Friday, February 17, 2012

Far Cry 3 Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/PC/Xbox 360

They were on all its claims, the subject on which turns the setting and plot, their strong film with a protagonist with personality, and although superficially it may seem a Far Cry again, with the aesthetics of the first, this third installment is much further away in important ways from what we saw in the first two games. They have taken good note of the weaknesses of the second installment and have rooted out, so those who do not like you, you must know that you will never stumble here with the same stones, and who you have not tried the series ever will be a perfect occasion to do so because of time and apparently not connected with the previous argument. Far Cry was a game in 2004 exclusively for PC developed by German Crytek, the title that came forward and with which astounded the world with its ability to create a huge open world with some stunning graphics, which refinarían three years later with the amazing Crysis. Publisher Ubisoft kept the rights to the series and a year later made ​​an Xbox version titled Far Cry Instincts, in 2006 opened the series on Xbox 360 with Far Cry Instincts Predator, the Xbox and a new campaign-and even had the grace to take, now in its total demise, Far Cry Instincts Evolution for the first Xbox, it was this new campaign or expansion. That same year also debuted in the new Nintendo console, Wii Far Cry Vengeance, rather battered by the critics. In 2008 it finally comes the true sequel to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, which did not continue the story of the first and did not even have the same protagonist, through the action of some islands in Micronesia to a Central African country, a game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. Despite being well received by critics, can see their average on Metacritic with 85, the public did not fit with such enthusiasm, dismissed as repetitive, monotonous, and various developmental problems, and although many virtues, left a widespread bitterness. Now Ubisoft Montreal wants to take his revenge on Far Cry 3, and what we've seen from him is amazing, surely one of the best action games in first person to see this 2012.

Far Cry 3 takes place in an island paradise, with no defined geographical location, at least for now. The protagonist is Jason Brody, a type "normal" without eating or drinking will be involved in very difficult circumstances, between life and death is frightening, hungry, helpless and has to rescue his girlfriend while trying not to lose on an island of sanity in the madness that has infected its peculiar inhabitants. The argument in its starting is simple, direct, and quickly feel empathy for the protagonist, who for various reasons over this strange island and a group of mercenaries have killed almost the entire crew of his ship and kidnapped his girlfriend . "A mysterious island that hides a dark secret," since the madness that permeates the air has taken over the guerrillas roam, apparently divided into various factions, which are even conflicting. Such is the mystery surrounding the island, and its implications, it is normal for us to come to mind as mythical series like Lost, and as you can see the approach of argument is quite stimulating. 've Accidentally come to a place in which some psychopathic and ruthless guerrillas have killed the entire crew, which included entering colleagues and friends have kidnapped your girlfriend and have been up to kill you as we see in E3 trailer, escaping from drowning in the last second. Your desire for revenge are not few, but also have to be smart enough to survive, seek allies and rescue your girl. Something that we really liked is that Jason Brody is not your typical silent protagonist first person shooter, who never says anything and merely be a spectator and messenger. Jason has a strong personality, speech, makes remarks out loud even while fighting, even given the pleasure of insulting enemies, and from what little I've seen has more charisma and interest that the protagonists of many action titles. And almost more than he will be leading the island itself, with a spectacular setting, proud, with some of the scenarios and most beautiful sights we have seen in a videogame ever. This contrast between something aesthetically exotic, heavenly, which is a living hell thanks to its people and their actions, is very attractive, and it will have it because of the enemies, very wacky and unpredictable.

