Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Preview, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3/Xbox 360/PC

Very soon, on February 9, comes a new RPG this time focusing on action, when we are still recovering from the great surf that has left us The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And although playable, as you have seen the demo that takes a few days available on Xbox Live, has little to do with the title of Bethesda, having played a few hours with his beta, the similarities are indeed more than may seem at first, in a huge game, full of quests and places to visit, discover and explore, and in which the imprint of their creators important shows in many ways. Developed by Big Huge Games and 38 Studios, companies who I sounded at all, in fact the second this is your first game, the people behind this work do have a prestigious resume behind. Leading the project is Ken Rolston, formerly of Bethesda and lead designer of the acclaimed two installments of the series The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and Oblivion. In charge of the script and the story R.A. Salvatore, an American writer of fantasy and science fiction known for his famous novel The Forgotten Realms and Star Wars. And in front of the designs Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn writer, designer and manufacturer of toys.

The world of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is brand new, Lands Fae have been created for this new series and its characters, regions and legends are not based on any pre-medieval fantasy world. From this, we must say that after playing a few hours, we were surprised by the many similarities with the legendary saga playable The Elder Scrolls, however it is Ken Rolston behind the project is noted in various elements that we will be discussing. But despite this, the approach here to the genus is from the action, with a combat system very flexible - and fun, which gives equal importance to melee with swords, broadswords, hammers and knives, to ranged attacks with bows , staffs or chakrams, and magic also present in various ways. If anything we liked is that you can combine all three specialties naturally and are not required to choose one path, which makes fighting fun and dynamic.

Let's talk about the first steps in the adventure, which we did in our previous impressions, and that you yourself can try downloading the demo. Let's dig a little deeper into all the possibilities offered by this promising game, which are many and very interesting, although EA still does not allow us to talk about certain aspects. The first thing we will do is create your character, among the four available races: Almain, Varani, Ljosalfar and Dakkalfar. Race affects the physical appearance and basic skills of the character, but then we can choose the gender, name, hairstyle, eye color, skin tones, facial features, etc., and also later in the game can change any of these settings thanks to find mirrors. The Almain are a warrior race and religion with a source of legend, coming from the Fae Land in search of freedom while honoring the traditions of his homeland. Initial bonuses have alchemy, blacksmithing, and persuasion. The Varani are tanned at sea, and can be both pirates and mercenaries as shrewd merchants. They start with to see the hidden bonuses, and commercial locks open.

The Ljosalfar are a proud and ancient race of the icy north. Are judged to possess himself of the divine right to dominate the wind, the sun and the heavens, as well as dispense justice fairly. Good at alchemy, dissipation and work wise. And finally there are the Dokkalfar, famous for being sophisticated students of magic and diplomacy, although not fleeing the conflict, they prefer to resolve disputes subtly, with grace and efficiency. Bonuses have work wise, stealth and persuasion. Although this decision to choose may seem very important race, the game gives us much freedom to improve the character how you want, and more, once we go up the levels and assigning points to different skills, there is one person in the world of Amalur , the weaver of fate, let us rebuild our character from scratch, you can reassign all skill points. After selecting the race and the various physical aspects-in a very simple editor that does not have many options, we will have to choose the patron god. A blessing that will materialize in the form of bonuses throughout the game, and depend on the character's race. For example, the blessing of Belen, god of death, is only available to the Varani and Dokkalfar, and gives +8% critical hit damage and +1% chance to critical hit. Ethene, goddess of wisdom gives us +10% mana, and Aryllia, goddess of love, health and +5% +1% chance to critical hit, and these are just some examples. After creating a character, start the adventure.

"Amalur is plunged into chaos. A shadow has covered the forests, fields and mountains of the Land of Fae. The once peaceful fae Winter Court have declared war and threaten all mortals. To the east rises a terrible new emerging power and magical sources. the weavers of fate have predicted that all living creatures suffer a fatal Amalur and inescapable destiny. But when all seemed lost, a hero has come back from the dead, is a being without a road marking the great tapestry of Destiny ". And that's us, and here we enter the game, waking up at the top of a pile of corpses in a lonely cave. Abandoned to our fate, no memories of the past, we have to discover who we are and leave the cemetery littered with bodies. Once this first dungeon, Land of Fae will open before us, and we have total freedom to explore a vast world. The control is simple and very responsive, and within minutes we will have already mastered. With the sticks handle the character and the camera, use the button with a main gun, with another high school, with another shot across the floor, which serves to dodge attacks, there is a shortcut button to talk, open chests, or running when we explore the scenarios, with one of the triggers we protect it through the shield, and the other drop down menu magic, we can take up to four rooms. With the other two buttons above the wheel we access objects, or enter stealth mode, with which we can surprise the enemy from behind.

Something similar happens with the enemies, when our paths will cross with one, the color of your name will indicate its difficulty. If your name is blank, there will be problems if you are in Orange, a confrontation is complicated, and if it appears in red, we should not confront him or give us a beating. This is fine, and that tells us to reach certain areas should not be there, which previously would have to level up, and defines and warns the player very well where to venture. There alchemy to make potions and ingredients are spread all over the stage. To get down to work, or do it by prescription, or experience for ourselves. We forge, to create or enhance new weapons and armor, and work allows us to make wise gems that can be embedded in weapons and armor, giving new effects. There are also offenses: theft, pickpocketing, burglary, assault, murder are considered crimes in the Land of Fae, and if they catch us doing one of these actions, we will pay for it. We can bribe the guards, resisting arrest, or serve his sentence in exchange for an experience point penalty. We have six factions which unite us, that have their own storyline, missions and special items, and so as you can see, has nothing to envy to the great RPGs.

Maybe its colorful and cartoon-very nice indeed-and that his approach to the genre of role from the side of action, may create the false impression that we have a simple action game with great graphics , something like the Fable series, but nothing is, and when it deepens and play a few hours you find yourself with a title with many possibilities, and many hours of fun ahead. Besides its technical section amply meets with some scenarios precious, enemies sometimes quite attractive and original design, and music that accompanies adequately to this dream world. We only raises some doubts about the quality of his narrative, and character and personality of the protagonists. For the moment, at least in his boot, neither history nor the characters engage in, or create any link friendly or affectionate with them, indeed, you get pretty well. The story has an uncertain course, do not make interesting and challenging targets, and if you decide to dive into the sea of side quests, it will be at the time you completely forget the main story, which we have no very clear what We want to tell. The premise is interesting, you're back to the living and can not remember anything about your previous life in a world with a huge conflict that you are breaking the destiny written, and everything has become suddenly unpredictable. We hope that the narrative and characters, improve as we move further into the adventure, because today is all that is not convincing in a game that otherwise we are loving it. Also missing some puzzle or situation different missions, and so far we have not done more to wipe out dozens of enemies, but we want to be cautious in this regard.

Expectation has not only created so far, and therefore we believe will be a surprise to many. A game that looks great technically, accessible gameplay, responding appropriately, and no less complex. A huge world to explore, as great as the best in the genre, with a huge amount of quests and things to do, in an adventure that promises that we will have to devote to squeeze tens of hours. A "covered" for the first months of 2012, which now have to wait very little to see if the good feelings it has caused in the early hours, are confirmed and even enhanced.

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