Thursday, February 2, 2012

SSX Preview, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Review, Walkthroughs, Guide for Xbox 360/PS3

SSX becomes stronger than ever at the hands of Electronic Arts. A very funny proposal that will take us next to our table of snow, through the best mountains in the world. From Vandal we bring you the latest news from SSX, the snowboarding game one day succeeded in PlayStation 2 and now back to stay in the new generation. A fantastic job the guys at EA prepared for his next start in March this year. After the last test in Barcelona can say without doubt that the title has seen a development in the new generation in which the good graphics, gameplay and online play have combined to create a very good option for fans of snow sports titles. At the start of game three major areas: World, Explore and Global, which is joined Ridernet, profit by that, similar to Need for Speed Autolog, we face our opponents in online mode. The exploration of these three options, where we can act alone, play with friends or to access a large number of events and online events, opens the door to a massive world conceived from 29 mountains in the world and a total of 153 events spread across areas as diverse as the United States, Siberia, the Alps or even a location in Africa. Different tests have been adapted for the player to note differences depending on the place where the action unfolds.

And yes, action may be a word that perfectly describes what the game looks, feels convey what a world champion of this type mounted on top of your board riding the most unlikely tracks. Being a beginner or experienced player will not make the one in charge has a greater or lesser gaming experience, the good thing about SSX is that it has the ability to enjoy any person whether or not gender played games before. Thanks to an original full tutorial less accustomed to snow and tables will be dropped from a helicopter to practice different moves before landing. Thus, the buttons will appear to indicate the different positions and tricks you can do during the race to accumulate points then we will see what they can serve.

With the first contact with the snow, the first thought is: How did I do this? Wow ... what or domain! Words will eat the player to find the first tree in front. The speed in this SSX has improved substantially and the feeling of being inside the game increases very significantly. As a result we have a much more prominent diving catch to get the player from the start. The summary could do about the new gameplay is that the arcade game is very easy to play but very deep at the time to master each and every one of the figures allows the player to make ... especially if we have the "Tricky" a state in which the movements still are, if anything, more spectacular. As for the gameplay also choose different ways to play. The most widespread, combining buttons and stick, or the most innovative - that begins to take hold in many EA games - held by the two sticks always accompanied by the triggers and buttons above the control. If something can be said of our surrounding environment is that it is simply spectacular. The mountains discovered more than twenty areas of the world in which courts have developed more varied. Trees, slopes, ramps, pipes, walls... all part of an asset that we can use decorated to score and perform more than one hundred animations that the study puts into our hands. In this hundred actions "pure" tens are added that result after mixing these with each other. A catalog of tricks seems that never ends to descend to the highest possible speed to reach the goal first.

While the environment is well designed and you can enjoy great views and very outstanding presentations, the introduction of these is also noteworthy. To reach each race the player navigates a globe that will travel to different latitudes. In the end, once chosen the country, it has the option to monitor the different stages and procedures for deciding on a table and put the snow. From there up to the individual to choose the activities you wish to. While the first contact will take alone to try new tricks that SSX has prepared us, soon we will want to face an opponent, or several of them. This will have a solo mode, which we will develop a career along the entire map by testing both speed and acrobatics and skill, and different proposals with other players race to be extended from colleagues nearby private events to large numbers of snowboarders through... and there goes Ridernet the phenomenon of "Social Gaming" since EA have tried to promote.

From this point of view SSX will have life beyond the game mode just to think of a much wider world that allows the player make the game a title that promises many hours of fun and "chop". One of the initiatives that will engage more players will be the "ghost" of his friends. These figures are only a "snowboarder" that emulates our previous times we have a reference to that beat. A beautiful point also touched by the various trails that players leave behind, so that those who come after to follow in his footsteps to score better than these. One way to gain points by defeating friends directly or exceeding their time even when not connected at the same time as us. Among the possibilities that the game leaves the player it is possible to enjoy a wide range of items that can be bought from money and accumulate experience in the race. Each final screen will inform us how many points we have obtained and will be used to unlock hidden items or access improvements that will make us faster or skilled in certain actions. In this section there are three options: Suit, which will buy different costumes, "Board" where the protagonists are a huge number of tables in different colors, shapes and finishes, and finally, "Gear", a section in that helmets, shields and other possibilities we attribute depending on our choices. In addition to buying items that also have we unlocked during the race and even some that are available in online mode. The variety of these makes the player may have one of the 12 characters in the game are completely customized to your liking. Characters like Mac and Kaori since EA have tried to keep as a nod to the fans of a show title that now claims to have used these years to mature.

If there is something that EA is also responsible for taking special care, this is the section of music. The visual environment of which we have spoken has a musical background that accompanies it. In this case we'll hear melodies in the race are mixed in the air so that a lower environmental pressure increasing in volume while we are on the ground. A special touch that makes the product seem very thought out and matured to the player experience better. This dynamic setting allows us to enjoy different moments in the soundtrack fits our game. Also, besides enjoying bands like The Hives or Digitalism, we can also incorporate a number of original songs that allow us to make runs, jumps or Deadly Descents-downs of life and death in the mountains, listening to our favorite tunes. The conclusion leaves the game, failing to have him in our power to make all possible Pronatura offline mode is that his return to the mountain will not leave anyone indifferent. A good game where gameplay fun and let us return to enjoy a title that aims to mark a trend in next-generation titles like this.

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