Starting with the famous Vaas, this strange guy who asked us in the E3 demo of our definition of insanity, which seems to be the main antagonist, though not unique, as each faction or guerrilla band will have its own chief, characters who promise to be anything but nice and hospitable. We had the chance to see the live filming of a motion capture stage in studies using Ubisoft Montreal itself, being a very curious to behold, so that laborious and worked as if in a play is involved. And we have a chat with the actor who plays Vaas, Michael Mando, who is very involved in the interpretation of the character and also very surprised by the impact his performance on the E3 trailer, which has received many congratulations. This is a shooter first-person shooter, very intense and frantic, do not be room for doubt, but there will be room for other playable moments that showed us one of the levels, and that left us frankly surprised. Three missions were shown, or even entire, but sometimes these sections, and all three were very different playable. The first showed us the open action, 360 degrees in a large environment that we face from different situations and with different attitudes, more direct or stealth. The second mission was exploration and platforms, diving, climbing and without firing a single shot. And the last age of frenetic action and linear, in a closed environment, and a very cinematic spectacular denouement, just so you understand that is the style to which we are accustomed Naughty Dog on Uncharted saga, one of those amazing scenes in that while all kinds of catastrophes occurring around us we must continue to control the character and save his skin. In the first mission came to a huge beach with an old boat stuck in the middle of it, with a radio tower on top that we must boycott to annoy communications. Were arriving by water swimming, and running an enemy from behind with his own knife, and only in the beginning and there are two important details to discuss. On the one hand the importance of water, both at sea and in rivers and lakes, to make stealthy approaches or even find caves underwater diving. Although care should be taken as there will be dangers in it, like sharks, and the flora and fauna will have more importance than in previous Far Cry, with terrestrial and aquatic animals, which sometimes may be hostile.

And another detail is stealth, which seems clearly enhanced in this release, with very showy executions of enemies, such as taking away a knife from his waist and rajándole throat, and then throw it to a partner in several meters clavándoselo head. Once this kind out of the way, take out the camera and inspections the environment, something very necessary. You are checking the enemy, and from that moment will always localized in both the map and visually on stage, with a white aura that gives them away and we imagine is in the process of being polished and is provisional, since it breaks a little the excellent aesthetics of the game. Now we have a map on screen at all times, in the lower left corner, that ran Far Cry 2 have to be all the while getting and keeping a paper map, which itself was very cool and realistic, but impractical and just tired. That touch of credibility will put a compass to guide us we have to take sometimes. It will be very important to plan a strategy before launching the attack, this particular scenario was so great that we could do in many ways, imagine a large circle and that our goal is at the center, then we could approach from any angle, more sudden or stealthy. The aim was to reach the ship and encaramarnos on high, to reach the radio, which then told us could have been done looking a nearby hill with a hang glider and launch flying to the top of the communications tower. Once the first shots hit, you turn the wick of the action and no return, in this place full of threats.

Some semicircles show us from where we are shooting, sometimes coming together a lot on screen. One of the complaints of Far Cry 2 was costing sometimes just knowing where you were shooting, and this has been fixed, being much better directed. Furthermore, if we did the laborious work before entering combat make enemies with the camera, then we will be more easily located and defeat them, but will not be a mandatory or necessary, is a reward for the most patient and methodical . Spectacular explosions, enemy flying through the air, and even the ability to throw a zip line, and as we go down it go shooting. Furthermore, our protagonist seems rather light, with a movement as we rush to throw on the floor, which has become fashionable in the genre, and the ability to grab and climb up the ledges, climbing with ease. Once atop the boat with the communications tower off, a boat arrived at the beach. Descended a zip line in making a machine gun, and from this masacrábamos the landing with spectacular results, while the hero cried as if possessed enemies insulting and swearing vengeance for wrong done to his companions, all under the thunderous sound of bullets and frenetic music. Forced to leave the gun, we jump into the water diving, amazing to see the detailed marine vegetation, fish-banks, and went to throw a grenade into a boat, flying through the air. Finally we take a jeep and escaped to the beach, inside the car with a very detailed, with a very cute hula doll on the dashboard, ending the mission. The second mission was set in an elevated area of ​​the island, during a beautiful sunset, are a natural ambient sound really good. There will be a night and day cycle, but some missions at a certain time elapse. We walk through a clear heading towards an old house half-built, classic style. We walked into a greenhouse wondering if there is someone, and see Dr. Earnhardt, who heals us the arm with a large wound clavándonos syringe. A character with excellent facial expressions, something that seems to have cared much. For services, asks us to collect a very special type of mushroom found in a nearby cave.

