Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unit 13 Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for PS Vita

Zipper Interactive is now only associated with realistic war games and online gaming. Championed the network game on PlayStation 2 SOCOM, and PlayStation 3 did a tour de force with MAG, massive action game for up to 256 players. The SOCOM series had several deliveries in PSP, although in this case made by Slant Six, who achieved a remarkable moderate, at least in America. In PS Vita Zipper returns to bet on a game in general very similar to SOCOM, but with a name change: Unit 13, a new elite unit also ready to spring into action anywhere in the world, which as you may have guessed, refers mainly to global terrorism in the Middle East areas. This is perhaps what is most like about the series in North America for us is also its weakness: the game does not stands out for its atmosphere and originality, and does not hide his forces topics extolling "the good" and the technology front the enemy, "that guy who speaks Arabic hooded." But behind this there is something more, namely that it is a good set of third-person action with a specialty of the developer: network game. Along with Uncharted: Golden Abyss is one of the best bets for gamers shots in the first landing of console games, though Unit 13 comes a few days later. Unit 13 has an eye on our star and characteristics very similar to the most famous saga Zipper, as that approach the realism far more serious than many other action titles, but without becoming a competitor of Operation Flashpoint. Try swapping shots face to face with an enemy, and before you know it one of the two is biting the dust if you face two exposed, you'll almost always happens to a better life. And not because it is a complicated game, just not played Call of Duty style. In fact, the stealth component plays a very important note in the solo mode you infiltrate enemy bases is conducting covert operations often sabotage, murder, rescue, bomb disposal or collection of documents they should not come to light. There are some missions where you just sound the alarm means your order instantly, so that's a priority to avoid being outnumbered and takes the surprise factor. More than a war, which we live is an unequal battle between our man-two if we play against an entire cooperative-armed terrorist group.

After the usual introductory tutorial, we discover that part of Unit 13 with advantage over the PSP SOCOM stick thanks to the second console. With the L trigger to aim and shoot R, with walking stick left and the right control the view, all very intuitive for any player home console. The pace of the game, that will not bow to both chaotic shooting, have usually also makes time to put you in proper posture in peace. Then we have coverage, cuts deadly at close range, grenade launch ... typical of any particular agent. Zipper Interactive has not missed the opportunity to use the touch screen for some functions, creating buttons "virtual" as the context of the situation. A common example: in the weapons sight, appears on the right edge of the screen attachment icon, and a touch-is almost beside the square button, turn to the sniper type accuracy. Simple and practical.

The grenades are thrown with the thumb touching the lower left corner, and the gun is reloaded playing miniature rifle we use. And when we find an obstacle that can jump, you receive one for action. All very practical and simplifies the use of physical buttons to the essentials. The only actions are not so comfortable that require interaction with a terminal, or explosive trap, since the button to hack the device on or off appears in the center of the image, a position difficult of access in the normal posture of play, but also is true that only appear at a time "to relax" and not during the action, so you have plenty of time to interact. No configuration options or alternative profiles of control, but we think that the virtual buttons to suit the situation, allowing physicists to the essentials. It is one of the best games of classic gameplay with integrated touch control we have played to date. We hope these ideas will be used in future for more action games.

Once we jump to one of 36 main missions, we find that we can choose character for little work, since each of the members of the unit has a specialization, weapons and different parameters-for example, health recovery, those seconds needed to recover life. In each mission explains the requirements for victory and the prevailing type of gameplay, such as covert, you can not be seen by cameras, alarms or enemies; the time trial, with a deadline to meet the objective, of direct action or the elite, where only recover health at certain points, not time, as usual. But you need not blindly experimenting combinations of characters or using the system of trial and error, the game tells you the recommended soldier according to his profile, if you go quietly, the better the weapons expert in rifles with silencers . The missions do not follow a common argument and the game has a very defined, simply we are a member of Unit 13 and we go where we are needed, so the order in which you play is irrelevant, although all are blocked at first.

