Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Unlock Easter Eggs in Kid Icarus Uprising | Nintendo 3DS

Great place to find out Easter Eggs in Kid Icarus Uprising for Nintendo 3DS.

Space Invaders Reference

Pit calls the aliens who invade Earth "Invaders of Space."

The Legend of Zelda Fairy Reference

The description of the Fairy Orbitars idol starts with the sentence "Tired of pixies asking you to listen?", a reference to Navi in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

The Legend of Zelda Chime

When you solve a puzzle in the Wish Seed level, a chime similar to the Legend of Zelda plays.

Vintage Kid Icarus Reference

When Pit sees the box holding the three weapons, he declares "They've held up well. They're much less pixelated now." in a reference to his first game. There are lots of images and references to previous Kid Icarus titles, such as when Medusa is first shown in Lv 1.

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