Where to Buy Max Payne 3
Looking for Max Payne 3, Is Max Payne 3 worth to buy? Max Payne 3 is expected to be released May 15, 2012 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and May 29, 2012 on PC. Before you decide to buy Max Payne 3, read first my reviews below. I hope my reviews could give you enough information. Also there are Pre-order bonus for Max Payne 3, get the Deadly Force Burst, which provides higher damage bullets in multiplayer. Additionally, pre-order by April 15, 2012 and get the Pill Bottle, which lets you carry more painkillers in multiplayer. Offer valid on all existing pre-orders. Access code will be e-mailed within two business days after your order ships.
Preorder Bonus: Get Preorder Bonus through this link.
Max Payne 3 Trailer
Max Payne Review
The end is near for the return of Max Payne, after nine years of its second part, a game that is sure who fell in love with the spectacular gunfights and adult narrative of the first two installments developed by Remedy Entertainment, are waiting with open arms . An uplifting story, with Max in a much more hostile than his usual New York, which will test our particular hero, a title that despite the years faithfully maintains the hallmarks of the series. And adding to the cocktail of high levels of production and quality provided by Rockstar on all their works, animations and breathtaking physical, very visual and narrative and stimulating.
But really the big news of this release is its multiplayer, which, as we were told, and we could guess, would not be an add-on, made hastily, unwilling, or simply meet. Hardly anyone sees an action game in either first or third person, no multiplayer. An increasingly competitive field with titles such as series Call of Duty, Battlefield and Gears of War, who have taken this form to levels of excellence difficult to overcome. Very smart Rockstar Studios, rather than to compete on an equal footing with those games, and offer the same, or something very similar, have opted to create a multiplayer with its own personality, that after having played intensely we liked it.

Its different game modes, customization options and the bullet time, which felt very curious to see how it was implemented in multiplayer. A bullet time if almost hard to understand how it works while you're playing, and will cost us explain it to you to understand perfectly. Not confusing, much less, but because it has introduced so naturally, and it works so well, it looks as if it had not been a problem for Rockstar add in multiplayer gameplay.
As you should know the bullet time is one of the hallmarks of the series and the pillars of gameplay, a skill which will slow over time and allows us to destroy the enemies and dodge their bullets and spectacular acrobatic movements for example shooting in the air after a jump. In multiplayer, this enhancer functions in a special way. Only players in your field of vision come into bullet time, and in turn, if they are watching others, these third parties will also enter into this mode of action slowed. Now you activate it, or select another player you're playing over the internet, if you see or you see him doing bullet time slow down time.

If you think about it a moment of overwhelming logic and no sense that any other way. Can you imagine seeing an enemy floating in the air in slow motion and you moving normally? It would not make sense, any more would have a rival on the other side of the stage activate bullet time and slow down for all players in the game, which would be tedious and illogical. So while it may sound confusing, the bullet time works great, and it is an important and distinctive in its gameplay. Another issue is, and what has generated more questions, its weight and importance in the multiplayer gameplay.
If the campaign and use their utility is clear, in multiplayer we have something much more strategic, to be used more head. Maybe when we are about to die, to surprise and confuse the opponent, or to shoot accurately at an enemy that is far away or a different height, throwing in the air flying bullet time enabled. Not that useful, is that seems superfluous, as you can make good games without using it, but at the same time gives the impression that players who learn to use it wisely, make the difference. And yes, forget the occurrence of an excessive use of this ability, because every time you spend activate adrenaline, like the rest of bursts, the special skills that we have in the multiplayer.

As we go shooting and killing enemies and loot their bodies, an action that brings us several advantages, we will fill the adrenaline bar. Once filled, up to three different levels, can trigger a burst. For example if you activate the bullet time in level 1 of the bar burst, the last 2.5 seconds, at level 2 will be 4 seconds, and the third level 6 seconds. Another of these special abilities is Big Dog, which increases your health and that of the nearby team, this in level 1 as also in 2 of the visible, and at level three even those who do not see. Intuition shows the position of enemies, Weapon Dealer ammunition does not spend over a certain time, Weapon Double Dealer causes enemies to lose their secondary weapons and grenades, and paranoia confuses the opposing team, unable to distinguish allies from enemies. These are just some examples, as will many others burst.
The same gameplay of the single-player campaign, with the spectacular and realistic animations, physics system, and how well you aim and fire, has been transferred faithfully to the multiplayer, and can also play with a semiautomatic pointed it works quite well, and allow us to activate or not, and imagine, to differentiate the items in which you play with or without it. But in addition to the outstanding gameplay with a lot of control over everything we do, what makes it so fun to multiplayer Max Payne 3 are the two main modes and exclusive: Gang War and Payne Killer.

