Sunday, March 11, 2012

Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater Review, Cheats, Secret, Cheat Codes, FAQ, Unlockables, Walkthroughs, Guide for Nintendo 3DS

The quality of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is probably beyond doubt, and over the years that have passed since its release on the PlayStation 2 we can confirm that delivery has been within the series defining who was able to provide important clues as playable open its atmosphere much more open environments. No wonder, therefore, that the followers of the saga with this issue in very high esteem and is one of the highlights of the collection for HD and Konami PlayStation Vita being finalized. But before that moment arrives, the delivery is reinventing itself with 3D Graphics 3DS image, this being a portable debut. The truth is that they have been only eight years since the game debuted on the PlayStation 2 and veteran, so it's more than fair to ask if it really is time to devote much attention to a game revival has not even served a decade and that, strictly speaking, has only added a continuation with respect to the series numbered (in the portable PSP, yes, we had the interesting Portable Ops and Peace Walker).

However, we must also admit that if it was a first approach of the series to the laptop and go for the 3D image, this was the best possible delivery, especially wild scenarios that Copan and the potential for give a good sense of depth. The game's story is one of its key aspects, as throughout the series, as they did in the original makes extensive use of video sequences to carry the narrative, as well as talks on the radio. Without going into details that are well known either by readers or do not want to find out ahead of time, we must remember that this game puts us in the role of men to be known as Big Boss, the beloved father of Solid Snake, the main hero of the series, because he took the genes which made ​​the clones. Big Boss is here a brave and strong soldier elite, yes, but still very green in many respects, this mission will mark his destiny, you become a hero in your soul and plant the seed that led him to become the great Solid Snake antagonist in the original delivery.

The title role in the mythology of the series is, therefore, another aspect that has certainly weighed heavily when bet on him to carry the handset. Recall that is the first appearance of the series on a Nintendo in a long time ... particularly since Silicon Knights and Konami made the Gamecube remake of Metal Gear Solid. In this way, the truth is to rescue the history of the origins of the series is a good choice.

One of the fundamental questions one asks when facing the game is whether or not this is one of the most impressive titles on a visual level that is in Nintendo 3DS, and the truth is that 3D Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater looks very well in the laptop, but not the most impressive we have found in the console. In this regard we note that the years have not passed in vain and the game offers a superb art section which covers the vast majority of its technical weaknesses when compared with the beasts current console (think especially in Resident Evil Revelations) so the overall package is still outstanding.

Clearly, in short, that if it was decided to use a storage capacity of 4GB (3DS hitherto had been used up to 2GB) this has been due mainly to the voices and video sequences trufan development. It is also true that the game chooses a comprehensive electronic manual-to-we access from the console menu and just a printed brochure in the box, but do not think this would mean a large increase in memory used for the game .

In the visual, the game clearly benefits from the 3D viewing experience, but also on the second screen of the console, allowing you to clear the playing area. That action makes this clear on the top screen, and the truth is that it is one of those subtle things but are appreciated. It must be said, though, that although the integration of 3D is great, the game has problems sometimes in the rate of frames per second, which is unstable at times.

This was much in the original, so I suppose it is a direct legacy of the conversion, because the console has shown to have superior graphics power to move without these setbacks. Surely if he had opted for a game created specifically for the console, or had chosen to review it thoroughly graphics engine for better optimization, these problems could have been avoided or substantially reduced.

Control of the game, meanwhile, feels very differently depending on whether we have the Circle Pad Pro, the peripheral that adds a second analog stick on the right side of the console. If you have, the control is great, because it is a very smooth translation of the original approach. We aim with a round pad, move to the other, and shoot with the triggers of the console. With the touch screen you access to all necessary items very quickly and directly. The gaming experience is fantastic and very interesting also play centered on the experience of first person view, even when the gameplay is clearly designed to be played in the traditional third person view, relegating the subjective to shoot.

When not using the Circle Pad Pro is another matter much, because the button layout is not very lucky. It forces us to control the camera with the front buttons of the console pad to move with the move and press L to switch to first person point-and then R to shoot. We can not say it to malfunction, but certainly not done with the softness that we would like and not as comfortable as the choice of the Circle Pad Pro unplayable without actually doing so, shows that the original control well has not been redefined for the controls default of the notebook, but do not know if they could have found a better option, that's the truth. The main problem lies, therefore, that the Circle Pad Pro-occupied proportionally enough and is an optional accessory that is an added cost.

Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater has occasional problems with the camera, but are direct inheritance of structure eight years ago. Today many of these situations are resolved differently and that's where we note that the game has already eight years behind. Considering the large difference between the control and configuration and other defects resulting from the graphics frame rate per second, we found ourselves with the main elements that play against and away from the Excellence in conversion.

In any case, the title of undisputed basis showing the great work they did on Konami this game. However, time does not pass in vain and some design elements we are playable and a bit rough, showing, above all, that in a few years this industry moves so much and users are increasingly demanding products that are offer. However, all these shadows are minimal compared to their great virtues.

The title is incredibly addictive and probably one of the titles of the series most enjoyable playable level. The camouflage system was one of their most important, and although much refined in the fourth installment, here is still very fun. With the camera console also can take pictures outside of our surroundings to achieve own camouflage patterns. It is difficult to improve we can achieve in the development of the game, but is a system that integrates nicely additional features of the console and is left to enjoy.

The stealth in the jungle, the interaction with the animals that inhabit it, and many other elements, such as grappling, still work great. In addition, its major and minor characters are well posed, as well as characters in themselves and in their routines when addressing the role of enemies. The depth of many of these types (and, especially, who plays The Boss, of course) has not yet found a parallel in the saga, and clashes are fascinating, epic, culminating in a raw and gritty fight in one of the most beautiful spots in this series have been given. His curve is always up, always better.

Today the question is whether we want to play Metal Gear Solid 3 in a portable console with 3D imaging, tactile control elements and a very good control system (if we Circle Pad Pro) or go for an experience from the screen great with the revised version for HD consoles. Perhaps Konami has been their main trip in this regard. But we can not deny is that 3D Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater is a superb game and possibly the best in the series for many fans. Your gaming experience is always attractive and the innovations that are introduced into 3DS are very attractive, although it is not perfect, something that will remind us of the rate of frames per second. The positive tilt the scales in favor of the result obtained in the laptop, above all, we must insist on it-especially if we have the accessory Circle Pad Pro, making this game a great way to enjoy that is already a classic video games.

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