Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sine Mora Review | Xbox 360

Much time has passed and many things have changed since the early 80's were created the first commercial video games. All of those early games with simple black and white graphics that highlighted immediately put us at the controls of a spaceship with which we had to move forward annihilating everything we approached. Space Invaders was the title most noted of them all inaugurating a genre, the "shoot 'em up", or shoot as fast as you can, that became legendary, and eternal, in video games. In our day, and thanks mainly to digital download service, Xbox Live Arcade exclusive in this case, the genre is experiencing a second youth both authentic reissues of old titles and new launches. Nevertheless, we must recognize that most games these days we see more of the style of the warrior who can handle all types Shank, or Shoot Many Robots, that the classic style of spacecraft where there are hardly any examples lately excepting the excellent conversion of the classic arcade and Sega Saturn, Radiant Silvergun that made Treasure last year. "Sine Mora" comes to rescue the spirit of those old classic "shoot 'em up", changing the vertical spread horizontally, and probably would have spent more than unnoticed until its release if it were not recognized comes from two studies of development such as Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality. Little more can be said of Grasshopper who do not know already. The team plays the genius Goichi Suda, or Suda51 as he likes to be known, are so unique and original that few players leave indifferent, highlighting in particular for its unique ambience and excellent productions. Titles like No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned have excellent reviews for its originality and development, however, are often accompanied by strong sales, risk taking to do something different.

While preparing for summer launch Lollipop Chainshaw, the adventure of Juliet, the attractive cheerleader whose fun is to kill dozens of zombies, have created this experiment in collaboration with Digital Reality, a Hungarian study, less known, but experienced in the release of arcade games like Dead Block or Skydrift, and are also preparing a funny racing game called Bang Bang Racing, to look forward.

Oddly enough, Sine More has a very Japanese-style argument with a strange mix of future alien civilizations and constant wars between them in which to embody characters a fleet of half-human, half animal that has to end with the bad. Obviously in this style of games this argument is completely dispensable, although we must acknowledge the detail that has been put into it, with long texts to read, in English, animated sequences and constant during the story mode, we can continue to dive into the itself. In the field playable, and as I overtook before, Sine Mora has a retro style, based on the classic Space Invaders, but changing your perspective and using all the technical resources of today. It is true that it has a few new features, but is simply shooting move as quickly as possible, while trying to avoid enemy bullets.

Progress is generally from left to right, but not wanting marred some of the surprises of the game, I also say that there are along the same, small areas where the movement changes so much sense as orientation, adding more of the same variety. There are other areas as small tunnels or mazes in which skill and precision in handling our airplane-ship will be fundamental.

One feature that surprised us most of this arcade is the amazing use of time, unusual in this genre, becoming one of the fundamental aspects of the game. We have a time limit to complete each area, or checkpoint, and in general this is pretty tight, not availing in this case the strategy of staying behind shooting nonstop. The most curious of all is that we can increase this time by eliminating enemies that we provide seconds, according to difficulty, but this will also decrease when we receive impacts enemies. That is, in most phases will not have the usual health bar, but the goal will be a struggle against time. I can assure you that this great innovation is what really differentiates Sine Mora other games of this style, making it even more difficult a game that already.

And is that as usual, the high difficulty is one of the distinguishing features of such games. Although there is a normal level, which is named for beginners and new players, the demand and at this level is remarkable, once past the early stages. The other level, called the challenge is really complicated, and only recommended for experienced players in these games looking for a demanding challenge. The number of enemies multiply, and the speed and frequency with which they shoot. A real show, which is really difficult to survive. To add more difficulty we have a number of "continues" to the story mode, different depending on the level chosen, having to return to the top if consumed. This difficulty also influence the final grade we get to finish the level, and will be published online in the corresponding markers.

Another factor influencing the high difficulty of the game are the gigantic bosses, really spectacular and complicated, as we progress through the story mode. Designed by Mahino Maeda, a famous anime designer, who has starred in films such as Animatrix or Kill Bill, pose a great challenge, counting, addition, some of them several phases, which makes their elimination is rather complicated. To complicate things even more against some of them also have a health bar, besides the corresponding timer. The story mode consists of eight levels, grouped into chapters, which generally are not very long, being practically a workout wear to the corresponding level boss.

To counter all these enemies will always have two weapons, one primary and one secondary, to our disappointment that we can not choose but be predefined for each level. Each phase we play what we do with a character which in turn has a different ship with their default weapon, and can not change, at least in story mode. During the game we should collect up to nine power-ups to our main weapon, which, however, we lose as we receive impacts enemies, while the secondary can only use a couple of times, as it is very limited. We will also have available a special ability on our ship that will allow us to slow down the action during a small interval of time, so to avoid a shot or move your ship with more precision.

Besides the story mode there are three game modes, without changing too much the philosophy does allow us to face other challenges. The arcade mode, only available for the most demanding challenges is a repetition of the story mode, where you will not see even a text or an animated sequence. Just stop action in the same sequence as the story for which we can choose the ship that we drive, with a corresponding predefined weapons, of which already have unlocked.

Attack mode is easier to spot and is to repeat some of the chapters we have already exceeded the story mode in order to improve our score and may also choose the ship you want. Finally, the training of heads so we can return to play against bosses we've seen in the story mode, I have already won or not, being a way that is quite interesting, when we attack one of them. For these modes of play are two levels of difficulty, called difficult and madness, as imagine are still more complicated. To our surprise we have not found 'Sine Mora' no way that supports multiplayer game, either at local or online, limited online functions to the typical markers. A real shame as it is a type of game it could have been great fun cooperate or fight with a friend.

The technical aspect of 'Sine Mora' is quite remarkable, despite the apparent simplicity often have this kind of games. The graphics are well made, and are particularly scenarios, colorful, full of details, and varied locations including both interior and exterior, getting a good sense of depth. A sound level the game is really great when we are in the middle of the battle and the shots are mixed with the explosions.

One of the best news we had about the game was the participation in the musician Akira Yamaoka, composer of the soundtrack of the first Silent Hill. Finally, of course, the music in these games is relegated to small fragments during the menus, and sequences from the story, making this case, the work of Akira go more unnoticed.

If you like these demanding challenges and retro video games, this may be the title been waiting for a long time. However, if you answer no to any of those questions then you'd better let it go. Sine Mora is above all a game really difficult, even in its so-called "normal". The original mix of enemies and makes time for advance level by a complicated story is a triumph, while it can become somewhat frustrating. Although technically it is quite remarkable, it is also true that we miss more variety, customization options, and even a multiplayer option.

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