Friday, February 17, 2012

Prototype 2 Impressions, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/PC/Xbox 360

Today there are so many open world games that studies should be getting his own identity if they want the proposal to be forgotten soon after exit. Prototype got this identity by giving the protagonist of powers, some of them so attractive as to morph into the person who had absorbed. This is a subgenre they belong Crackdown or Infamous, whose purpose is make you move through cities in a different way, without the height of buildings is an issue and with the destruction as the protagonist. Radical made a good proposal which sold 2.9 million copies. The study was set to work on continuing to give such sales force in one hand and a notebook to write down another criticism of the players. The result will be in stores in a couple of months, but already we have seen of the game, both the opening minutes as part of the red zone of the city, when the story is already advanced. The story of the first game was not polished and in some places not quite understand, so now is much more straight forward. The study wants the player to get involved emotionally with what happens to the new player and has therefore decided to use a primary feeling: revenge. In the first minutes of game play your cards core samples. Sergeant James Heller has lost his wife and daughter and blames Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the first game. It is a recognized military value but which has suffered post-traumatic stress leads not to fear for their safety and has a murderous fixation by Mercer. Suddenly it is face to face in what is the simple tutorial to learn the basics. In the confrontation Mercer Heller inoculated with the virus that transforms it into a prototype and the doubt to blame for the spread of evil in the city. The game will search for Heller of the truth about history.

In Prototype 2, the city is divided into three zones. In green is the headquarters of security forces, is the safe zone. The yellow part is infected and quarantine. The red zone is Manhattan, where he passed the first game, the city is in ruins and all types of infected mutants and swarm it. Thanks to the communications network Blacket you can get information about what happens in each of the zones. Missions and using your powers, Mercer was the same as you gain points, level up in one of the six features available, and you regain life by staying a few minutes away from enemy fire or absorbing the enemy's life. Once you do this you can change your appearance to be the same as the last enemy absorbed (displayed you change what you can do). Besides history, Radical wanted the game to reach more people, so what has made some changes to the gameplay, as the choice of two powers at a time, assigning each to a button. The gameplay remains satisfactory but small changes make it more accessible. So you can locate the target on screen, without having to resort to the map to know where. This makes it easier to follow the most visceral action and persecution.

After watching the first minutes of play we turn to what the study called "red zone", a point in the game where the action is much more advanced. We recommend not doing quests and a few minutes to see what we can do for the city. Basically, it is repelling military attacks while defending yourself from all infected and mutants that populate Manhattan. You will not have a moment of rest between use biobomba, hitting melee the infected or whip out his arm for a walk. Vehicles are an important part of the fun. You can jump around a helicopter and hooked him with the whip arm. Then decide if you want to destroy it, take control or wrest the weapons to use on your own. Graphically the game has been renovated with a graphics engine made ​​from scratch, and now much more detail. Going up the glass facade of a building you will see reflections of the buildings opposite and the movement is more fluid and in the beta. Activision reports, producer and distributor of the game, which will be folded completely into Spanish, a difference that shows that he is committed, as the first Prototype was subtitled in Spanish but with the English voices. Prototype 2 will be released on April 24 for Xbox 360 and PS3. In PC will launch in July.

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