Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ninja Gaiden 3 Preview, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360

This March, almost four years after the second installment, will hit stores Ninja Gaiden 3, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, with a version in a future program for the new Nintendo console, Wii U, with the Razor's Edge subtitle. After the exceptional and undisputed return of a classic 8-bit Ninja Gaiden for the first Xbox in 2004, acclaimed by critics and audiences, its continuation in 2008 and Xbox 360 did not have such a warm reception. Both developed by Team Ninja Tomonobu Itagaki at the helm, following the controversial departure of this in 2008, including claims by the followers of the series do not quite know what to expect from this new release, without their director and played a Ninja Team following the departure of several members accompanying the peculiar Itagaki. Announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2010, the first details about the game were not very liked by fans of the series. A more accessible, down to the difficulty for hardcore gamers do not feel less frustrated, elimination of gore and dismemberment, or the announcement of a multiplayer mode, both of which seemed to stray too far from what made Itagaki and team with the first two games. Now two months after its release, and having thoroughly played the first two levels, we have to say that there is much reason to fear this third installment, Ninja Gaiden essence is still there, although they have included some additions and changes to highlight.

The first two phases are developed in the streets of London and in an abandoned city in the desert of Rub 'al Khali Saudi Arabia place, redrawn fondly those who have recently played Uncharted 3, but here will not look as nice. - As you begin to play given the choice between two difficulties, normal and hard. The first too easy, as recommended if the game "you played before other action games", but as we are at least two levels seems a walk, anything to do with the default difficulty of the previous Ninja Gaiden. The second, hard "do their best to master the art of a ninja" seems much more suitable for an experienced play, but the jump of difficulty that occurs is too exaggerated. In any case, during a game we can lower the difficulty, appearing even a hero call, which is very easy. Of course, we can not change the difficulty in the middle of a fight, and force us to restart from the last checkpoint. The story we face a terrible terrorist group has taken to the streets of London, in a game that seems to make us travel to different parts of the world. With Ryu Hayabusa climbed on top of Big Ben, through a flashback we get a little background, and we explain the reason for the mission. Although the important thing begins to happen at the end of the first level, when we encounter the mysterious Regent of the Mask, an alchemist concealed that will stand up to Ryu whenever possible, and whose connection with the history of the game is still unknown, but it seems will be our enemy to demolish.

From the top of Big Ben, Ruy launches flying enemies and at the instant before it hits the ground we have to press the attack button to kill brutally strong with one of the terrorists. One of the many QTE-quick-time events that populate the game, from cutscenes how are you, where in the air we have to dodge a missile, or go under a vehicle that we want to attack, to others that take place during clashes, very spectacular but more questionable, since sometimes a bit slow the pace of the game and surely will not please the most dedicated players. The controls are simple: a strong attack, fast attack missile weapon-throw shurikens thus not very useful the truth, jump, and a button to block and dodge, with which we slide across the floor. The combos come naturally and simply, and quickly we will be handing spadices right and left, with disastrous results for our rivals. On the absence of gore and dismemberment much has been said, and feared that the Ninja Gaiden had become light, but nothing is. The blood is still present, and bubbling, splashing the screen and the body of Ryu in the wild. It is true that certain cuts that do not fit the enemies do not uproot an arm or leg, but in short, is what you get, and we can not complain too much about violence, with much blood splattering all. Dozens of enemies with guns, knives and even rocket launchers that give a good account, and after finishing with them, a terrorist asks for mercy, please do not kill him who has family in a very striking scene, and you can imagine as just as it does not give us choice.

Yes we have experienced later some curious situation, and that may be repeated later in the game, and is that upon completion of a large group of enemies, and have three, four living, they gave up, threw the weapon down, and begging for mercy. It was our decision to leave them alive or kill him. As said its creators want us to feel that behind every one of those villains are hiding a person, and cold and asking for mercy, not so easy to end his life, something we feel curious to see if it develops later or it is an anecdote. Little by little in this first phase we are teaching the concepts of the game, as if it were a great tutorial. With the lock button plus a direction we glide across the floor and can go under trucks and other obstacles. Pressing the right stick, the camera focuses on the path we must follow, if we have lost, in a very linear game with a camera but sometimes a bit unruly. We came to a wall that we can scale the climbing called Kunai, in which alternating pressure both triggers can climb walls, and even fire a shuriken if an enemy starts to bother the top. There are also moments of climbing jump through parallel facing walls, as easy as pressing the jump button repeatedly. These are not the only time platforms because Ryu is able to hold on to railings and developed, all these elements together by brief moments of platforms, a break from such action.

In some situations, and if we have not yet attracted the attention of the enemy, approaching without running down her back, pressing the analog stick slightly, we can surprise them with a run, some secrecy that comes out of the norm in a game almost always frantic . Besides the combination of strong and fast attacks, we have two special attacks. The first is, when your sword is glowing red, swollen with blood, if we let down the strong attack button, we performed a spectacular combo with just all the enemies around us. At the end of the first level, an event occurs and the dragon sword is absorbed by the arm Ryu, one of the big reasons plot of this release, and from that moment will be the arm that turn red and tell us when to perform this special attack. Below the life bar Ryu, we have one of Ki. When this is complete, we perform a Ninpo. Ryu turns into a dragon of fire, killing all the enemies of the stage, and it regains its vitality, so you can imagine the importance of this attack. At certain points in the levels, we find hawks let us heal and save your progress. Before ending this good introductory level, there are still more surprises to discover. Some enemies with shields us make things very difficult, because we have to take it to hurt them, and we also throw grenades. We live in a particular scene in a cloud of smoke, which we only see the laser sniper rifles, and we have to find them quietly back and run them. A simple fighting a boss, a huge spider robot, and finally we see the faces with the Regent of the Mask, ending here this level.

In the second phase in Rub'al Khali very beginning, we make delivery of the arc. This serves to shoot at enemies far and high, like guys with rocket launchers, and also some bikes that appear on the sand and are very elusive, except for the arrows of our bow. The way to target is very strange, derived from the unwieldy camera that follows the action, and it is best to use the pointing function by selecting the approximate area where the threat is. We explain more than platform as impel and run through walls, and moments of action in which high enemies with rocket launchers incordian us and make us take out my bow, while we are using our sword intensively with others at ground level. Monks throwing strange magic cubes do not come to pass, and just finish them off in a fierce battle, the demo ends, leaving us wanting more. With only two levels, we can not say if the height of the saga, above or below the previous game, but we can ensure it will be a great action game, fun, intense and spectacular, which will appeal to lovers the hack and slash. Though we take the 60 frames per flag, some slowdowns tarnish this aspect, which we hope is corrected in the face of the final version, in a game that technically does not "kill", but fulfilling. With a multiplayer mode included, that we are curious to try, it will be March 23 when we can enjoy the new adventure of bloodthirsty ninja games.

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