine different objects on the bottom screen, and R by the arms, where X is the action button, and B to change positions. We can lie on the ground, and crouching walk, an action that was released on Metal Gear Solid 4, and rejoined in Peace Walker PSP. It plays perfectly, and once accustomed to the controls, the bottom touch screen is very useful with shortcuts. It will also include some nods to Nintendo, but still we could not play long enough to see again, the first and most obvious Kerotan frogs that had hidden in the original scenarios are now Yoshi, making their characteristic sound of Super games Nintendo. There is a sort of internal achievement, 27 titles that we will under certain prescribed circumstances, and you have to comment that does not disclose the Subsistence version, this revision of the original that came out a few months later with various extras, which is what has been included in the recent compilation Metal Gear Solid Collection HD-with some trimming is true. This is a completely different version, with its new playable and graphics, as the 3D effect, but would not have been more succulent incorporate some of their extras, like the two MSX Metal Gear.

And now we come to the least of us want to talk, but of which we are obliged to explain frankly, your graphics, we do not end up convincing, if not somewhat harder, failing to play the final version. Since yesterday you can download a demo to check with your own eyes, and although they always say that a show does not show the final product quality, we have played at a very advanced version, almost final, and the graphics do not improve much. It has serious performance problems with slowdowns, both while playing and in the cut scenes, something that surprised us very negatively. The cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid is one of his strong, pure spectacle, and watch them move problems, and low flow, as fans of the series it hurts. Many saw teeth, a very low resolution textures, and some bugs and some weird graphical glitches. We have seen all but one of the most curious is when we activate the vision aimed in first person, deactivated the 3D effect so incomprehensible, something we hope will be resolved in the final version. And although it has some virtues, such as higher polygon load on the faces of the characters with more detail, in general leaves much to be desired technically, with flaws that can not be ignored and which adversely affect the gameplay. It seemed that when he was next to the console would be a reference with Resident Evil Revelations, but finally the game Capcom has won the game by far. Is always appreciated that one of the best games ever in a new console comes out, becoming a new opportunity for someone who has not played it can do, and a notebook will be given double value, to be able to do anywhere . But we wish it were more polished graphically, however one of the values ​​of the Metal Gear series has always been its technical section, a reference in each console is out. Here we are not far to the best thing to show Nintendo 3DS, who has shown recently how far and what lies ahead. We will await the final version to deliver a verdict, but not a poor technical section can overshadow the great game behind the graphics, one of the best action adventure of all time. It will be on March 8 when we assess at its true this version.

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