This is the mission of exploration and platforms, which fired at any time. On the map indicate the direction of the target, and the distance in meters. We met some animals, like a goat, we see beautiful groups of birds flying in the air, and followed the course of a refreshing stream that descends between the rocks. We came to a cliff and we jump into the water, diving and seeing the rich marine life, until you reach a cave. The exit to the surface is further away than expected, and is very accomplished how it was done when you run out of oxygen. The vision begins to get blurred, strained breathing and nervous warning to us too, and the character begins to stroke more abrupt and anxious, accelerating out of the water. Details of many others, that reveal this is a game very carefully and lovingly made. For example the peculiar pause menu, blade-shaped Rorschach, appealing to the madness prevailing in the island. Once out of the water began to climb, grabbing all kinds of projections, plants, rocks, until some we fail and fall off, falling into the water. We finally found the right path, and on top of a beautiful waterfall, some mushrooms begin to release spores, we looked at the hands that have gone strange rashes, and the vision begins to distort. We kept walking but in the middle of a hallucination, hearing strange things, opening the rocks as we passed, some beautiful red birds flying in front of us, time stands still... we're totally stoned. Visions between beautiful and terrifying, in a disturbing, with the house we had visited before we pass away, and finally after getting it and so enter, all remaining broken glass floating in the air with a beautiful effect.

A great time coming to an end, waking from the dream, and giving the mushrooms that we came for. We look for the exit of the cave while some bats bother us and we see a huge and very quiet exotic lizard on a rock. When you leave here, has been almost dark, but not completely, bringing the evening to a close, with beautiful views. A huge starry sky crowned with the full moon, fireflies floating in the air, down a blanket of mist covers the water, recreation, nature is simply brilliant, a game just for its beautiful scenery and want to be played and go all corner of this island paradise. We got home, we deliver the mushrooms to the doctor, and finished the mission, a great example of that although we are in an action title, there will be other times, more adventurous and platforms that do not have to shoot. The last mission was in a boat, a fairly linear and direct action, showing that the interior will also be very careful. With a shotgun exploding enemies we literally flying off the air, with a very physical work, a strong sound and a stunning recreation of the blood splatter on walls, in a game that seems not going to skimp on violence. After killing enemy numbers for different rooms in one of the rooms we expected a bomb-shaped trap, exploiting and opening a gap the hull of the ship starts sinking. Here begins one of those spectacular moments that remind us of the Uncharted series, because as the water invades the rooms and the ship sinks we have to flee in a very impressive sequence. You dive and escape as you can, looking for a way out, until there is a dreamlike moment in which underwater, watching the huge ship sinks, the main character in the picture is a beauty and is carried away by the situation, while playing this music, and ends the show. A very cinematic and dramatic scene, both for what happens above all how we show and tell, and while this issue of The Chemical Brothers will not be in the final version, was the perfect example for what we wanted to convey that even within the horror, survival and the struggle between life and death, beauty can be found.

We left really excited after Ubisoft Montreal seen, and heard, and we could chat with some of the team officials made ​​it clear we dispelled some doubts and some fears about the gameplay, especially as for many of the mistakes Far Cry 2. There will be more places to travel faster, better positioned, and remove unnecessary travel long distances and without substance, the island also is not huge, you have a smaller size compared to other sandbox, but will be filled with content, things to do and discover a success. Also not all be spent in outdoor play, the interiors have much importance as houses, boats, caves and all kinds of facilities. The fauna is very important as we mentioned, we can attack and even we can hunt, and the recreation of an island paradise is simply amazing, the nicest we've seen in a game. Its full of possibilities open action, from the frenzy and stealth to direct confrontation with varied missions, different from each other and not necessarily always shootings, and a duration that is not artificially lengthened with repetitive or monotonous tasks. Removed infinite spawn of enemies or recurrence, prompting much more to explore the environment, with rewards that will motivate us enough to discover every corner of the island. There will be a character development system, we have not seen, and some surprises in terms of vehicles, which are still kept up its sleeve. His cinematic look better, the plot interesting approach, and that everything that happens on the island is like a huge, macabre essay on madness and its various forms, rounded a title more than promising. September 7th will be the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, when we buy our ticket to hell with this fun aspect of paradise.

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