Gang War is the heart and soul of the multiplayer, way star, a confrontation in which teams in each round will change our purpose, we have to do. The first round can be a kind of capture the flag, catching and carrying a package delivery point, the second a team deathmatch, and capture the third one of the three zones to score points. The fourth round may involve having to put explosives on two points in the scene, taking the other team to be avoided, and the fifth protecting a character of our team, because if you kill in less than a certain time the opposing team will win . As you can see, several multiplayer modes in the same way in different rounds, and unpredictable order and appearance.
Playing this way we could not separate us from the control, pure pleasure, fun and no repetitive, to be doing different things all the time. Besides if that was not original enough has a narrative component, and we understood perfectly why it is the soul of multiplayer. Payne Killer, this only eight players also found it very original and entertaining. The action begins as a classic all against all but the first murderer is transformed into Max, and the first victim in Raul Passos, one of the protagonists of Max Payne 3, an old friend of Max. From this point, the goal of the other six players will kill Max and Passos, and every time someone kills one of two characters, it will become. The more time you spend in the skin of Max or Passos, killing enemies, you get more points to win the game.

Imagine those that are bundled with these two characters against the rest, and in feeling that occurs when you control Max or Passos. Required to understand and protect at least these two characters have a couple of aid to tackle the rest. For example, a stronger weapon, as Raul has a devastating machine gun, and also be able to use painkillers to heal health, which the other characters can not do, and that will save your life in more than one occasion. Unlike the campaign, you can pick up life with painkillers, the multiplayer is automatic regeneration of life. Moreover, every time you see above the heads of the enemies name and health, which is quite interesting, because if you see a rival in the past, chances are you unceremoniously hauls him.
The characters are drawn from the multiplayer Brazilian police to the different bands, such as Cracha Preto and Troop Z. Customization options are plentiful, choosing the sex, different types of faces, color, accessories like hats, glasses, tattoos, pants, hair, shirt, or go bare-chested, shoes, etc., in short very complete. This in purely visual, as when the character equip, give us a huge range of possibilities. A weapon in each hand, a great weapon, a type of explosive like grenades, helmet to protect the chest, body armor, and equip up to three power-ups. All that we are slipping into the character he is adding a burden which we see reflected in a bar, and cause more or less slow, so we have to be careful.

There are several presets in case we want to eat the head, typical of a short shotgun, sniper rifle, balanced, etc., but there are so many customization options that grace is in us as the character. As is fashionable in the genre, we will be getting the multiplayer experience, leveling up (to 50), and we will get money to buy better accessories and weapons. Each person will find the way you like to play, is quite flexible, but for example we do not believe that the "campers" will embitter us the games, taking action rather frantic pace and intense, inviting you to move, or so at least it was in our play session. To some he gave him a rocket launcher equipped, wreaking havoc and causing very funny situations, but this at all unbalanced games, it was just an added incentive.
If your single-player campaign with a cinematic story interesting and well developed and full of intense action spectacular moments with perfect control, not enough, we also care multiplayer mode, which is far from a mere supplement to fill and make the product more complete. It's careful, full details, original and very funny ways, and makes the games even more interest, which already was little. Each contact with Max Payne 3 we had a bomb playing, and we are looking forward to mid May to see if it meets expectations, something that we do not have too many doubts.
Where To Preorder Max Payne 3 Online?
Amazon has the best deal on Max Payne 3 for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Pre-order bonus for Max Payne 3, get the Deadly Force Burst, which provides higher damage bullets in multiplayer. Additionally, pre-order by April 15, 2012 and get the Pill Bottle, which lets you carry more painkillers in multiplayer. And you get pre-order price guarantee! Order now and if the Amazon price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you'll receive the lowest price.