Something I appreciate is that the interface will greatly facilitates the accomplishment of the tasks, as there are usually several tasks and you may have to go back and forth on stage, and otherwise that would be a little confusing. We have notices of the next place to move, with a few triangles indicate the distance in meters, an arrow indicating the way forward and even a detailed map shows enemies only if we have detected. As usual, there is not much freedom of exploration, but without the aid if it is true that we could lose the sense of direction in periods with less graphic references, such as industrial buildings.

Unit 13 is a good set of light action, always focused on the shootings of a few-but-deadly enemies. In part the use of a camera so close to the character causes other than a shooting system as agile as it Uncharted: deep gold, so in that sense it could be likened more to a playable Resident Evil, Metal Gear or of course, a SOCOM. The firing from cover and the enemy artificial intelligence enough to know that also have to hide occasionally mixed with shots to the surveillance cameras, the treacherous death in the back and hiding places, they can lose sight of. In addition to our characters get experience is always interesting and I will repeat some steps to improve your high scores and compete with your friends. You can even play them with the soldiers "not recommended" to change the type of strategy completely if you dare.

Getting stars in missions also unlock nine goals, a type of special missions against terrorists harder protected. If the pass, you can send with Near the test to get it unlocked without having to get all those stars. In addition to the dynamically changing mission objectives and that there are many levels-ten-to improve for each character, we must, though without much background story, the main mode itself is deep and give you many hours before you can feel repetition . Finally, we have daily challenges, missions that you can only play once a day to record your score. The most competitive will be hooked forever to see the mission you play and see the different rankings, total, and close friends.

Anyway, fun solo is fine, but would not you like something more popular? One of the strengths of Unit 13, as in SOCOM, is in the online multiplayer cooperative and ad-hoc for two players. It is possibly the game more focused on these few options are available in PS Vita right now, except for sports, FIFA and Virtua Tennis 4 - although fans may be thrown into the action needed competitive deathmatch. Playing with another friend, the fun is multiplied, because that extra help is very noticeable in the most critical moments. Adds that PS Vita has built-in microphone and there is no excuse to plan on the fly good coordination, rodeos and assaults by surprise.

Graphically it must be measured at a game like that conducted by Bend Studio with Nathan Drake, and in that sense Uncharted organic scenarios are much more interesting. But for Zipper must be said that the color palette has increased significantly compared with the Slant Six SOCOM for PSP, which were extremely monochromatic and populated by a mass of pixels symbolize trying to land or vegetation, depending on the environment. Unit 13 has gained much more elaborate art direction is beautiful in its way, never forgetting that this is a military game that tends to realism and generic scenarios seen in hundreds of other military titles, and occasionally not hesitate to use contrasting colors and lighting effects. With the power of the console, the interesting steps to make the atmosphere warmer than usual, some good textures, lighting effects, shadows and particles, the game meets expectations but we would have liked a little more softness in the movement .

Even with all Unit 13 has two aspects to improve graphics that reveal who is first generation system, and one is technical: it is the only game so far on PS Vita with a sawtooth bit sneaky. Do not become upset, or are at the same level as in PSP, but shocked to find us when the rest of launch titles of the laptop they had been concealed. The other are the animations, which really are not bad, but too rigid to be something, which we assume is strictly related to the position of the soldiers. The sound of arms is strong and the music fits with the situation. As mentioned, there are many moments of stealth and then goes completely unnoticed or even disappears to leave the sound environment. Everything changes as the action jumps, which appears an intense high-quality electronic music to accelerate our beats.

Unit 13 is a competent game goes to show that PS Vita itself is suitable for this genre until now reserved exclusively for home consoles, or PC. If you're looking for multiplayer action, if only cooperative, find it here along with a control that works great, some solid graphics, good atmosphere and a good chance of sting looking for the best scores. Its major flaw is that nothing of what it offers is new and we can even criticize the lack charisma in the characters or the story-that was any longer would be a first step. Maybe that's a burden that prevents a few years remember your adventures eliminating terrorists in this unit, but as early release, even with its flaws, offers fun shots like few games had offered laptop.

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