Monday, March 12, 2012

Malicious Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS3, PS Vita

The universe of video games has become one of the favorite hobbies for millions of people around the globe, which has contributed to increasingly more titles that a developer publish in a single year. Has also increased the number of blockbusters, wrapped by large budgets and reputations of famous franchises, which have the support of powerful producers. Furthermore, we find many other developers that either due to lack of support from third parties or by their limited budgets, have preferred to go for online distribution systems with more modest developments that try to compensate for the spectacular, typical of large productions, with high doses of originality and talent. Examples of this trend could include: Braid, a game equally enthusiastic public and critical Limbo, an original platform game with one of the best artistic designs we've had the pleasure of seeing or the impeccable Journey, which has fallen in love our editors and obtained full marks from the magazine. Now has come the turn of Malicious, an arcade game 100% it will try to gain a niche in a genre as saturated as that of the action, which already has great representatives in the market for current platforms. The title, owned by the developer Alvion unknown, was released to the eastern market for the month of October and, although it was not known if finally come to our territory, which Sony has made ​​it possible.

Malicious take the role in a "Spirit Vessel" or "Bearer of Spirits" has been invoked by a group of prophets to defeat a terrible dark force within a fantasy universe in true Oriental style. Very beginning of the adventure, we choose if we face it with a boy or a girl, both with the same functional characteristics. Next, select the difficulty level and, once in action, our decision will also be the order in which we complete missions that are offered. The premise is quite simple title, finishing with five guardians-enemies who in turn will lead to the true final boss. This, they said well it may seem very simple, it is even more. In fact, you read well, the only thing we will do in the game is to fight against these giants in a closed set of scenarios that, despite its considerable size, simple quadrilaterals end up becoming virtual.

During our battles we will find with huge waves of minor enemies, once killed, we will spend their energy and allow us to enhance our attacks and our priests if we have been damaged. The main qualities of our character focus on the Shroud of Ash, a protective layer also allows us to attack our opponents and, as we go away with each of the bosses, will recover their power and allow us to get new powers will be needed to kill the final enemy. Besides Ash Mantle defense, we also have two main attacks: a shot of energy waves to long-range attacks, whose counterpart is its small power attack damage and other powerful use for short distances. These attacks can concentrate on specific enemies by known goal-setting system and will be enhanced as we go beating phases with spears and swords that will improve our schools.

Malicious art section has a very attractive with the Cel-Shading technique known not feel anything wrong. The scenarios have a considerable size and level of detail is quite correct, the bosses are spectacular, which together with the good design of the main characters and excellent animation results in a graphical environment. The sound section is not far behind and has some catchy tunes that give good pace to the action without being heavy. Finally, the voices you hear on occasion use invented words from one language and are accompanied by a series of English subtitles.

In his role playable, Malicious has one of the early less intuitive and more sober than we've seen in such titles. From the beginning it will give us free will to begin our journey by any of the five scenarios that we have to overcome, without any tutorial that will help us use our attacks or take advantage of the qualities of our character. Once in labor, we see ourselves overwhelmed by its unique mechanical and if we do not adapt well will end up bored in no time, as their fighting system is not as direct and precise as we'd like. This does not help a desperate camera, despite being free, we sometimes lose my temper and will automatically be placed in positions completely illogical in the most compromised.

In terms of duration, it is a title rather short. Once we know the mechanics it will only take an hour break the entire game, although it may takes us to our first game to finish three to four hours, more than enough time to get used to the features of our character and to know the weaknesses of the leaders. Besides the story mode, the title does not have any incentive that encourages us to continue playing, with the exception of the scores against the world ranking that we try to overcome and little else.

There is a wide range of games released for digital distribution, many of which have a high regard for the public and therefore the developers try to strive to create ever more worthwhile projects. The guys have been seeking Alvion its Malicious hole with a title that plays its best hand with an interesting section with an artistic and original (though risky) proposal playable by more than one can be attracted. Unfortunately, some limitations as the lack of a "necessary" tutorial to encourage the user to know the mechanics, the excessive simplicity of its development, the irritating camera issues and short duration are negative aspects that must not be overlooked. Despite this, its attractive price range and their concept of direct and rapid game Malicious make an interesting title to spend time with something different.

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